Aita for going behind my wife’s back and telling her pregnant sister that she’s being cheated on?

A Redditor (27) shares a story about going behind his wife’s (26) back to tell her pregnant sister (30) that her husband (31) has been cheating. After witnessing his brother-in-law with another woman, the Redditor told his wife, urging her to inform her sister. However, his wife insisted that they not get involved, worried about disrupting her sister’s pregnancy.
Frustrated, the Redditor decided to tell his sister-in-law the truth himself, which led to her confronting her husband and deciding to leave him. This caused a rift in his marriage, with his wife accusing him of ruining her family. Now, the Redditor is unsure if he did the right thing, given the fallout in both his marriage and the family. Read the full story below to get a deeper understanding of this difficult family situation.
‘ Aita for going behind my wife’s back and telling her pregnant sister that she’s being cheated on?’
The article has the next update and 2nd update at the end.
I have been married to my wife for 3 years, I am 27 and she’s 26, my sil is 30 and my pos bil is 31, I always had a close relationship with my sil, we are friends, also has a decent connection between my bil, not that close but we often talk and get along. My wife and her sister didn’t get along as much as you would expect from siblings, it wasn’t just normal siblings rivalry but constant fights and arguments.
Anyway 3 weeks ago when I was having dinner with my friends, I saw my bil with another woman, they were just eating, I didn’t think much of it, I wanted to go and greet him but i kept talking to my friends, after a while I saw that he gave a light kiss to this woman I was so shocked.
I decided to not confront him and when I got back to my home I told my wife everything, I told her that her sister is getting cheated on and we need to tell her, my wife said we should talk to my bil instead of telling her sister and we should not break their marriage because her sister is pregnant.
I was like wtf? So what is she’s pregnant? Her husband is a cheat, I tried to convince my wife multiple times that we should tell her sister the truth, I told her that I know you guys don’t get along but she’s still your sister and this isn’t right but she asked me to stay out of it.
I tried my best to convince my wife but she either ignored me or said we shouldn’t break their marriage, I had enough of her and yesterday I told her that I am coming clean to my sil, she and I have a great bond and I CANT AND WONT betray her, my wife said if I tell her the truth she will not talk to me, I replied I won’t talk to you either if you don’t want to do what’s right.
Today I told my sil the truth, I went to her place and told her everything, she was doubtful and she asked me to leave, after a few hours my sil called me and she was crying and said what I said was the truth and she shouldn’t have doubted me and kicked me, she said she’s leaving.
I asked her where would you go? Do you have have money? She said she does but not that much, I wired her a bit and said she should call me if she needs help and she thanked me and said she will only use the money I sent if it’s necessary otherwise she will return.
My bil called my wife and well my wife lashed onto me and said I ruined HER family and HER sister’s life, I said I thought the moment we got married your family is mine and my family is yours? Anyway why tf are you defending that pos so much? What about your sister?
She didn’t reply to me and she’s not talking to me either, I tried to talk to her and convince her that it was the right thing to do, but she wouldn’t talk to me so I said fine stay angry and if you want to divorce me then go ahead
I think I have nuked my marriage, do not know if what I did was truly right.
Next update:
2nd update:
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
Horror-Reveal7618 − NTA. Your wife’s stance regarding cheating is worrisome. My bil called my wife and well my wife lashed onto me and said I ruined HER family and HER sister’s life. Why did the POS call your wife? A normal reaction would have been to confront you directly.
adobeacrobatreader − NTA, if I were you, I would sleep with one eye open. Your wife has no moral standards.
unusuallysunny76 − Sounds like your wife supports cheaters and that should be worrying to you. NTA.
Consistent_Ad5709 − NTA, I’m surprised your not looking at your wife sideways now.
JMarchPineville − NTA. Your wife is the one to watch. 🚩
mustang19671967 − He called your wife , dollars to donuts they have slept together . When she goes to bed look at her phone . Also pull the phone records for her number and she how much they talk.
Otherwise_Degree_729 − NTA. Your wife is either currently cheating or she has cheated on you. Worse she might have cheated on you with your BIL. If she doesn’t get along with her sister and there was always siblings rivalry I wouldn’t put it past her. Even if she hasn’t cheated her morals s**k, she is a s**tty sister and partner. She should’ve told her sister, she shouldn’t lash out on you for being honest. That alone says a lot about her even if she hasn’t cheated.
United_Fig_6519 − NTA even more reason to tell SIL she could have contracted STD from husband that could be passed on the baby. Also your wife being in cheaters side…..huge flaming red flag….
Recent-Necessary-362 − NTA but I’d follow through with that divorce. The fact your wife was so willing to let BIL slide is hella weird, then adamant about not telling her sister! The hell? Run man. She’s giving off major red flags.
Apart-Incident-4188 − Your wife is sus, defending a c**ater and blaming u??