AITA for keeping a birthday gift (ring) from my mom which is similar to my newly engaged best friend’s ring?

A Reddit user is facing tension with their best friend over a birthday gift from their mom – a birthstone ring that closely resembles their best friend’s engagement ring. The friend has been giving the silent treatment for weeks, leaving the user feeling hurt and confused, as they never intended to cause any harm. The user loves their friend dearly and appreciates the thoughtful gesture from their mom, but now finds themselves in a difficult position. Read the full story below…
‘ AITA for keeping a birthday gift (ring) from my mom which is similar to my newly engaged best friend’s ring?’
My mom got me a birthstone ring for my birthday, and it looks the same as my best friend’s engagement ring. There’s nothing special about the design, it’s literally a stone with halo on a band. My mom loves giving me birthstone jewelry for my birthday. Last year it was earrings. My friend is mad at me, and has given me the silent treatment for weeks which feels emotionally a**sive.
I tried to call and text her multiple times, no response. My mom didn’t even think of her and her ring, and would never intentionally hurt someone we consider family. It’s like I committed the world’s most atrocious crime. I didn’t even pick the ring or have any clue my mom would get it, nor did I ever think something like this would make my best friend or anyone THIS upset. I love my best friend dearly and never could intentionally hurt her. I also don’t want to reject a gift my mom so lovingly gave me 🙁 what do I do?
EDIT: Thank you to everyone who has been extremely supportive and kind to me regarding this dilemma. I’ve always had a tough time when my loved ones are mad at me, and always blame myself/spiral/think I’m a bad person (I’m not).
I have gone to therapy for a few years to unlearn these behaviors, and it’s so heart warming to see that I’m not crazy to think my friend is actually the AH (lol). A lot of the advice here has been eye opening as well, so thank you. Happy holidays everyone. Keep doing the good work.
See what others had to share with OP:
FlamingBaconLips − NTA- You don’t have control over what other people do or how they respond. You didn’t choose the ring and you can’t control what your friend thinks/ feels about the ring. She is choosing to be butthurt over something that you had nothing to do with. Let her figure it out and either she comes around or she doesn’t… if she doesn’t, then you don’t need her as a friend.
[Reddit User] − NTA since u didn’t pick that ring on purpose. It’s a GIFT from your MOM. YOUR FRIEND IS THE AH.
RebeccaMCullen − Nta. Unless your friends engagement ring was a custom piece, they can’t get mad that someone has a similar/same ring as them.
Loquacious555 − Your friend is the AH in this situation. She needs to grow up.
DazzlingDoofus71 − Just start picking out new names you like right now because this whackadoo will probably decide yours is too close to what she wants to name her hypothetical baby some day 🙄. NTA.
Aravis-6 − If your friend is this upset over a piece of gifted jewelry looking like her engagement ring, then she probably isn’t mature enough to be getting married. NTA.
forgetregret1day − This is quite possibly one of the dumbest reasons I’ve ever heard to be mad at someone. Your friend needs to get a life in a hurry because this is ridiculous. Did she think her ring was somehow the only one of its kind in existence? Does she imagine people wait for the two of you to walk by together so they can comment on how similar the rings are?
Is this tragedy being reported on CNN? That’s the level of main character syndrome you’re dealing with here and if you allow her to spoil your gift from your mom because of her delusional insecurities, I don’t know what to tell you. NTA.
Happy_Birthday_2_Me − My best friend literally took my engagement ring design to her jeweler to have him mock something similar up in her redesign… I gave her the name of the jeweler. And cheered her on. Your friend is a giant weirdo. Who gets butthurt over someone else’s jewelry?. NTA.
dollar15 − NTA. Your friend is.
Squinky75 − Keep the ring; drop the friend.