AITA for kicking out my dad and his pregnant wife out of the home I legally own after they sent my depressed sister to live with our aunt?


A Reddit user shared a tense family situation involving their father and his pregnant wife. After the user’s mother passed away, they inherited the family home, where their father now lives with his new wife. When the father’s wife mistreated the user’s grieving younger sister and sent her to live with an aunt, the user decided to evict them both. Now, their father is calling them cruel and threatening legal action over the will. Read the full story below to see if you think they were justified.


‘ AITA for kicking out my dad and his pregnant wife out of the home I legally own after they sent my depressed sister to live with our aunt?’

My mother passed away 3 years ago. The family home, where I and my sister grew up, was willed to me. It was her ancestral property, and she wanted her daughter to have it. The other vacation home went to my 16 year old sister.

Our father remarried 6 months after mom passed away and moved his new wife in. My sister says that that woman has removed all of our family pictures from the main living area. She has removed our mom’s pictures as well. Now all of these pictures adorn the walls of my sister’s room.


Recently our father and his wife announced that they were pregnant with twins. My sister didn’t take it well. She’s still not over mom’s death and had a breakdown after the announcement.

The night of my sister’s 16th birthday party, she brought a lot of friends over and the party went on till the next morning. My dad’s wife, who was out with our father on vacation returned the same morning and lost her cool when she saw the kids passed out on the living room. Our dad knew about the party, they just got home earlier than expected.


His wife proceeded to lose her cool and had a big shouting match with my sister. She said that my sister was just like our mom and was a burden on our dad. She then asked her to leave and sent her packing to our aunt’s.

I was furious when I got to know about it. I showed up home the next day and asked them to leave within a week. She’s 7 months pregnant and had no idea that the house belonged to me. I know I shouldn’t be kicking a pregnant woman out but I don’t want my spineless father and his wife to abuse my sister anymore. My father called me a cruel b**t and now wants to challenge our mom’s will. He can try, my mom’s family has already appointed their family lawyer to fight my case.. AITA?


Here’s what Redditors had to say:

pisquish −  NTA, it kind of sounds like your dad’s new wife just wanted your sister out of the way for her new perfect little family.

henchwench89 −  NTA his wife thought your dad owned the house and threw her weight around. If the house was in your mothers name and she willed it to you theres not much your dad can do legally.


[Reddit User] −  NTA. The fact that your father is allowing his new wife to speak to his children in this manner is disgusting. Let them go be bullies somewhere else.

nickis84 −  NTA – Sounds like step-mommy dearest didn’t know the house wasn’t your dad’s. Something your dad probably neglected to tell her. They’re adults, if they can be cruel to your sister, they can deal with reality of finding their own place to live!


BellaBlue06 −  NTA they’re both being cruel to your sister and kicked her out of the house you own. Not cool. You’re standing up for your sister. Your dad marrying 6 months after your mom’s death is also so cringe. I’m sorry what you went through

WorkingMagpie −  NTA Your father should have been there for his daughter but he isn’t so you have to be. Your father and his pregnant wife can kick rocks.


pd46lily −  Morally NTA, legally.. meh.

1. Your Dad is an ass


2. Please, if she isn’t already, see about getting your sister counseling

3. If your Aunt doesn’t own her own home, move her and your sister in once dad and step ~~monster~~ mother have moved out (but I’m petty)


Lovely_Pidgeon −  NTA they are adults and can handle themselves. However, you might have crossed some lines legally and you probably should have consulted a lawyer before kicking them out to make sure you gave them enough notice.

mouse_attack −  INFO, how old are you and is your sister’s house in a trust? I’m not going to judge, but I will say that you need to get that lawyer in place **now**. As another comment mentioned, what you’re attempting is actually an eviction, and you need to follow legal procedures in trying to get them out.


Whether or not it’s an AH move, I think you’ve got to follow through now as your actions/circumstances basically will add up to your father and step-mom being hostile tenants, and hostile tenants can do A LOT of damage.

NAL, but if I were you, I would request a police escort to go into the house today and get anything of value to you, including any paperwork you need as well as any of your mother’s possessions you don’t want to see destroyed.


You also have to think about your sister’s situation if your dad is her primary caregiver. What kind of retaliation is she going to face as a result of this? Are you old enough/willing/prepared to take her in? These are the kinds of practicalities a lawyer should be able to help you sort out. Get one, like yesterday.

TheAntiLife −  I’m just curious as to the wife’s reaction when she found out you owned the house


Was the user right to stand up for their sister and take back their family home, or should they have handled the eviction more delicately given the circumstances? How would you navigate such a delicate family matter? Share your thoughts below!

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