AITA for getting more souvenirs for one nephew than the other?


A Redditor recently returned from a trip to the U.S. with souvenirs for their two nephews, aged 15 and 12. Each nephew made specific requests—one for autographed sports memorabilia and the other for signed books. While the requests were fulfilled, the gifts for the older nephew outnumbered those for the younger, leading their sister to express concern about perceived inequality. Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for getting more souvenirs for one nephew than the other?’

I have two nephews: ‘John’(15) and ‘Thomas’(12). Recently, I went on a trip to the U.S. It’s my first trip to America. I asked them if they wanted anything and the boys both wanted autographed stuff.

Thomas wanted a signed basketball and jersey from his favourite team, while John requested four autographed novels by his favourite author. They both did some research and gave me the store names. I managed to get all the requested items.


My sister, though, said I should have gotten Thomas a couple of other gifts since it isn’t good for him to see his brother get twice as many gifts. I told her I got what they wanted but she said it would have been thoughtful of me to find additional souvenirs

Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

[Reddit User] −  NTA. \ I managed to get all the requested items. Awesome, you took time out of your vacation to make your niblings happy. \ My sister, though, said I should have gotten Thomas a couple of other gifts since it isn’t good for him to see his brother get twice as many gifts. I told her I got what they wanted but she said it would have been thoughtful of me to find additional souvenirs


You got the kids what they wanted and had asked for. Your sis needs to b**t out cuz life isn’t always “fair” or “even”!!! Did the kids say anything about differences in gifts?

endor-pancakes −  You’re a great uncle and these are amazing gifts!  Yes, it’s good to make sure you don’t shower one nephew and n**lect the other, but I don’t think this happened here. Jerseys and books are not directly comparable, and I see no reason for either nephew to feel short-changed. . You’re _so_ NTA.


aemondstareye −  If all four novels had come in a single physical case as a set, would she be moaning about *John’s* lack of love? Kindergarten logic. NTA.

lmchatterbox −  Bet the sports stuff was more expensive than the author’s stuff too. NTA.


Bella_Dreamers −  NTA. You asked what they wanted and delivered exactly that. If Thomas wanted more items, he should have pulled a Santa letter on you and written a longer wishlist! It’s the thought and effort that counts, right? Maybe remind your sister it’s about the value and personal meaning of the gifts, not just the quantity. Plus, a signed basketball and jersey? That’s some serious cool aunt/uncle energy right there! Keep doing you! 🏀

GoatMom1998 −  Completely NTA! And why is the Mom making an issue when it appears both kids are not? You’re a very kind and generous person to have even asked for specifics and even went through the trouble of getting all the requested items! These are not toddlers who have to count every present to make sure it’s even. Your sister is a bit of a d**ma queen causing this issue in the first place.


Expensive_Visual_594 −  She sounds like she has no gratitude. She should be grateful for the gifts. What negative energy for her children. 

Skankyho1 −  NTA. you got them exactly what they asked for and I assume they were happy with that. you sisyermis just is just being materialistic and petty.she probably doesnt realise what those gifts cost and is one of those people that thinks that if one child gets a present for any reason then the other must get one as well for the same dollar as well. The only people you need to worry about is your nephews and if they are happy is their presents.s


MostDopeMozzy −  Ball probably cost more then the 4 books anyways

Katdroyd −  NTA…. Things are not always equal. I’ve taught my children to not compare gifts. They both get one average the same amount spent on them but it’s impossible to keep things entirely fair since they have different interests. Kids should be encouraged to develop interests seperate from each other other. Well done OP on meeting the boys where they are instead of making them cater to your ego as is the usual story on this sub.


Do you think the Redditor was in the wrong for sticking to the boys’ requests, or should they have gone the extra mile to balance the number of gifts? How would you handle a situation like this? Share your thoughts below!

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