AITA for ‘fat shaming’ my brother’s girlfriend?

A Redditor recounts a tense interaction with their brother’s girlfriend, who wanted to participate in a TikTok trend where a boyfriend lifts his girlfriend. When the brother couldn’t lift her, she criticized him for being weak, prompting the Redditor to point out her weight as a contributing factor.
The girlfriend accused the Redditor of body shaming, sparking a broader debate about fairness and sensitivity. Read the story below to weigh in.
‘ AITA for ‘fat shaming’ my brother’s girlfriend?’
There’s been a recent tiktok trend of couples filming a video where the boyfriend picks up the girlfriend. My brother’s gf had been wanting to do it for a while, and he initially didn’t want to.
He didn’t bring it up, but I think it did have to do with her weight, as she’s heavier than him and I think he didn’t want to make her feel bad by not being able to pick her up. She insisted, and he finally agreed, but when they filmed the video, he wasn’t able to lift her.
She immediately started berating him and saying he was small and weak and needed to go to the gym so he is able to pick her up. I told her she shouldn’t belittle my brother like that, and she said she’s just telling the truth that if he can’t lift a girl then he’s weak.
I pointed out that the truth in this case is that he’s a perfectly normal weight and she’s more the cause of him not being able to pick him up than he is (he’s 5’10 150s she’s 5’3 180s). She called me a bodyshaming a**hole and left, and a lot of her friends are telling me now I’m an a**hole too for body shaming her. I don’t think that’s fair. AITA?
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
Golfcampfishguy − NTA and your brother should look for a more respectful partner.
Even_Enthusiasm7223 − Weren’t her comments body shaming your brother? The biggest issue is following stupid tik Tok trends. She called him weak, you called her fat.. It evens out.. Nta
No-Understanding2890 − Imo he needs to lose her because her shaming him is going to get worse and not better.
AwarenessOnly7993 − NTA. At 5’3” and 180, she’s not exactly liftable for your average teenager. WTF is wrong with her shaming the BF? The truth hurts I guess
WeirdnessWalking − So an obese GF who outweighs her BF by a substantial amount created a situation in which her obesity is put on full display?. Weird
Unable-Ease-5081 − Sounds too stupid to be real
tanuki-pie − When did you all get together to weigh yourselves?
Future-Nebula74656 − ESH.. he’s 5’10 150s she’s 5’3 180s. You are both assholes.. fat/skinny shaming each person
Ethunel − If you said it that way, definitely NTA. You told her the truth.
Always-confused-4301 − NTA – sometimes the truth hurts. Seems like it’s ok for her to “tell the truth” but isn’t a fan when it’s returned.
Do you think the Redditor was justified in defending their brother, or did they cross the line into body shaming? How would you have addressed the situation without escalating the conflict? Share your thoughts and perspectives in the comments below!