AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she’s on her period?


One Redditor recently shared a story about setting boundaries with her boyfriend and his daughter, especially after witnessing how the young girl’s behavior changed when she experienced her first period. The girl’s outbursts and demands, combined with her father’s leniency, led the original poster to ask both of them to leave her home. Now, she’s wondering if she made the right call. Read the full story below to decide.


‘ AITA for kicking my BF and his daughter out because of how his daughter acts when she’s on her period?’






Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:






Do you think the Redditor was justified in her response to her boyfriend’s daughter’s behavior, or could there have been a way to handle it differently? How would you navigate the challenges of blended family dynamics, especially when it comes to sensitive moments like this? Share your insights below!


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  1. Jennie C. 3 weeks ago

    Given how this site censors the word b**ly, I guess I now understand how they censor “b**lshit,” which has always puzzled me, why do you censor the lesser half of a word with a vulgarity in it. I guess now I know b**l is more offensive than “shit”. Amazing

  2. Nola 3 weeks ago

    NTA. As someone with uterine complications, there is no excuse for this extreme behavior especially injuring a child in the process. Dad needs to stop being just a baby and be a dad.

  3. Skdjdh 3 weeks ago

    Definitely the AH You could have been a good “mom” in that scenario and tried to teach her dad how to navigate this. Obviously there’s more going on than a period. Hopefully, he find someone new. But don’t take him back. The only thing they need is someone who won’t run at the first sign of hardship. I really hope you didn’t do too much irreversible damage to them but you obviously don’t care about anyone but yourself. A very fair-weather mom. I can only imagine if your son starts going through shit. You’ll have him out of the house by 14 lol

  4. RASHIEDA PALANYANDI 3 weeks ago

    I had a bf like that…Well i had a boy and girl(they grown now but was still very young at the time)nd. i was very strict bout bed times especially when they still attended primary school nd cresche.My bf at the time had full custody of his daughter( she was older then my daughter but younger then my son)who came to spend a couple nights at my place wirh her dad.What irked me was when it was bedtime (cause tomorrow its a school day)his daughter ddnt wanted to go to bed but wanted to play games on his phone and when i said something it was as if i was wrong but she kept my kids out of sleep (they weren’t playing games with her…but the sound of the games)kept them awake nd i knw if my kids dont get their 8hours of sleep then i hve 2 grumpy kids.
    im glad i ended tht relationship soon after that nd.i hvnt looked back agen.
    Well done to the writer for standing your ground

  5. D Shaw 4 days ago

    Is she going to behave like this for the next 40 years. BF need a lesson in talking to his daughter about boundaries. Her period has nothing to do with her behaviour. She is just using it as an excuse to get her own way all the time. She better adjust or life is going to be just wonderful once a month for her. She is a spoiled indulged AH. YOu were right to throw them out after she attacked your son.

  6. Mary 3 weeks ago

    To right she did the right thing by getting rid of the pair of them. As a mother of four daughters none of them acted like that when they got their first period. Also if I’d tried it on with my own mother that way she’d have put me in my place very fast. That doesn’t give her a free pass to bully your child. You dodged a bullet there.