AITA for honking at driver that stopped in the oncoming lanes mid left turn for a pedestrian?

A person (driving) recently had a scare when another driver stopped in the middle of the road while making a left turn to yield to a pedestrian. After having to brake hard to avoid a collision, the driver honked at the other car. However, their stepdad got upset, arguing that the other driver was doing the right thing by allowing the pedestrian to cross. The driver is now questioning if they were in the wrong for honking. Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for honking at driver that stopped in the oncoming lanes mid left turn for a pedestrian?’
So recently, I had a bit of an argument with my stepdad while driving. So, I was the one driving when this happened. There was a driver from the other side of the road in the center left turn lane, and they were turning left. If they didn’t stop in the middle of the road, then everything would have been fine.
But they ended up stopping in the middle of the travel lanes. I ended up having to brake decently hard to avoid tboning them. It really frightened me, and in response, I honked at them. But the thing is, they were stopping because of a crossing pedestrian.
Then, my stepdad gets pissed at me for honking, calling me an a**hole, saying that they were just letting the pedestrian through, and not running the pedestrian over. He even accused me of trying to urge that driver to just run over the pedestrian. Yes, I’m serious.
On the one hand, I can fully understand that one would want to let a pedestrian through. I’d want drivers to stop for me and not hit or endanger me. But I counter argue that with this.
If the other driver couldn’t clear the driveway by the time the pedestrian would reach it, then they should have stayed in the CLTL and waited for the pedestrian to get fully across, even if that means having to wait even longer for a gap in oncoming traffic. If I were that other driver, that’s what I would have have one. But what do you think? Am I an a**hole for honking at that other driver, or not?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
Judgement_Bot_AITA − OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a**hole: I was cut off by an oncoming driver turning left that stopped in the middle of the left turn. I thought it was rude, so I honked at him.
But why I think I might be the a**hole is because the oncoming driver stopped for a crossing pedestrian. My stepdad got pissed at me for this..
FarOutLakes − the person turning left should always make sure they can safely make the turn. the left -turner obviously didn’t check for pedestrians before starting their turn, they were in the wrong and deserved a good long honk for being a careless driver
NobleArrgon − Going to need context on country, how the junction functions normally, local road rules, traffic light situation, why were you going fast enough that you need to brake so hard in what I’m assuming is a high pedestrian area?
There are too many factors to consider imo. Could go both ways depending on the full picture. Based on what you described and personal experience, mostly YTA. But it could change depending on if any laws were broken.
Like i highly doubt old mate just appeared infront of you. He was either there already stopped or at least showed intention of turning. The fact that your step dad yelled at you is a sign that you probably fucked up. This could be a case of you lacking situational awareness on the wheel.
LazyDare7597 − Use the horn to help prevent accidents not to let people know you’re angry at their driving. YTA.
ConflictGullible392 − YTA. The other driver was right to stop for the pedestrian. Yes it would have been better if they didn’t start making the turn at all until the pedestrian was through, but it’s very possible they didn’t see the pedestrian until they had already started to go.
Jenos00 − YTA for honking at someone who stopped when legally and morally required to stop.
CautiousWelcome746 − I don’t know Rules of the Road for every state but I’m pretty sure the pedestrian always has right of way. The courts decide if anything gray happened to influence the law but the driver never has the right to strike a pedestrian simply because they don’t have the right of way.
dummyfodder − NTA. The other vehicle should’ve waited till their path was clear.
Queen_Latifah69 − NTA I’m with you on honking because it doesn’t matter really whether or not the other driver is really at fault here – they stopped abruptly in the middle of the road and it very easily could’ve caused an accident. That 1 driver is not the only person who heard you honking..
you alerted them, the pedestrian & every other car who could have possibly wrecked bc of the random hazard lol. It’s an important alert & not an “f you” to the other driver. I don’t care if it was ultimately unnecessary, you are never wrong for honking instinctively in a situation that easily could’ve let to a dangerous collision.
blackframe − Pedestrians typically die or are severely injured when hit by cars. They are hard to see and do not always do what’s expected. The left turning driver was right to stop. You were also right to honk.
Not because you were mad but because your horn is meant to alert other drivers to a potential danger – like you stoping suddenly in the intersection. Your honk may have prevented the person behind you from hitting you by alerting them to the emergency stop.
A lot of people let rage guide their driving. It’s scary for passengers to experience this, as they are watching the person in control of the car lose control of their emotions. Your step dad was likely responding more to his fear over the near miss versus the honk, whether he recognizes that or not.
It’s tough to balance safety for pedestrians with road safety, but where does one draw the line? Was honking justified in this situation, or should the other driver have just waited a bit longer to clear the lane? How would you have reacted? Share your thoughts below!