AITA for forgetting to include my sister in my wedding?


A man (27M) and his fiancée (28F) planned a small wedding without his sister (30F) due to her health issues. She surprised them by attending after receiving medical clearance, but the couple had not arranged for her a seat or meal, leaving her feeling excluded.

During a heated conversation afterward, his sister expressed her hurt, and he apologized but explained the logistical constraints. read the original story below…


‘ AITA for forgetting to include my sister in my wedding?’

About a year and a half ago, my fiancée (28F) and I (27F) started planning our wedding. We wanted a small, intimate affair with only 65 guests, including the wedding party.


My sister (30F) , who stays across the country, was supposed to be my maid of honor, and she enthusiastically helped with the planning until she faced a serious health issue about a month ago.

Due to her health problems, my sister was advised not to travel after her surgeries, which meant she would miss the wedding. After discussing it with my fiancée, I offered to postpone the wedding so my sister could attend, but she insisted we stick to our original plans because she knew how important they were to me.


I told her that i would be replacing her as the maid of honor with my childhood friend, and she was perfectly okay with it. Fast forward to two days ago, our wedding day. Everything seemed perfect until I spotted my sister sitting with my parents during the ceremony.

It turns out she had gotten clearance from her doctor to travel last minute and surprised us by showing up. I was really happy to see her. after the ceremony she came over to talk to me and told me everything. amidst all the hugs and congratulations, i completely forgot that we had not planned for her to be there.


due to the limited people at the wedding, we had strict seating charts and catered meals for everyone, as well as the wedding favours. it turns out, my sister didnt get to eat that night and just ate a few of the table appetisers, which were very small .

she also didnt have a proper chair and one of the venue workers got her a completely mismatching one from elsewhere, and she had to squeeze in next to our cousin. the wedding party and us (total 9 people) all sat at the front of the hall on a long table, facing everyone.


This morning, my sister calmly called and explained how excluded she felt at the wedding. I told her that yes, we didnt have extra favours/seats because of how strictly we budgeted for it.

she understood but also felt that i couldve been more inclusive by asking her to sit at the bridal table since she was originally supposed to be a MOH, or getting her a meal . she felt very judged the whole night and the least i could do was try to include her after she flew all the way down.


i apologised profusely because, had i not been so caught up with everything , i wouldve definitely tried to get her a meal from somewhere. but i also explained to her that she wouldnt have been able to sit with the wedding party as we had a color scheme that she didnt match, and that she should know how detailed the guest list was for favours/seats .

the conversation got a quite heated , and she said “well i guess it wouldve been better for you if i was still bedridden and i didnt come at all” and abrupty hung up the phone, though i know that line was probably an emotional outburst because of how hurt she was. AITA for not including my sister at my wedding?


Let’s dive into the reactions from Reddit:

LompocianLady −  NTA. A last minute extra guest at a small wedding is not trivial! Your mom or other relatives should have figured it out for you as, obviously, your mind is highly preoccupied during your own wedding. If it had been me as a last minute surprise guest, I would have eaten before arriving;

if I was the mom, I would have split my food with her, as would anyone else in our family. If seating was a problem any one of us would get up and give up our seat, even if it meant standing or taking turns sitting.


Weddings are supposed to be about sharing joy with the couple and family. Though I do wonder about your comment about not matching well enough to sit at your table, that shouldn’t have even mattered.

WinterGirl91 −  NTA she purposely kept it as a ‘surprise’ and then was shocked that you hadn’t known to plan for her attendance.


Junior-Pride-9147 −  NTA. My dad had told me he wasn’t coming to my wedding, fine. Day before comes and my mom and I are setting up the venue, making place settings, etc. I mention having an extra set of stuff that would have been for my dad, but that I guess we didn’t need it anymore.

My mom finally mentioned that my dad wanted to “surprise me” by showing up for my wedding?? He had gotten into town earlier in the week and told HER but not ME. He’s lucky I knew, so that we had a spot for him…


But if he hadn’t have tried to get her in on his weird “grand gesture” then he wouldn’t have even had a place to sit. That’s what happens when you say you can’t go–people plan for you NOT to be there.

honey-smile −  ESH – You for the color scheme comment (I mean really? That’s an AH reason to not invite her to sit at the head table. If that truly went through your head at your wedding, and wasn’t just a heat of the moment thing …. Yikes dude. You’re shallower than a kiddie pool) Otherwise, I do think that wedding guests often don’t understand that they can’t just show up last minute.


These things are usually planned out enough that it’s not easy to add another chair and get more food, especially when you’re paying by head for the caterer and don’t want, or remember, to take time away from the festivities to go reconfigure seating or negotiate for an extra plate.

StrangeLime4244 −  ESH. She shouldn’t have surprised you, I agree with that. But if that were my sister, I’d forgive it because I’d be so happy to see her, I’d pull up a mismatched chair to the head table, let my mismatched sister sit right next to me, and eat off my plate.


False-Student-8750 −  i was on your side until the colour scheme comment. really? aesthetics were more important than your sister’s presence beside you? YTA

Funkyzebra1999 −  I was kind of sympathetic until I got to “She wouldn’t have been able to sit with us as we had a colour scheme she didn’t match”
At that point, I knew as much about you and your attitude towards your sister as I needed to know.. YTA. No wonder she hung up on you


Friendly-Buyer-9563 −  ESH I get that you wanted your wedding to be as perfect as possible and that having the right color schemes probably seemed like an important part of it, but it’s nowhere near as important as the people there.

Watching photos of your sister’s outfit clash with the color schemes would be a funny and touching story, Now you have great pictures but with much worse memories. The meal thing you should have probably delegated to one of the parents or the new MOH to find a solution.


I don’t think you handled things well, although I recognize that the stress of the day could cloud your judgement. The sister’s heart seems to have been in the right place with her trying her hardest to make it to your wedding, but her not notifying anyone as soon as the doctor cleared her was stupid.

Even if she wanted to surprise you, and I don’t think that surprising a bride on her wedding day is a good idea. even then she should have told someone else. Now she was like, oh I won’t tell anyone I’ll be there, hey, why is there nothing prepared for me? :surprised pikachu face:


Oscarmaiajonah −  YTA. At first, I was instantly going for NTA, an unexpected guest at a catered event is tricky, although I do feel a little more could have been done for her,

Im sure an extra chair could be found, and a little food sharing, but then you came out with SHE DIDNT MATCH THE COLOUR SCHEME? and that puts you in AH territory for sure.

SamBartlett1776 −  NTA. Your sister surprised you by attending. She participated in the planning and knew how tightly you budgeted. Guess the surprise was on her.

What do you think? Was it reasonable for him to manage the situation as he did? Share your thoughts below!

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  1. Fustercluck 1 month ago

    YTA, without a doubt. If my sister had managed to make it to my wedding after going through a serious health issue, her attire wouldn’t have mattered in the least. We’d have squeezed an extra chair in at the front table and thrown together a plate. I don’t blame her for being hurt.

  2. Joanne Wilkins 1 month ago

    I know someone who did this. he lived in Australia, his family were in England. When invited to his son’s wedding he said sorry he couldn’t be therefor various reasons, distance and difficulty in getting there the main one. But he always intended to go, but wanted to suprise his son by arriving unannounced, they wouldn’t be expecting him. I said it was a foolish thing to do for all the reasons OP mentioned. So when he arrived he thought son and new wife would be pleased to see him but instead they were angry at his selfishness and entitlement that he thought he would be the hero of the show,…… at THEIR wedding. Of course there was no seat or food for him, and he wondered why. . It really spoilt the day for them, but he thought they would thrilled !

  3. Dawnn 1 month ago

    NTA who knew she was coming, that is the person who is the AH, why did then not make sure they had a place to sit her? Please Bride it’s your special day everyone is watching your every move and taking photos on a wedding that you worked hard to plan out every detail, throw in the monkety wrench and Bride on you special day rearrange all the seeting and plating and photos and if you don’t get called out on not rearrangeing everything. NTA.

  4. Katherine Reynold 1 month ago

    YTA. She didnt purposely get sick. She was enthusiastic from the start and HELPED YOU. she was so kind from all angles. If it was me i would never forget because of hoe CAREFULLY everything is planned, when one extra guest comes in, that would be THE FIRST thing that would strike my head. i would have accomodated her at the main table because despite her sever injury, she made it for you, for you wedding. And because the colour scheme doesnt match. You are totally the biggest asshole in the history of asshole sisters.

  5. Katherine Reynold 1 month ago

    YTA. She didnt purposely get sick. She was enthusiastic from the start and HELPED YOU. she was so kind from all angles. If it was me i would never forget because of hoe CAREFULLY everything is planned, when one extra guest comes in, that would be THE FIRST thing that would strike my head. i would have accomodated her at the main table because despite her sever injury, she made it for you, for you wedding. And because the colour scheme doesnt match. You are totally the biggest shole in the history of shole sisters.