AITA for kicking my pregnant girlfriend out of my house when I found out the child wasn’t mine?


A Redditor broke up with his girlfriend after suspecting infidelity, but agreed to let her move back in when she announced she was pregnant with his child. However, after a paternity test revealed that the child wasn’t his, he asked her to leave. Now, he’s facing backlash from friends and family who argue that he should help her during this vulnerable time for the child. Read the full story below:


‘ AITA for kicking my pregnant girlfriend out of my house when I found out the child wasn’t mine?’

My ex and I had been together for 2 years. It was rocky for the last couple months when she lost her job and just seemed to refuse to look for work just living for free in my house causing me to have to financially support us both. I also suspected she was cheating on me, and eventually I broke up with her and she left to live with her parents.

A few weeks later she comes knocking on my door to let me know she’s pregnant with my child. She was practically beaming with glee. I agreed to let her stay with me again as my home would be a healthier place to stay as her mom smokes like a chimney and refused to stop smoking inside when she found out her daughter was pregnant. Didn’t want my child subjected to that.


The one caveat to this arrangement being we would go in a couple weeks and get a paternity test done. She very happily agreed. Her reaction actually washed away some of the fears I had about her possibly cheating on me. So she lives with me for a couple weeks and we go to get the test done.

We find out that the child isn’t mine and like a switch is flipped I honestly no longer care about that kid anymore and tell her to pack up her s**t and get out of my house. This was a week ago. She moved her stuff back to her parents house, but is staying with a friend to avoid the cigarette smoke and other problems there.


She, her friends, and even a few of our mutual friends are texting and messaging me about how I’m a terrible person for doing this to that innocent child. That I have plenty of room in my home and I should just help her out. I feel like I’ve been through the emotional ringer these past months and I’ve been though every emotion I am capable of feeling.

From realizing I was possibly a father to the betrayal when her cheating was confirmed…honestly I feel so emotionally raw and sometimes I agree with them. That maybe I should take her back and just care for the kid.


Was I unfair to this unborn child? Am I a total piece of s**t for not wanting them in my home in this vulnerable time for them? She cheated on me, but is this a situation that I should s**k it up and take care of them anyway?

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

Debasers_Comics −  She, her friends, and even a few of our mutual friends are texting and messaging me about how I’m a terrible person for doing this to that innocent child. Suggested reply to each and every one of those cocksuckers: “Lead by example: even though the baby isn’t yours, let her live with you. Show, don’t tell.”. NTA.


ElvisISback26 −  NTA she is lying, cheating, sneak that was using you in the worst way possible. Drop all those people now. You dodged the worlds largest bullet my man. Holy s**t

Breeschme −  Not the a**hole. She cheated on you and got pregnant, none of her situation is your responsibility anymore.


AntoinePV −  NTA she is your ex, and the child isnt yours they are not your responsibility. if anything she should go to the father if the child not you.

lyre34 −  NTA, you have no obligation to a m**ipulative woman who attempted to get taken care of for life by getting pregnant (not by you). She should be tracking down the real father if she intends to have that baby. Not badgering you about it.


skiptwenty −  NTA. Maybe, just maybe, her mom could consider not smoking in front of her pregnant daughter. This is insane. You have zero responsibility here. It would be saintly for you to continue letting to let her live at your house, for free, in this situation.

MarsNirgal −  NTA. Where’s the dad? He should be the one taking care of the child. (Also, make sure she doesn’t name you as the dad in the birth certificate. That might get you in trouble)


WanderingSoul1990 −  NTA. Don’t be a doormat. Do NOT accept her back in your home. You’ll never get rid of her again and you will be feeling regret and resentment for the rest of your life otherwise. You are NOT responsible for this irresponsible madwoman’s actions.

yildizli_gece −  SHP. (Is that how we abbreviate shitpost?). I mean, c’mon–this is like Reddit’s f**king *wet dream* of an issue: a GF who doesn’t work so she uses her BF’s money, cheats on her BF, gets pregnant and tells him it’s his only for him to find out it isn’t but “our friends keep telling me to take care of her anyway,” and then he comes here seeking validation about not “being an a**hole”?


(Not to mention the invasiveness of DNA testing a fetus while still in utero, which can even lead to miscarriage, but that was decided on so casually, was it?). This is like every f**king post on MGTOW or Braincels or any other “women s**k” sub, FFS. In the off chance this *is* real, OP, you f**king *know* you’re not wrong for wanting nothing to do with her and you’re just looking for a pat on the back; WTF…

spikewalls −  NTA. Its not your problem, man. Dont feel guilty. If she has any semblance of decency left, she’ll take care of the kid


Is the Redditor being unfair to the unborn child, or is he right to step away after discovering the truth? Should he set aside his feelings of betrayal, or is it justified to distance himself from a situation that hurt him deeply? Share your thoughts on how you would handle this emotionally charged situation.

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