AITA for getting my family to do a “swear tax” after my dad told me off for swearing?


A Reddit user, a 15-year-old girl, devised a clever “swear tax” system for her family after her dad called her out for swearing, labeling it “unladylike.” Her dad and brothers cuss frequently, so she proposed the rule to hold everyone accountable and expose the double standard. While she has earned significant money from their frequent slip-ups, her family’s growing frustration has her questioning if she’s taken it too far.

‘ AITA for getting my family to do a “swear tax” after my dad told me off for swearing?’

I am living with my family, it’s me a 15 year old girl, my twin brothers who are 17, and my parents. My dad cusses a lot, and so do my older brothers. But apparently the standards are different for me, my dad overheard me saying a couple cuss words when I was on the phone with my friends and he got mad at me for my language, and for how trashy and unladylike it was.


This wasn’t the first time he called me (and only me) out for bad language, but it was the one that frustrated me the most because I could tell there was a double standard. I thought of calling him out on his language and hipocracy, but then I had a different idea..

I said that yeah, it was a bad habit I was forming and didn’t want to make a pattern… because if I got in the habit of cussing a lot, that wouldn’t make me come off well when I start getting jobs or going to college. And as I was growing up, I wanted to learn how to speak respectfully and intelligently.


But it was hard to keep from bad habits, when I heard him and my brothers having potty-mouth-syndrome so often. They’re setting an example whether they realize it or not… So I wanted to work on things for myself, but also together as a family.

I suggested we make a “Swear Tax” where if anyone swears in front of anyone else who’s participating, they give a dollar to each person who heard them. I’d want that rule for myself because it would keep me accountable and I’d really like it if the family joined me for it…. So my dad said he’d join, and so would my mom. They got my brothers to be a part of it too. They didn’t really have a choice, my parents decided to make it a rule.


I know it’s kinda petty but I wanted to make the point that my dad and brothers swear a lot and I almost never do. In the few months we’ve had the rule, I’ve gotten about 250 dollars from hearing my dad and brothers cuss, and have not sworn once. It’s kinda making my brothers angry because they often cuss when they’re mad, and I ask them for money, so they get madder and cuss more, so I get more money until they shut up.

My dad actually got mad at me too, he was having some drinks, calling his brother and talking, and I came over after and asked for 18 dollars. He actually said he wouldn’t give me that much, and there should be a cutoff. He gave me 5 dollars which sends a weird message… Like swearing is bad, unless you wanna swear A LOT, then it’s cool??


I feel like I’ve made my point already so really now I’m just continuing to “want the family to learn not to cuss” for the money, and it’s really making my brothers mad. AITA for having the idea for the “family swear tax” after my dad got angry at me for swearing? I did it because I know I swear the least out of my family but I was the only one getting in trouble for it

Here’s what the community had to contribute:

geegeepark −  NTA they agreed to it, they have to play by the rules.


[Reddit User] −  NTA. That was actually genius way to handle the situation. I would have been petty and angry and would just swear more, especially after the “unladylike” comment.

[Reddit User] −  NTA and this is amazing. You definitely shouldn’t get in trouble for it because you proposed the deal and THEY AGREED. Not your fault for enforcing the new rule.


Elephant_Banana −  NTA, so long as you aren’t misusing the rule. For example, if your dad was talking on the phone in a room seperate from you and you went and sat in the room unannounced for the sole purpose of gaining money. Otherwise, good on you for fighting the double standard and making bank while doing it.

bothsidesofthemoon −  Don’t spew profanities. Enunciate them clearly, like a f**king lady. NTA.


lightwoodorchestra −  NTA. This was delightfully clever of you and a very fair way to point out the double standard. And all they have to do is make it stop is quit yelling at you for swearing when they do it all the time.

jaywinner −  NTA. Would have been easier for your dad to stop being a sexist h**ocrite but he decided to play the game instead.


Glowie2k2 −  NTA that is f**king genius… and I owe you a dollar now, sorry!

DenverRalphy −  NTA. Just simply tell dad… “Like father, like daughter. Don’t like it? Don’t swear. If you owe $18 but can only pay $5? Then I get 13 free swear words on my tab.”


13Jams −  NTA. Technically speaking, it’s un-ladylike to swear, but it’s also in-gentlemanly to swear as well. So effectively, based on the fact that you’re the only one held to this standard, you’re the lady of the house and they are your subordinates since none of them rank above commoner.

Is this clever solution a justified way to highlight hypocrisy, or has it turned into a petty game at the family’s expense? How would you handle a double standard like this in your family? Share your opinions and ideas below!


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