AITA for kicking my sister out to the streets because she cannot take my “f***ing violin” playing?


A Reddit user shares a story of sibling tensions gone too far. After offering her recently heartbroken sister a temporary place to stay, things took a sour turn when her sister began complaining about her violin practice — essential for her livelihood as a professional musician. Despite compromises and warnings, the situation escalated until the sister crossed a line by disrespecting the musician’s instruments. In the end, the user decided to kick her sister out after her dismissive remarks about the violin. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for kicking my sister out to the streets because she cannot take my “f***ing violin” playing?’

I am(30f) a musician, playing gigs and at an orchestra as a violinist. Rehearsals just resumed so orchestra is my main source of income atm. My sister(26f) is a social worker, working 3days a week so minimal income but she adores her job.

I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment (both rooms around 9-10sqr meters), using the second room as a practice room/storage for my instruments (3violins, 2 guitars, a digital piano, a small drum kit), and other stuff.


4 months ago my sister broke up with her bf and I offered her my spare room, temporarily. I moved most of my stuff to the living room so I could fit a small bed in there. Sis moved in, but she asked me to move more stuff to the living room. I moved pretty much everything sans the piano, to the point where the living room became uninhabitable.

Then she started complaining about my violin playing, saying it gave her headaches. I told her I couldn’t stop the daily practice without risking my only steady income. The arguments got worse. She told me to play only when she wasn’t home, but with her work schedule I couldn’t afford that. I tried switching to the electric violin, but even that can be pretty loud so it didn’t help.


Several times I reminded her this was only a temporary arragement, but she didn’t seem to hear me. Two weeks ago I arrived home to finding my piano in the bathroom (near water and humidity!), because my sis needed the space for her new double bed.

When I told her she can’t srsly expect me to store my piano there, she said “yeah, you will just have to sell it I guess”. I got so mad I told her she has 7 days to leave, but she didn’t take me seriously. For a week I only talked to her to remind her how much time she has left, but she always laughed it off, told me to “stop acting like a crazy person”.


When the deadline came I boxed up all her stuff while she was at work, booked an rbnb bedsit close by and drove her stuff there. She was livid but couldn’t do anything but take her new keys and stay there.

The following week she kept calling me with an increasingly apologetic tone, saying she shouldn’t have moved my piano or bought a bed. She promised she would put more effort into finding a new place, and by the end of the week I considered most of our issues at least addressed, so I drove to help her move back.


But when I was carrying the first box down, she went “I do hope you will at least stop with the violin this time. I absolutely refuse to take more of that f***ing violin.” I dropped the box, wished her good luck and left.

Now, two days later: on one hand it feels like a huge overreaction to leave my own sister literally homeless because of an argument about the violin (i know she cannot afford to stay there), but on the other hand I have no plans to allow her back here, because I feel she would just continue crossing boundaries and never leave.. So, AITA?


These are the responses from Reddit users:

Cup-And-Handle −  NTA- Noise canceling headphones…problem sloved. If she is unable to do the absolute bare minimum than she clearly doesn’t mind being homeless. It is absolutely absurd that she would touch a musician’s instruments, in their house, and not know that there would not be a repercussions. You even gave her a second chance. Focus on your work and she can deal with her problems.

TheOperaGeek −  Yeah, no. NTA. I’m a professional musician as well (opera singer). As musicians, we MUST practice to keep our skills in good upkeep and flexibility, especially after a damn year of gig drought.


SnooDrawings1480 −  As someone who suffers from.chronic migraines and the sound of constant violin would cause me intense pain, every single day…….. I’m still saying NTA. she is living in your home. If she gets headaches from.violin playing she either should make herself scarce or buy earplugs/noise cancelling headphones.

When I had to move back in with my parents, i never bitched when my stepfather would have Zoom meetings for work in the next room. I’d ask them to keep it down if I had a bad migraine, but only when he wasn’t working. Id never ask him to sacrifice his job performance, which is what she’s asking you to do.. NTA


slydog4100 −  NTA. Guests don’t get to make the rules for what you can do in your own household. Entitled freeloading guests who think they make the rules are the absolute worst.

DiscountFlaky −  NTA. She only had one job-graciously accept you providing shelter for her. But she effed it up, despite multiple points where she could’ve sucked it up.. Ling Ling Approves.


Bumbledragoness −  NTA. If the violin bothered her, she should’ve made herself scarce during practice hours

Mirianda666 −  NTA. Yeah your sister told you that your profession and your need to practice didn’t matter . . . because it inconvenienced her. She doesn’t give a damn about you or your life, she just wants what she wants, when she wants it.


Your sister feels entitled to trash your profession and tell you that your professional accomplishments don’t matter because HER needs obviously need to take priority. Yeah, you didn’t over react. Your sister told you that your life and your career don’t matter a hill of beans when compared to her need for peace and quiet. Feel no guilt.

curiousbelgian −  NTA. I guess we can see why her bf dumped her too. Obviously your violin is essential for your working life, and as a guest it was up to her to accommodate herself to it. Buying herself a new bed for your apartment without asking is a huge boundary transgression, likewise the piano. She sounds very self-centred. Hopefully this whole affair will prove a wake up call for her, though my hopes are not high.


wrinkleconnoiseur −  Nta. Choosy beggar, much??

thebabes2 −  NTA. She’s disrespectful and entitled. You were trying to do her a favor and she was rude at every possible turn. Let her find another job and figure out her own living situation. I agree with you, I think if you let her back in she’d be sorry for a day or two and go right back to her old tricks. You deserve better. Reclaim your music room and keep doing what you need to be successful.


Do you think the Redditor was justified in enforcing her boundaries as a musician, or should she have been more forgiving towards her sister’s frustration? How would you balance personal boundaries with family obligations in a shared space? Share your thoughts below!

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