AITA for going to my room and sleeping after graduation ?


A Redditor shares their frustration after their graduation day was marred by their family, boyfriend, and friends missing key moments, despite multiple attempts to communicate with them. They missed the Redditor walking across the stage and even left before they could watch them exit the stadium.

After the ceremony, the Redditor tried to salvage the evening by suggesting going to a restaurant, but the group’s focus on taking pictures delayed everything, causing them to miss the chance to eat.


Feeling hurt and disappointed, the Redditor decided to go to their room to be alone. Now, they’re questioning if they were wrong for reacting this way. Read the full story below to learn more about this emotional graduation experience.


‘ AITA for going to my room and sleeping after graduation ?’

I graduated and my family, boyfriend, and friends totally missed me walking on stage. I communicated several times throughout the ceremony and messaged them a couple times leading up to our row getting called to the stage and they still missed it.

They said they’ll just watch me walk out the stadium and they missed that too… I have also messaged them and told them when I was walking out and where. Plus I messaged them again when I was getting close to walking in front of their bleachers’ section. And they missed it because they left soon as they saw other student being released.


We all found each other outside the stadium and by this time, the place I wanted to go to will close in 35 minutes and it is 20 minutes away. They wanted to take pictures and I asked if we can do it later. They said they wanted to take pictures with the decor so I said okay. We waited since there were a lot of people. We ended up just taking 5 photos and left.

By the time we got to the car, our ETA to the place is 2 minutes after they closed. This was my last straw. We just went home and I was silent, crying to myself the whole ride back.


When we got back I got told not to ruin the night just because we didn’t go to the restaurant. Now AITA for being sensitive and just wanting to sulk in my room after graduation? I was just so hurt, disappointed and upset after the whole night.. 

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

Mathalamus2 −  your family is…. terrible. theres no way this wasnt done on purpose. NTA.


lhabitat67 −  NTA I’m so sorry this happened, they sound awful :(( It makes total sense to be very hurt. In any case, congratulations on your graduation, it’s a very important achievement and you should feel proud of yourself even if your family and friends are assholes.

OldGmaw2023 −  I was the only grandchild graduating that year. Sent out Invitations. No one showed up from Dads side .. Mom / dad & my little sister / moms mother because she rode with us .. were there ..


When I got home called other Gma .. Why wasn’t you there ? None of the Aunts showed up to bring me – aunts ‘excuse’ – we forgot which Sunday it was . Yet somehow They managed to remember – all my male cousins Graduations , Sports events , Plays Even went out of state for my cousins college graduation .. girls didn’t count didn’t send a gift either

I never felt the same about that side of family again … I didn’t matter so why should I care about them … I’m 63 and am still holding that grudge … When family does that to you You Never Forget. Congratulations .. Hugs from Gma


Bold-Belle2 −  NTA. They must have tried real hard to miss you like that, and then expect you to listen to them because of their failure. Selfish…

VironLLA −  NTA. they had no good reason to miss that many key moments of your graduation. honestly, it’s just weird as hell.


Different_Ad_7671 −  Wtf no I’d be livid. Oh why do you want to take photos with me now after MISSING me walk the stage? Now you get to decide when you want photos? It’s my day and I should’ve been able to get food my my fav place but you made it all about you, well done.

Tortietude0 −  INFO – how did they “miss” you? Were they not sitting down in view of the stage? Was your name not called? Also did the ceremony run hours later than planned? How did you not know the restaurant would close around the time you got out? Were there not other restaurants to go to afterwards? Right now this just reads like a pity party.


hadMcDofordinner −  Ruining their night was perfectly fine. Who cares about their night? It was YOUR day/night that should have been nice. NTA and now that you know how little your big moment meant to all these people, you can move forward and find new people to be with who will cherish you and not let you down.

New_Objective_9404 −  Join the military ang get out of there, you’ll get your college too. Your parents and boyfriend don’t seem like they care about you. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. In this case it also broadens your horizons and provides a different perspective from your hometown.


breofla −  NTA I was 60 when my neice graduated from law school. I was right by the stage when it was her turn and took the best pictures. I usually go above and beyond. She was very happy with the pictures. Oh and my hip replacement was only a few months b4 the event. No excuses for yout family.

Do you think the Redditor’s reaction was justified, or did they overreact by isolating themselves after their family and friends missed important moments? How would you handle a situation where your loved ones missed something important to you on a special day?
Share your thoughts and experiences below!


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