AITA for gifting my sister pictures of my dog?

A person gave their sister a framed photo of their dog for Christmas—mirroring the yearly gifts they receive featuring her kids. When the sister didn’t find it as funny as intended, tensions rose. Now, they’re wondering if they were out of line.
‘ AITA for gifting my sister pictures of my dog?’
I’m a bit of a j**kass I will admit, but hear me out. So today I was at my parent’s house to celebrate Christmas Eve with my side of the family (as this year I will be spending Christmas with my girlfriend’s this year). Anyways, we opened presents up early this morning. Something I should note about my sister is that she LOVES her children. Which is great and I do love my nephews, but every year she gets me magnets, pictures, blankets and pretty much anything she can plaster her kids on.
While it’s nice, I don’t have a shrine at my house dedicated to them and I know this might sound selfish, but I don’t really want them as I don’t know what to do with them. They end up in a drawer or something, cause one year she got me a large tapestry thing with her kids on it, and it was HUGE. Obviously I didn’t want to hang it up as it quite literally covered the entire wall. I never say anything to her as I don’t want to offend her and ruin Christmas.
So that’s when I had the genius idea of doing the same thing but with my dog. I put him in a little tie, took his picture and put it in a frame. I love my dog as my child, so I figured I’d gift it to my sister. (I also got her a $25 Starbucks card as she’s obsessed with them and I wasn’t trying to be petty). Anyways, she opens it up and her face drops. Then she goes to me and says, “what the f**k am I supposed to do with this?” Without a thought I said, “same thing I do with yours, it’ll look good on your coffee table”.
Long story short, she got mad, my family is pretty much on my side expect for a couple of people who thought it was funny but in the end “dogs aren’t comparable to humans”. Which I don’t necessarily agree with and wasn’t the point of the gift, but whatever, I thought it was funny, but I need unbiased opinons, AITA?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
[Reddit User] − NTA. She got you a wall sized tapestry of her kids. That right there makes her the a**hole.
BetziPGH − NTA – I would love a picture of your dog dressed up.
TomokataTomokato − NTA Pictures of your kids as a Christmas gifts is tacky, in my humble opinion. Especially to non-grandparents. Edit: OP will be an a**hole if they don’t pay the pet tax.
browsingtheproduce − YTA for not sharing the picture. What the f**k, OP? Let me see your dog! Edit: Thank you to everyone who replied with pet pictures! Here are a couple pictures of my cat in loaf mode.
[Reddit User] − OP can we see said dog picture. Edit: I don’t know what pet tax is.
theons-weiner-stump − NTA. It’s tacky of her to complain about a gift like that, it’s clearly funny and she’s an adult.
UnusualOddDuck − NTA.It was a cute funny gift and you followed up with an actual gift that she would like. Next year you should get her socks with your dogs face knitted into it or a fleece blanket with your dogs face plastered all over it.
wolfmuncher − NTA. If your sister can’t take a joke, she can get over it.
[Reddit User] − Due to Spez attempting to censor the internet I am leaving this site.
MartyTheSpiteGnome − NTA. It was a joke, she just didn’t like what it said about her.