AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she’s on her period?
One Redditor recently shared a story about setting boundaries with her boyfriend and his daughter, especially after witnessing how the young girl’s behavior changed when she experienced her first period. The girl’s outbursts and demands, combined with her father’s leniency, led the original poster to ask both of them to leave her home. Now, she’s wondering if she made the right call. Read the full story below to decide.
‘ AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she’s on her period?’
My BF of 2 years has an 11yo daughter that just started her first ever menstrual cycle 3 days ago. He has full custody of her and they started making transitions to move in with me and my 8yo son about 2 weeks ago. Up until this point, everything was going fairly well. The kids got along and I thought Diane was a nice enough kid.
Anyways, she walks out of her bedroom 3 days ago and tells me she thinks she started her period and was asking me the general questions on how to wear a pad, what she can/can’t do, etc. All is well. I let her stay home from school after calling my BF at work to confirm plans and give him the run down.
She was crampy. I work from home so it was no issue. All day she interrupted my business calls to talk about her period. It was annoying but I just dealt with it because it’s her first menstrual so obviously there’s going to be a lot of questions. This wasn’t even the problem. It was what followed it.
She was in a great mood all day. But as soon as my BF and my son got home from work, my home turned in to a warzone. My son asked if she wanted to play with him and she screamed in his face “I’m on my period” and literally slammed him out of her doorway. He went flying, hit the wall. Bruised his shoulder and hit his head off the door frame.
My BF went to talk to her and she starts crying. “I’m on my period, I don’t want him near me”. He gave her a pass for her behavior, which already pissed me off. The next day we planned a beach day (like a week ago planned it), Diane starts flipping out to a point of a full tantrum.
Screaming AT me and my BF telling us that no, we would not still be going to the beach because she’s on her period and she can’t swim and since she can’t, none of us can and she “doesn’t care” if that bothers us. My BF cancels the trip, or tried. I told him I was still bringing my kid regardless.
We get back home at 3pm. When I left, I had a pot of chili in the slow cooker for dinner. I find half the pot gone. Diane had been eating out of the slow cooker. My BF told me that Diane said the only thing she wanted was chili and that since she was on her period, he had to let her. He listened to her. There wasn’t enough to feed everyone now.
We send the kids to bed at 8pm. She comes out at 9, telling her father that she needed ice cream or she “was going to snap”. He originally said no; she starts tweaking out. Crying, screaming. Wakes up my son. He ends up going and getting her the f**king ice cream instead of being a parent and snipping that s**t in the bud.
Then this morning. My BF tells her she can stay home from school again because she’s still on her period. I tell him no. I’m working today and she interrupted me all day on my last workday. She starts flipping out, screaming at me that I’m “not doing anything to make her comfortable when that’s what she needs right now”.
My BF sides with her. “It’s her first period, we need to learn to navigate it.” I told him again that she was NOT staying here today. He gets angry with me and says I’m making his life harder than it has to be. His kid is still screaming at me. So, I snapped and told them to pack all their s**t and leave and that I was f**king done.
Said that I’m glad she started her period so soon in to moving in so that I could get a proper assessment of how it would be full time and I would be damned I put up with this b**lshit every month. They both immediately calmed down. She starts crying, saying she was just “trying to make me understand”. He’s telling me I’m being ridiculous. I stood firm however and told them to get out. They are now gone and my house is peaceful. I don’t want them back here.
My BF has been blowing my phone up since, telling me this is just a bump in the road but I have never been so disgusted by anyone in my entire life. AITA for not letting them return and telling him I’m done?
I did speak to her about her aggression yesterday. I told her it wasn’t okay to put her hands on people, to scream in my face, to demand we cater to her and break things. She says “I’m on my period, nothing I do right now can be held against me because I have no control”. Which is enough to prove to me that she does have control, she’s using this as an excuse.
Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:
VeganCaramellCoffee − Out if curiousity: where could she have seen this type of behavior? Because honestly, this sounds like she saw it in some movie or whatever and is exagerating HARD. Nta for needing space, but please get your bf to figure out if she’s actually nuts or just acts like this because she thinks that how girls on their period should act.
Amazing_Reality2980 − NTA I think this is not just her period but signs of a much bigger problem where she’s m**ipulative AF and your BF always caves in to her when she acts badly instead of being a parent and putting a stop to the behavior. And he’s also showing you that he will always take her side over you no matter how bad her behavior is.
She’s also going to b**ly your son. He deserves to have a peaceful and safe home and not to have to live with a b**ly. Living with them will be hell if you let them stay. You have the opportunity in this moment to dodge the bullet.
Few_Regret2903 − NTA, the fact that she assaulted your son would have been enough for me, your BF will always side with his child. You made the right decision and the timing was perfect sooner rather than later. Good ridden to bad rubbish. Do not let them back into your home. Keep your peace, I am sure your son appreciates it. You son should come first.
TeoN72 − I raised two daughter as a male and no, this is not the way you raise a child, the problem is not the first period, his parenting is s**t
UndisputedNonsense − So, have you ended the relationship, or is he just not moving in?
EducationalLetter768 − NTA at all, your boyfriend’s daughter’s behaviour is a**orrent, unreasonable, entitled and completely s**fish. And VIOLENT
If anything your boyfriend’s the ah:
1. Just because she’s on her period doesn’t mean she can hit your son, constantly complain and disturb everyone and demand things
2. She hit your son, actually threw him at the wall – an 8 year old child. That’s is not a safe environment for your son. *It definitely does not matter it’s her first period*
3. Your boyfriend doesn’t discipline his daughter at all! she should have gotten punishment for throwing your son at the wall!!
4. Your boyfriend doesn’t get to say “you should be empathetic it’s her first period” – you’re a woman who has had years of getting a period every month. You would know better than him that her behaviour is at very least very unreasonable Good riddance! You get a better boyfriend. He didn’t care about your feelings, your son’s injury nothing but his poor baby girl that her tummy hurts. Not worth it
The_Bad_Agent − NTA. I have never known someone to use their cycle to excuse violent behavior. The fact that her father gave that a pass is a problem. I wouldn’t feel like my younger kid would be safe, unless I’m around. The BF can’t be trusted to see to his safety, because he’ll just give her a pass.
Grrrrtttt − To me, the problem here isn’t the kid. It’s the father. Kids act out and kids push boundaries and parents are meant to see them straight. But there was no setting straight by the father here. I wouldn’t want them back either, but because of him not her.
FairyFartDaydreams − NTA tell your BF as a person who has had your period for X number of years you know how much control his daughter should have for her behavior even though it is her first period. Even accounting for hormone fluctuations she appears to be suffering a severe case of Reddit diagnosed Central Character Syndrome. No it is not all about her. She needs to learn that lesson NOW
No_Addition_5543 − She violently assaulted your son. She would have been gone the moment that happened if it were my house.
Do you think the Redditor was justified in her response to her boyfriend’s daughter’s behavior, or could there have been a way to handle it differently? How would you navigate the challenges of blended family dynamics, especially when it comes to sensitive moments like this? Share your insights below!