AITA for kicking out my (22F) friend (21F) for demanding i pay rent for my apartment?


A 22-year-old woman lives in an apartment owned by her parents with her friend D, who pays a reduced rent while her parents cover all her expenses. When D’s college friend A overstays her welcome at the apartment for weeks, the bills double.

After making a joke about D’s dad covering her bills, D accuses her of not understanding financial pressures and demands that she pay rent too. Tensions rise, leading the narrator to kick both D and A out, telling D to find another place by the start of the semester. After D moves out, the narrator reflects on whether her actions were justified or if she overreacted.


‘AITA for kicking out my (22F) friend (21F) for demanding i pay rent for my apartment?’






See what others had to share with OP:






Was the narrator justified in her decision to kick out her friend, or did she overstep by refusing to accommodate A during her difficult time? How do you think financial responsibilities should be handled in shared living situations? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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One Comment

  1. Aa 5 days ago

    Here’s the thing. It’s not your place, it’s your parents place. You should have called them and updated. Not taken action. Both should have contributed, but you are not contributing anything, so shouldn’t have really had a say.