AITA for honking at another driver who cut in front of me at a drive thru each time she tries to order

A Redditor recounts a heated encounter at a Starbucks drive-thru after a long wait. When a driver in a Mercedes cut ahead of them and others in line, the Redditor retaliated by honking every time she tried to order. This escalated the situation further, leaving the Redditor wondering if they took things too far. Read the original story below…
‘ AITA for honking at another driver who cut in front of me at a drive thru each time she tries to order’
This line at a Starbucks I went to was really long. I was in line for a good maybe 20 minutes. Until this lady in a Mercedes tries to cut in front of me and like 8 others behind me. I laid on the horn and tried to block her from cutting me but she succeeded anyway and flipped me off.
Okay. I’m the type of person who will not let someone get away with s**t like this. So I waited until she pulls up and as soon as she tries to order, I honk. She then looks at me with a dirty look and gives me the finger which I already had a middle finger of my own ready for her.
Each time she makes an attempt to order something I honk and sometimes lay on the horn for 3 seconds. We stopped as soon as she drove off. We then ordered and went about our day. I just can’t people who are extremely rude like that lady and I couldn’t simply let this go.. AITA for this?
Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:
[Reddit User] − ESH but god damn i’d have done the same.
purerockfury − ESH because you probably made the employee’s life hell trying to take the order for some petty immature revenge.
[Reddit User] − NTA; you’re a hero we don’t deserve.
genericname907 − ESH, she was the biggest a**hole of course. But since the damage was done with her cutting, you honking might’ve made her order take longer and also made it more difficult for the staff to understand her. Totally get why you did it though and a very large part of me wants to applaud you for it. But there could’ve been others impacted by your revenge
Goodnametaken − ESH, but frankly sometimes being petty is worth it. You were definitely an a**hole but I think your karma is clean.
kkobzz − NTA, i would have done the same.
[Reddit User] − NTA and your response was pretty hilarious actually
YFMAS − ESH. She shouldn’t have cut in line, no question she’s an ass. You fucked over the poor schmuck stuck working the drive through. I don’t know how Starbucks is but some if not most restaurants/cafes have time limits for how long it’s allowed to take to ring someone through, and not every manager cares if the order took forever because some ass in the line was making an ass of themselves.
themarajade1 − ESH but this is the best r/pettyrevenge I’ve seen in a while
[Reddit User] − I say NTA, but that’s only because I would’ve done the exact same thing. Some people might say you made it worse by reacting badly, but I don’t think it matters that much if you didn’t physically do anything extreme.
Both the Redditor and the other driver displayed questionable behavior, with one choosing entitlement and the other opting for prolonged retaliation. What would you have done in this situation? Is it better to let it go or to make a point? Share your thoughts below!