AITA for getting mad about my boyfriend dipping his finger in the cream cheese at the beach?


A Reddit user shared a lighthearted but frustrating moment with her boyfriend during a beach picnic. When he decided to dip his hard-boiled egg directly into the shared cream cheese container, she found it unsanitary and asked him to use a knife.

Her boyfriend, however, didn’t see the big deal, leading to a lingering argument over picnic etiquette. Read their story below to see both sides of this quirky beach debate.


‘ AITA for getting mad about my boyfriend dipping his finger in the cream cheese at the beach?’

My boyfriend (m37) and I (f34) were spending the day at the beach. I prepared a picnic since we were going to be there all day. We had some snacks and lunch was supposed to be a sandwich; we brought the ham and the cream cheese for it and we bought a baguette on our way there.


We also took some hard boiled eggs as a snack. When we started eating our snack, he wanted to eat his hard boiled egg with cream cheese which fine, it’s his preference. We start eating our snack and I see him dipping his egg in the cream cheese package.

I get annoyed because it leaves pieces of egg in the cream cheese and I tell him please use a knife. He decides to “clean” the egg pieces off the cream cheese with his finger to make it right. So, Im shocked when I see him do this and I tell him that’s disgusting.


He gets upset because I called him disgusting but for me it’s common sense to not put your finger in the communal cream cheese package that we will use later for sandwiches. So, am I the a**hole or is he?

Edit: I got mad after this happened and bitched about it because he refused to acknowledge he was wrong.So we want to know, am I the a**hole for getting mad at him and not letting it go or is he for not understanding why I was upset and didn’t want him dipping his finger in the cream cheese?


We’re writing this together and it’s a silly argument we’ve been having since it happened but we really want to know who is the a**hole.

Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

Own_Lack_4526 −  NTA. I thought this was something most people learned before they hit double digits.


Unhappy-Prune-9914 −  NTA – But I’m so grossed out at all the hygiene and basic manners questions about men on Reddit. I doubt this is the only gross thing that he does.

Apart-Ad-6518 −  NTA “…but for me it’s common sense to not put your finger in the communal cream cheese package that we will use later for sandwiches.” And for everyone over the age of…*8*?


What really tips him deep into A H territory (if I read one of your responses right) is he did that after washing his hands in the *ocean*.
That redefines gross to a whole new level.

drunkbestie −  Who packs farty hard boiled eggs for a beach snack? Who puts cream cheese on a hard boiled egg? And why are they using cream cheese as a ham sandwich condiment on a French bread baguette???


Were you going to (gasp) touch his bread while making the sandwich? Did you bring rubber gloves to place the ham on the cream cheesy bread lol.

Are you sitting on the beach manhandling slippery hard boiled eggs with your funky fingers? Isn’t that an ewww too? Or do you have hard boiled egg skewers which do not exist 😂 These two are both oddballs. They’re perfect for each other. Plz get married.


-Kestra- −  INFO. Did he wash his digit before dipping it in the cream cheese? I mean, if it was a dirty digit, then he’s definitely the AH.. lol

kronos0315 −  NTA your boyfriend is disgusting for doing that, children know before 10 years old not to do that. This is something that is normal to do in his head you need to find out what other things that are not normal to do he thinks it is normal to do. After that you need to think is this a person I want to be married too.


Rando_RedditGuy −  NTA: I’m married and would react the same if my wife did that. I feel it’s the lack of consideration, although not intentional, is the underlying issue.

ballman666 −  Everybody’s eating ass and you’re over here mad about cream cheese shared between lovers.


11SkiHill −  You gotta drop him. Man was raised in a barn. Just gross. Now you have to think about every item in your fridge. Yuck.

Shot_Western_2755 −  ESH- I mean I get that him for swiping his finger in communal cream cheese is unsanitary but assuming you guys engage in a physical relationship you have had worse in your mouth (I really don’t know how to phrase that in a nice way, I am not at all being judgmental about it or shaming) so to get bent out of shape and actually get mad personally seems like a bit much.


Do you think she overreacted to the finger-dipping, or is her frustration understandable? How would you handle a situation where your partner’s eating habits didn’t align with your own standards? Share your thoughts and let us know who you think was in the right!

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