AITA for evicting my sister and her daughters after the hid my wife’s wig and embarrassed her?

A Reddit user is grappling with a tough situation involving their sister and her daughters, who have been staying with them after losing their apartment. The tension started when the user’s wife, a cancer patient, became the target of hurtful remarks and pranks related to her wig, which she wears due to hair loss from chemotherapy.
After an incident where the nieces hid the wig and filmed it, the user decided to evict their sister and her daughters, believing they crossed a boundary and humiliated his wife. Family members, including their elderly father, have urged them to reconsider, but the user is standing firm. To find out more and how others have responded, read the full story below.
‘Â AITA for evicting my sister and her daughters after the hid my wife’s wig and embarrassed her?’
First of, I want to start by mentioning that my wife is a cancer patient, She unfortunately started losing her hair due to chemo therapy and she’s been incredibly insecure about it, her lack of hair in particular. She got a wig and started wearing it, I don’t mind it, I 100% support her since she only wears it around family and friends.
My sister lost her apartment after a messy divorce and moved in with her twin daughters (16) almost a month ago. Things been going well except my nieces constant remarks about my wife’s wig. They got so hung up on it and kept asking lots of questions about it.
They asked to take turns to try it on, suggested they “strighten” it with the strightner and so on which was exhausting. They even pressured to see her without it but my wife was uncomfortable and refused. Yesterday I got home and found that my wife was locking herself in the bedroom and crying.
I asked what happened, She told me she woke up and didn’t find her wig, then discovered my nieces took it and hid then urged her to come out so they could see her without it. My wife repeatedly asked them to give it back but they started laughing and recording , my wife got had to lock the door to keep a distance cause they didn’t stop.
I was fuming I went into the kitchen and confronted them, they acted confused but I was able to get the wig back. I lashed out telling them they humiliated my wife and barrassed her by taking away her wig. They said it was just lighthearted prank which made me go off on them.
My sister got involved and said my wife was just being too sensitive and the girls were just curios to see her without a wig but she overreacted. I told her her daughters were recording her! She saw nothing wrong in it and said I overreacted as well. I lost it on her too and told her she and my nieces are no longer welcome to stay at my home and they needed to leave.
I later let them know about the eviction since they thought I wasn’t serious and they started crying begging that I let it go. But my wife is no longer comfortable around them after what they did. My sister called our eldery dad and he begged that I let them stay and insisted my nieces were just acting like typical teenagers. He offered to speak to my wife but I declined.
They’ve been begging that I chang my mind but I ket refusing. aita?
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
[Reddit User] − NTA. At ALL. For f**k’s sake they were recording- they were actively trying to humiliate your cancer stricken wife. You better evict them. Your poor wife. Holy s**t. Edit: don’t let your dad even approach your wife over the phone. Seriously don’t- he’ll try to convince her she’s wrong and not those horrid brats.
ScooterProfessor − NTA – I can’t even imagine that feeling you had when you learned what was going on.
thestreetiliveon − NTA. My kids were teenagers once and would NEVER have done such a cruel and insensitive thing. Good for you for doing what you did. Best wishes for your wife’s health.
EvocativeEnigma − They said it was just lighthearted prank which made me go off on them. A lighthearted prank is NOT recording someone while they are crying because you are trying to shame that person. Those girls are absolutely being bullies and your wife deserves to feel save in her own home.. NTA
illumantimess − NTA and let your elderly dad take them in
Low-Assistance9231 − Absolutely NTA and furthermore, why were they recording? The only point of that was to post the video for others to see, so they also intended to publicly embarrass her
GoingPriceForHome − NTA. I guarantee you a 16 year old knows not to upset a woman with cancer to the point of tears and laugh and record her while they torment her. They sound literally evil. If your father is so worried, tell him to take them in. I’m sure he’ll think it’s typical teen things when they hide his walker and laugh and record him while he falls. JFC.
[Reddit User] − NTA. That kind of “lighthearted prank” is fucked up. Good on you for kicking them out! Maybe some time on their own will teach them about respecting people.