AITA for kicking out my (22F) friend (21F) for demanding i pay rent for my apartment?’

A 22-year-old woman lives in an apartment owned by her parents with her friend D, who pays a reduced rent while her parents cover all her expenses. When D’s college friend A overstays her welcome at the apartment for weeks, the bills double.

After making a joke about D’s dad covering her bills, D accuses her of not understanding financial pressures and demands that she pay rent too. Tensions rise, leading the narrator to kick both D and A out, telling D to find another place by the start of the semester.

After D moves out, the narrator reflects on whether her actions were justified or if she overreacted.

‘ AITA for kicking out my (22F) friend (21F) for demanding i pay rent for my apartment?’

My friend D and I have been living in the apartment my parents own for college. We split utility bills while she also pays 300e for rent. Its a 2 bedroom, living room, kitchen and 1.5 bathrooms in a nice area, 300e is not nearly how much rent for that place would cost under normal circumstance.

Nevertheless, our parents are civil with eachother so the massive discount was agreed upon on the premise that we split utility. I don’t pay rent as my parents own it, but work and spend my own money for daily needs and groceries. D doesn’t either, her parents pay everything.

For a year now, D has been inviting her college friend who I’ll call A to study at our place, sometimes sleep over. A lives off campus but in a really dodgy area with her older brother and his friend. More than a month ago, D asked if A can stay over for a week, I told her no problem because I had a vacation set for that time.

When I got back 9 days later, she was still at our place, so I asked D when A was going home, as I had planned for my friend to come over for the weekend. She told me A got into a fight with her brother and didn’t want to be there rn. I was annoyed but I never found an issue with A so I just asked she leave until the end of the week.

She didn’t. 3 weeks passed and bills came in, which were almost double of what they were previously. I sat down D, gave her a run-down of the bills and she seemed surprised. She said me “I’m not paying that much”. I looked at her and made a joke “Yeah you’re not, your dad is”. D got angry and went into her room.

I thought the joke didn’t land well so I knocked on her door to apologize, but I overheard D ranting how I don’t even pay for anything so I wouldn’t understand why her parents are mad. I entered the room, told A to pick up her stuff and leave. She seemed embarrassed, but 20 minutes later she left.

I asked D what she meant by that, and she said “The bills are twice as much as last months and dad is going insane over why he has to pay this much when you even had a guest over.” I told her shes a h**ocrite if she thinks my friend staying over for a weekend affected the bills nearly as much as A living here for a month.

She told me I’m heartless for blaming A ,who was having a hard time, for the increased bills, and screamed I should contribute MORE to them. Then, she called her dad in the bathroom and demanded that I pay rent too because it’s unfair.

I told her she’s insane if she thinks I’ll pay rent in my own apartment and that she has until the start of the semester to find another place and move out, D started crying and throwing some towels on the ground. She did move out a few days ago. We haven’t spoken since, but A texted me apologizing for burdening me.

My parents told me it wasn’t my decision to make, even though they agree. Now, I’m not sure if i was an a**hole for making her to move out or for how I acted towards both her and A.

See what others had to share with OP:

BananaKDM −  NTA it’s just pure logic. People are too soft and illogical these days. If she feels so inclined to help someone out then she should do so from her own pocket.

sherlocked27 −  NTA. It’s done and sorted. Move on and study well

Right_Bee_9809 −  NTA. Rooming with a friend is a great way to lose a friend. Find a roommate who seems responsible and charge the full rent.

mothlady1 −  Sounds like A is looking for a place to live and would be less e**itled roommate

throwaway1551155115 −  NTA, actions have consequences, D learned a very important lesson. It’s cool that she was trying to help someone out but you can’t expect another person to foot the bill

[Reddit User] −  NTA and I’m absolutely baffled by the e s h verdicts

Little_Mistake_1780 −  NTA. D sounds immature and not really understand of how the “real world” works
A, however, sounds pretty mature as even down on her luck she apologized to you, I would consider her as a new potential roommate if you see her fit as such, could be some good karma.

[Reddit User] −  NTA – LMAO, the entitlement here is astonishing, but definitely not unsurprising

pattyG80 −  D was living at your place basically asking why you don’t pay her share? You’re all incredibly privileged, but you are NTA here. Your dad’s place, you don’t need roommates? F**k’em

zeldagarwal −  NTA, not one bit. D was completely out of line. If she couldn’t cover having a guest over, she shouldn’t have let her stay for a month.

Was the narrator justified in her decision to kick out her friend, or did she overstep by refusing to accommodate A during her difficult time? How do you think financial responsibilities should be handled in shared living situations? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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