AITA for getting my aunt and uncle kicked out of their house for not letting my husband and I sleep together?


A Reddit user (M27) shared a situation where they and their husband (M28) visited their conservative, Catholic aunt and uncle in Texas. The couple wasn’t allowed to share a bed during their visit, and when the aunt and uncle made derogatory comments about their marriage,

the user reacted by threatening to have them evicted from the house. The family was angry, and the user is now wondering if they were in the wrong for causing their aunt and uncle to be evicted, which would also affect their young cousins.


‘ AITA for getting my aunt and uncle kicked out of their house for not letting my husband and I sleep together?’

I (M27) am married to a man (M28). He is the love of my life. I had only ever dated women before him but when I met him I realized I was bi, and we fell in love. We got married in the fall of 2018, so it’s been almost 4 years. We now live in Vermont. My whole family is from a small town in Texas, a super conservative Catholic area.


I was raised there, but dad got a job in NYC when I was 15. The culture shock was difficult. We went from living in rural Texas to living in an apartment in Manhattan. My parents didn’t sell our house in TX, they allowed our aunt & uncle who just had their 3rd child to move in while charging them a small rent.

In college when I came out as bi, my brother and dad were very supportive. My mom needed some time to accept. The rest of my family reacted poorly at first but came around. During visits we stayed with my aunt and uncle at my old house, but because we weren’t married we weren’t allowed to share a bed.


We didn’t argue, we both would rather make peace. Visiting since, instead of staying with my aunt & uncle we would rent a motel room. During Covid we did not visit them. But this summer, my parents and bro decided to go visit my hometown again for 2 weeks, & invited my husband and I.

I wanted a motel again but my aunt & uncle insisted my brother, husband and I stay with them. The 1st night sleeping situation was being discussed after my cousins went to bed. My aunt & uncle wanted me and bro to take the spare bedroom, husband on couch. All 3 of us took issue with that.


They snapped that we were not really married because we were gay, & that they had children in the house. They said that it would be a bad influence on their kids. This hurt my husband’s feelings and he started crying & ran out of the room. When my husband ran out, my uncle had the audacity to start laughing.

That’s when I saw red. I started cussing them out so loudly that my young cousins came to investigate. I told them that if they didn’t go apologize to my husband immediately then I was going to tell my dad what just happened, and I was going to make sure to have them kicked out of the house — that was still in my parents’ name.


My bro seconded everything that I was saying. They started backtracking and saying that we were still welcome in “their” house but that we had to follow their rules, I responded that it wasn’t really THEIR house. I told them they were going to be homeless if I had my way.

The kids started crying cause they heard me say they were all going to be homeless, so we left. My husband was on the porch crying, I promised him that I would never subject him to that again. I told dad what happened. To say that my dad was angry would be an understatement. He served them a notice of eviction for 60 days.


I have been getting calls and texts and Facebook messages from my family calling me AH.
I want to know AITA for allowing my young cousins to end up homeless? Is it fair that they have to pay for what my aunt and uncle said to me and my husband?

These are the responses from Reddit users:

abjectobsolescence −  NTA. I love your Dad. Edit: thanks for the updoots and awards, but OP and his pops deserve them!


lizfour −  NTA They insisted a hotel was not needed and then decided to disregard your marriage. The whole ‘not married so separate rooms’ thing was clearly an excuse before aswell. It’s entirely your father’s decision who to let the house to, and you’re within your rights to tell him what happened. Just because he reacted as you expected him to doesn’t make you an AH.

Old-Bee-4773 −  NTA- they played a cruel and stupid game and won a stupid prize. They insisted you and hubby stay exactly so they could do this, you told you father and he acted as he wanted. Any family that doesn’t want them homeless can take them in. I mean they having been benefiting from cheap rent for what 12years.


They should have taken that time to save for a house or something maybe your dad just used this as an excuse to kick out a freeloading sibling and their family. And if their financial situation is such that this will truely leave them homeless then they should be smart enough not to be cruel to you.

transmascsnearyou −  NTA I’m assuming your aunt and uncle sleep in separate beds since there are children in the house right? They insisted on you staying but had the audacity to insult their guests and separate a married couple.


not_a_bad_egg −  NTA – at the end of the day it’s your father who made the decision to chuck them out, which he had every right to do. Why would he continue to get reduced rent from family members who disrespect his son and son in law so badly?

sunrise_library −  NTA NTA NTA I can’t fault you for anything here. You are properly married and should be respected as such. I admire you so much for standing up against these bigots who are supposed to be your family. And hats off to your dad for standing by you. You’re all awesome! Except aunt and uncle, who are certainly TAs.


Scrabbydoo98 −  NTA They are just bigots who thought they would get a kick out of making y’all sleep in separate rooms. They fucked around and found out!

telepathicathena −  NTA and you didn’t get them kicked out – your aunt and uncle did. Your aunt and uncle clearly set this up to abuse you and your husband and “take a stand” or whatever, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. And I’m glad your dad is so great!


shartwadle −  NTA – Your aunt and uncle behaved like jerks! Play s**tty games, win s**tty prizes.

Kufat −  NTA. I’m a bit confused as to why the word “homeless” is being thrown around, instead of the bigoted aunt and uncle just needing to rent a different place (albeit for a higher rent or with less space, since your parents were giving a discount.)


This situation involves a complex mix of family loyalty, personal values, and differing views on LGBTQ+ issues. The user’s reaction was intense, but it raises the question of whether their response was justified or if there could have been a different way to handle the conflict. What are your thoughts on this situation?

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