AITA for kicking this girl out of my house after she mistook my UK flag for a confedrate flag? And was planning to get us fired from our jobs?

A man kicked a guest out of his house after she mistook his UK flag for a Confederate flag, secretly recorded him to gather “evidence,” and allegedly planned to get him and his roommates fired. While others brushed it off as a misunderstanding, he felt her actions crossed a line. Read the full story below…
‘Â AITA for kicking this girl out of my house after she mistook my UK flag for a confedrate flag? And was planning to get us fired from our jobs?’
Me and two of my friends rent out a decent size house and we had a get together. My roommate is friends with these two girls call them Kate and Jess, and they invite with them a new friend call her Ashley. Now Ashley when she comes over I see that she is recording us, I thought she was just posting to her Instagram and Snapchat.
I don’t pay attention to any of it really. I notice that she is just video taping a lot, so I am like Kate can you check on your friend like whats going on? Turns out.. she thought that the UK flag we have hanging in our living room was a confederate flag. And she was getting “Evidence against us.”
When she found out that it wasn’t everyone just acted like it was a huge joke. But I got pissed, like for real? you think we are r**ist, yet invite you over to our house, where you have our hospitality and our food/alcohol. In the meanwhile you are getting evidence to ruin our livelihoods?
I don’t want anyone like that in my house AT ALL. So I make a scene and get her to leave. Kate and Jess say it was just a misunderstanding. I was like no there wasn’t ts the principle behind it. Some of our friends have came to Ashley’s side but I don’t see how you can support her.
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − NTA- WTF? This girl needs to google the UK flag. Americans know what the UK flag looks like so the fact that she didn’t is mind blowing.
[Reddit User] − NTA. I don’t want someone in my house who’s secretly recorded me in an effort to ruin my life. You have every right to ban her from your home, even if your roommates don’t agree. She’s not a safe person to have in your living space.
Yorkshireman94 − As an Englishman I am both shocked and appalled that our beautiful flag was mistaken for a confederate flag. I mean c’mon, how stupid do you have to be 😂 Should’ve just left her to it and watched the fallout of her stupidity
Stellaaahhhh − NTA. I mean, she feels strongly enough about seeing a confederate flag that she wants to get evidence to use against you but not so strongly that she even knows what it looks like? That alone is a**hole behavior.
And as you pointed out, she’s bothered enough to want to call you out on her social media but not bothered enough to leave, or even to just say something face to face about it? A simple question: “Is that a confederate flag on your wall?” Would have solved the issue and everyone could have had a laugh and carried on with their evening.
-Cabby- − NTA. Even when you take away all the context about racism, you are left with the fact that she was trying to get you in trouble for no reason.
TCTX73 − NTA. I wouldn’t want someone that stupid in my house either
chasingstatues − NTA. And even though I’m a liberal, I’d still say that even if it was a Confederate flag. I’m not about this trend of trying to ruin people’s lives over politics.
Arthur_Bird − NTA, although more for the “stupid people are dangerous people” angle than anything else – a smarter person would have been pretty appalled that they’d been on the verge of launching a serious accusation on obviously wrong grounds, and who knows what else someone who can’t distinguish the UK flag from the confederate flag might say?
Maybe something that wouldn’t be so easy to disprove with a photo. But I would be pretty unhappy if I showed up at a house and someone had a confederate flag up, and I’d think that was something that people in our social circle deserved to know about.
I mean, I hope you don’t think that once you’ve eaten at someone’s house, you have to shut up if you find out that they’re r**ist/misogynist/h**ophobic, etc. That stuff isn’t branded on the forehead.
mpolo12marco − There is literally a video of this happening on Tik Tok, funny seeing this end up on Reddit. It’s probably the same people. I’ll see if I can find the video.
strangr55 − So, to sum it up: none of the people who live there invited her; you-all don’t know her and she doesn’t know you-all; she’s eating you-all’s food, drinking you-all’s alcohol, while not very surreptitiously gathering evidence to call you-all out in public (falsely). Dumb as a rock. Kicking her out was the right call here. NTA
Was the Redditor right to kick out someone who misjudged him so severely, or should he have handled the misunderstanding differently? What would you have done in this situation? Share your perspective below!