AITA for helping my friend get a girl removed from the soccer team?


A 16-year-old girl (the poster) helped her friend Aysha (15) deal with bullying from another student, Megan (15), who taunted Aysha for wearing a hijab and tried to forcibly remove it. After Megan made fun of the incident on TikTok, the poster emailed the soccer organization where Megan was a member, leading to Megan being removed from the team.

The poster’s actions were met with backlash from Megan’s friends, and her parents think she should have stayed out of it, while the poster believes she did the right thing.


‘ AITA for helping my friend get a girl removed from the soccer team?’

I (16f) have a friend named Aysha (15f). Aysha is Muslim and wears a hijab to school which often causes people to give her dirty looks, comments, etc. I don’t know why. It’s just cloth. Anyway the worst instance possible was with this girl named Megan (also 15f).


When we were sitting together at lunch she came up to Aysha and I and told Aysha she dared her to take her hijab off, taunting her saying she would look so pretty without it. (This was with malicious intent because I told her one time thinking she was just clueless and wanted to educate her)

Then she forcibly tried to remove her hijab. I moved her hand away and we went to the principal. Instead of getting a punishment, Megan made up a sob story about how it would harm her position on some prestigious soccer club she was in.


Fast forward to a few days ago. She makes a TikTok that said “when you get called to the principals office for telling the Muslim girl to take off her durag”. I was so livid for her. Aysha is very shy and didn’t want to seem like a buzzkill, so she asked me personally to email the soccer organization.

Well, I did, and she was immediately kicked off and other organizations in the area were notified of her behavior. Now, all of her friends are in my dms saying how horrible I am, how I’m a r**ard, how I need to take a joke, etc. my parents think I should have stayed out of it. But I think I did the right thing.


Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

Nobodyimportant56 −  NTA, you didn’t get her kicked off the team, her actions did. She’s TA, and so are her friends. You did the right thing.

FabWashy −  NTA Wtf where’s the joke? People really care more about soccer and TikTok then being a humane person.


mybluepanda99 −  NTA – thank you for promoting basic human decency.

[Reddit User] −  NTA- have you seen the clip where a soccer player lost full coverage with her hijab and the other women, even opposition, stop to huddle around her while she fixed it? When there are so many of those women in the world, why would a soccer team want an islamaphobic player? Her own actions got her booted from the club, and for good reason.


angelfishsticks −  NTA and good for you, you are a great friend and an even better human. Megan needs to learn from the consequences of her racism, xenophobia, and flat out a**ault (removing the hijab!!!!! Wtf) also, your parents could/should learn a thing or two from you.

Jaer56 −  NTA – I wanna make this clear: you are a GOOD friend and a good person! You did the exact right thing, since the adults in your life and your school were too cowardly to punish this bigot and b**ly properly. What she did crossed a line no one should cross. Hold your head up high! I am proud of you.


[Reddit User] −  NTA. Her and her friends are disgustingly r**ist. Block them all.

Gwendolynftw −  Nta. You did the right thing. People need to have consequences for b**lying and bigotry.


NotHisRealName −  NTA. F**k racists.

AyZiggyZoomba −  I learned today that I am going to be having a baby girl. I hope that she will be as strong as you. You did the right thing. NTA


The poster took a strong stand against bullying and helped their friend by holding Megan accountable for her actions, which were harmful and disrespectful. While the backlash from Megan’s friends is understandable, the poster may have acted in defense of their friend’s dignity. The situation highlights the challenges of standing up for what’s right when others may not see things the same way. What do you think about the situation?

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