AITA for going to my room?


A Reddit user shares their frustration about a tense interaction with their parents. After years of being told to “shut up” by their dad, they finally said it back during a moment of overstimulation, only to be reprimanded for being disrespectful. The user retreated to their room for the night but now questions if their reaction was fair. Read the original story below…


‘ AITA for going to my room?’

My dad has told me multiple times to shut up throughout my life like for example I was about to ask a question and my dad said shut up. My mom saw something on her phone and she said “ that’s horrible” I was about to ask a question and my dad said “shut up” as he was walking over.

Another time I was a child crying over something in the car for a while and he said “shut up” (I kind of deserved that). Fast forward to now and I was playing a game and I was on a timed level and a movie was playing on in the background and he was joking about me not watching the movie (even though I wasn’t interested).


I felt overstimulated and I said “ shut up”. Then both at my parents got on me for that but then I said “but you said shut up to me multiple times in my life”. They responded with “I’m the adult your the child” (even though I’m in my 20s and this is the first time I said shut up to them). So I just went to my room for the night. AITA for getting upset?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

InsufferableHomie −  You’re NTA. It’s very valid and respectable to be upset when repeatedly told to shut up. Your dad obviously doesn’t respect you so I would say going to your room was the mature thing to do. Seems like your dad might need to learn a little bit of respect for his kids… just saying it’s not cool.


Practical_Machine270 −  Not at all. I’ve hated the whole “I’m older than you, therefore can treat you how I want. I’m also automatically right” mindset. The disrespect he felt when you said shut up just proves that he’s being disrespectful to you when he says it. NTA

Acceptable-Dust-9758 −  Ummm no you’re not the a**hole for saying that, you’re an adult. 


mokouismygirl −  you not the a**hole

Thin_Data_9502 −  NTA. Get your game stuff and take it to your room. Then you can play there without being disturbed. If they ask why then tell them you don’t want to get into any arguments.


This-Scarcity1305 −  No your not the a**hole

Woodmom-2262 −  Episode over. Time to move out.


mirikitten −  Nta. My dad does this too. I make fun of him and tell him he gets overstimulated easily

fostermonster555 −  Move out. They’re disrespecting you, and you’re disrespecting back, except you’re living under their roof. Find a way to move out. Make it work

Is it fair for parents to set rules they don’t follow themselves? Was the user justified in their reaction, or should they have approached the situation differently? Share your thoughts and experiences below!


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