AITA for getting up from my chair in the middle of christmas dinner and shouting “SHUT THE F**K UP ABOUT MY BODYYYYY” in response to my husband’s observation?

A Reddit user shares a story about getting fed up with her husband’s constant comments about her body since she had their baby months ago. Despite trying to ignore his passive comments, things escalated at Christmas dinner when he made another remark about her waist in front of family.
Reaching her breaking point, she stood up and shouted, “SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MY BODYYYYY!” which caused a scene and ended the dinner early.
Her husband called her childish and told her to get therapy for her insecurities. Now, she feels guilty for ruining Christmas but wonders if her reaction was justified. Read the full story below for all the details.
‘ AITA for getting up from my chair in the middle of christmas dinner and shouting “SHUT THE F**K UP ABOUT MY BODYYYYY” in response to my husband’s observation?’
So, Ever since I had my son months ago, my husband has started making indirect comments about my body. He never says any hurtful words but I find his “observations” as he calls it hurtful.
For example, he’d see me wearing an old top and say “oh that top used to look good on you but not anymore though…” or when he looks at my waist and says “Wow, didn’t know your waist could get this wide!”. Basically passive stuff that I tried to ignore til it extended to friends and family.
FYI this went on for months and months and months!!. We went to christmas celebration at his family’s home. My SIL complimented my floral maxi dress and my husband said “I agree it looks nice on you…though I have to admit that your waist could get smaller than this!”.
Awkward silence took over. I was absolutely fuming and this was my last straw. So I got up from my chair in the middle of dinner and shouted at the top of my lungs “SHUT THE F**K UP ABOUT MY BODDDYYY!!!!”.
He was absolutely speechless as his family stared while some others tried to get me to calm down but situation got more tense and dinner ended up being cut short and my husband storming off to his friend’s place to spend the night upon leaving a very n**ty text saying I embarrassed him and made a scene over an “observation” he made.
He called me childish and told me to get therapy for my insecurities instead of verbally abusing him and scaring his family. Now I feel like an absolute i**ot a**hole and like I ruined christmas for him and everybody with my over sensitivity. AITA??
Check out how the community responded:
efgrigby − I think the last thing your husband really wants is for you to “get therapy”. If you do, you’ll discover that he is an emotionally a**sive b**ly and stop feeling guilty for refusing to put up with his BS.
NTA, but your husband is. Do as he recommended and get therapy so that you can regain the self confidence he has eroded with his cruel “observations”.
Naive_Special349 − NTA. Divorce him. He’s g**lighting you. His observations, as he calls them, are all direct insults. He is actively body-shaming you. Likely on purpose and fully aware of what he’s doing. He wants you back as you were before and fails to realize that bodies change.
He is abusing you mentally, verbally. You simply reached the breaking point and let it out. Don’t start bottling up again. Rebuke him every time he says smth, in front if everyone until he either learns or leaves. Or in other words, he’s shown his true colors.
maria1978354 − NTA
For example, he’d see me wearing an old top and say “oh that top used to look good on you but not anymore though…” or when he looks at my waist and says “Wow, didn’t know your waist could get this wide!”. This is not passive aggressive and it is not an observation. It is degrading, humiliating and a**sive. He’s g**lighting you.
The fact the comment during Christmas dinner was met with awkward silence shows that people see he is being an AH to you. He embarrassed himself and started the scene. You simply had enough of his bs and stood up for yourself. Good for you! Please save yourself and your child from this toxic relationship.
KikiMoon − NTA. So basically he’s telling you, he married you for your body and now it’s gone to pot cause you birthed him a baby?
How’s his hair line? How’s his waist line?
mmjames66 − Repeat after me: “Just an observation, but it seems like you are trying to motivate me to lose the weight and return to my pre-baby body by your passive-aggressive remarks. In reality, what is occurring is you fomenting anger and frustration in me.
I have less joy in living with you because you are making me feel less than. Less than attractive. Less than happy. Less than worthy. Less than loving. Less than human. Is this a lesson you want to teach our child?”
radioactive_koala − NTA, you didn’t ruin Christmas, he did.
Diligent-Activity-70 − NTA at all. His “observations” are always cruel and uncalled for. To say it in front of others is amazingly hurtful, especially in response to a compliment made to you. He is trying to hurt and shame you about changes due to pregnancy; even if you didn’t have a baby, your body would change over time.
Your husband is a major a**hole who embarrassed himself by voicing his opinions about your body in front of his family. Bodies change. People age. If he can’t accept that then you’re going to have a hard marriage. Take care of yourself and baby & keep telling him to keep his opinions to himself.
WeirdStitches − NTA: those aren’t “casual observations” it’s actually a**sive. To be honest I would consider leaving him seriously. You had a baby, babies change your body.
He definitely is the AH and should be the one to seek therapy, you should too but not because his observation exposes insecurities but because he’s actively trying to passive aggressively shame you into weight loss
Used_Mark_7911 − NTA – Your husband is the one making you feel insecure. He sounds extremely m**ipulative. There is also no way his family was “scared” of you.
You should see a counselor, not for the reasons he suggested, but because you are in an unhappy and unhealthy relationship and you need to get some support. If you want to stay married, then you should also seek out marriage counseling because this dynamic with your husband is not ok.
C0UGERBA1T − You just had his child and he’s s**t talking your body. Leave him, sis. NTA
Do you think the user’s outburst was justified given her husband’s repeated comments about her body, or did she overreact? How would you have handled this situation? Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!
NTA – Here’s an observation straight out of left field…
As someone who has been cheated on, I say he IS cheating on you
(or at very least thinking about it) & just wants to make public declarations about why he is not happy with you & how you look now after the baby!
1-“months & months” of these comments …?
2-he went to “his friend’s place to spend the night…?”
I hope I am wrong, but this is not loving behavior from a spouse.
OP, please text back “Oh, well then, I have an observation. You’re an insensitive piece of sh*t.”
I know this would probably not help, but I would respond with an equally hurtful ‘observation’. For example, “we have a great love life, considering…” (an implied reference to his performance or whatever insecurity he has). See how he likes it.