AITA for kicking my cousin out over Reddit post?


Family relationships are never simple, especially when deep-seated cultural pride and personal boundaries come into play. The OP, a 28-year-old woman, opened her home to her 23-year-old cousin at her parents’ request, helping her settle into a new city. Although the relationship wasn’t close, familial duty prevailed—until a Reddit post shattered the fragile peace. The post, which mocked the OP’s newborn son’s middle name—a culturally significant tribute to her husband’s heritage—revealed a painful disregard for identity and respect.

The insult was not merely about an uncommon or mispronounced name; it was an outright dismissal of a cultural legacy and a blatant act of disrespect. When confronted, the cousin not only refused to apologize but doubled down, further deepening the rift. Faced with such blatant insensitivity and betrayal of hospitality, the OP and her husband felt they had no choice but to ask her to leave. This decision has since ignited a firestorm on social media and within the family.


‘AITA for kicking my cousin out over Reddit post?’

I(28f) and my husband(29m) hosted my cousin(23f) at our place since last summer because she wanted to find a job at our city and we were the only ones she knew, we aren’t close but my parents begged me to let her stay. My husband has very little native blood, he doesn’t know the language or culture but we did name our new born after his grandfather.


Just his middle name (Fake names) (John) Djarrtjuntjun (Harrison). Well five months after our beautiful boy birth I met up with an old colleague who showed me a screenshot of my boys name on a subreddit specifically to made fun of uncommon or misspelled names. Though the post has been deleted my colleague screenshot it because she thought it sounded familiar.

In the comments she remarked the OP has also made snickering comments on my child names. With people cheering her on. We dugged a little further and I could confirm it was my cousin profile. From her interest to her pictures post. Me and my husband confronted her about it and she said majority agreed with her that it was a stupid and horrendous name.


She also said it didn’t matter that it was a cultural name since my husband can’t speak and isn’t even involved in the culture. My husband was livid and we decided to kick her out. She has since blasted us on Facebook and family group chat to kick her out in a foreign city and since she was jobless and we are setting our son up for failure with names like that.

he also said she was doing us a favour by showing us how horrible of a name it was. However I don’t see that as the case as it was posted almost a year ago and she seems to have no intention to reveal to us otherwise. So I would like to know, am I really the a**hole?


Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries within families can be exceptionally challenging, particularly when cultural identity is at stake. Dr. Maria Sanchez, a family dynamics expert, explains that “cultural heritage is a core component of one’s identity, and any slight against it can feel deeply personal and damaging.” In this situation, the OP’s cousin’s decision to publicly ridicule a name that honors a rich cultural legacy was not only disrespectful but also hurtful to the family’s sense of self-worth and history.

When family members violate trust by mocking values that hold deep personal significance, the impact can ripple across generations. Experts emphasize that hospitality in a family setting is built on mutual respect. By accepting a place in someone’s home, guests are expected to honor the host’s traditions and beliefs. The cousin’s actions, therefore, represented more than just poor taste—they were an affront to the very principles of family loyalty and cultural pride.


Moreover, ongoing disrespect can erode the foundation of any relationship. Dr. Sanchez advises, “If a family member consistently fails to acknowledge or respect the cultural and emotional investments of others, it’s necessary to establish clear limits. Boundaries are not just about physical space—they are about safeguarding your identity and self-respect.” The OP’s decision to confront the issue head-on, although painful, was a crucial step toward asserting these boundaries.

The fallout from the Reddit post—and the subsequent refusal to apologize—served as a catalyst for action. In many cases, a lack of accountability for one’s words can lead to long-lasting resentment and division within a family. By choosing to remove her cousin from their home, the OP and her husband signaled that disrespect, especially when tied to cultural disparagement, will not be tolerated. This incident underscores a broader issue where cultural heritage is devalued by those who fail to see its significance, reinforcing the need for honest conversations and firm boundaries.


Here’s how people reacted to the post:

The Reddit community overwhelmingly supports the OP’s decision. Commenters decried the cousin’s behavior as not only disrespectful but also racist, emphasizing that mocking a culturally significant name is indefensible. Many noted that when someone takes advantage of familial hospitality and then disrespects it in public, they must face the consequences. The prevailing sentiment is clear: the OP’s actions were justified in protecting her family’s honor and cultural integrity.

[Reddit User] −  NTA. She has since blasted us on Facebook and family group chat to kick her out in a foreign city and since she was jobless and we are setting our son up for failure with names like that. She also said she was doing us a favour by showing us how horrible of a name it was.


However I don’t see that as the case as it was posted almost a year ago and she seems to have no intention to reveal to us otherwise. Your cousin abused your hospitality by making fun of your son’s middle name. There is no excuse for this. She effed around and found out the consequences. And she never did plan on telling you about the post – she was just looking for likes and followers for her profile.

Briiiiiiyonce −  NTA. She chose to FAFO.


Danube_Kitty −  NTA and that subreddit is also not for mocking meaningful middle names with cultural backround/specifications.

SnoopyisCute −  NTA. You graciously open your home to her because the family asked you to. And, she takes the opportunity to drag you over social media about something that is none of her business. Instead of apologizing, she chose to double down on disrespecting you in your home. My family hated me my entire life and I’ve never been disrespectful to them at any point. I don’t understand people that take their families for granted. It’s disgusting. I’m sorry you and your husband are dealing with this. Ignore her and anybody that agrees with her.


KnightofForestsWild −  NTA Tell her there is this guy who is actually only about 1/4 or 1/8 Hawaiian with a really weird *first* name professionals said would ruin his chances at a career. His name is Keanu and everybody knows it.

KimB-booksncats-11 −  Putting aside being incredibly rude and your cousin biting the hand that feeds her, I think your family is missing a key point here. Your cousin is r**ist. She is making fun of a name from your husband’s culture because it’s ‘different.’ That is so fricked up. It doesn’t matter your husband doesn’t have more cultural connections especially considering why.


My great grandmother was Lakota Sioux. (My great grandfather was Holland Dutch and got disowned for marrying her.) I find her & my great grandfather’s stories cool and interesting but I know very little about Lakota Sioux culture. She didn’t know much because she was taken from her family by missionaries as a child. That doesn’t diminish fact that this is her culture; it was just stolen from her.. NTA obviously.

Complete_Special_721 −  NTA. She had a good thing and destroyed it. Let your mother know what your cousin said about her grandchild and let her know you will never allow her near your family again.


Dittoheadforever −  You’re NTA. Obviously your cousin has never heard the warning to not bite the hand whch feeds you. She mocked your child’s name and when found out, not only refused to apologize, but doubled down and made excuses for it. And lied about it. As you said, she had no intention of ever confessing, so how would that have shown you what a “stupid and horrendous” name it is to give your child. Your cousin is a rudely opinionated, entitled, raging A-H.

microwaved__soap −  NTA your cousin is r**ist


PumpkinPowerful3292 −  NTA – She laughed and disrespected your son, his father, grandfather and their entire heritage in that n**ty Facebook post and when called on it went on to blame the victim for her r**ist crap. I wouldn’t have just kicked her out of your house but refused to have anything to do with her and other family that supported her. It is amazing to me that she thought this was a fine idea when she was being hosted by you out of the goodness of your hearts and this is how she repaid that kindness. Just awful and totally unnecessary.

In conclusion, the OP’s choice to kick her cousin out highlights the complexities of balancing family duty with self-respect and cultural pride. While family hospitality is a cherished value, it does not extend to allowing disrespect—especially when it undermines one’s identity. This incident raises important questions: How far should we go in defending our cultural heritage, and what are the limits of forgiveness in the face of repeated disrespect? Have you ever faced a situation where family loyalty clashed with personal values? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.


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