AITA for entering and keeping the prize from a drawing when I’m not the intended demographic?


A Reddit user recently shared a lighthearted dilemma after winning a “perfect date night” prize from a local bologna festival raffle, despite not fitting the intended “couples” demographic.

The prize included items like a fire pit, blankets, a restaurant gift card, and more—perfect for a cozy evening with someone special. However, since the user is going through a divorce, she plans to enjoy the prize with her kids instead.


A friend criticized her for keeping it, arguing it goes against the spirit of the raffle. Curious if she was wrong, the user turned to Reddit for opinions. Read the full story below to see how this played out.


‘ AITA for entering and keeping the prize from a drawing when I’m not the intended demographic?’

This is honestly just silly. Also, throwaway because this is kind of specific and I don’t want people I know to recognize it and find my main. I’m 36F, if that matters to anyone.

Over the weekend, my town had a bolognafest. No, I didn’t spell anything wrong. Yes, I’m from a redneck Midwest town. It was kind of a trunk or treat with little games the kids could play. Kinda cute. While my kids were playing one of the games, someone asked me if I wanted to enter a drawing.


Why not? So I did. Well, I won. Because the universe wanted a laugh. It was for a “perfect date night.” This is the part where I mention that I’m divorcing my cheating husband and I’m not dating anyone and have no interest in dating anyone.

The prize was a fire pit, a $50 gift certificate to an Italian restaurant, a $10 gift card to a florist, 2 Halloween themed plush blankets, a nice scented candle, a picture frame, and a box of hot chocolate.


The kids and I can enjoy an evening roasting marshmallows over the fire pit. They each got a cute blanket. We all enjoy hot chocolate. The Italian restaurant has a kids menu, so the three of us can go one night. Overall, it’s a prize that I can enjoy with my kids.

One of my friends, also single, said I shouldn’t have even entered and at least should have turned down the prize since it was meant for a couple and I’m happily unattached. She said it goes against the spirit of the drawing. So, reddit, AITA for keeping a date night prize to enjoy with my kids instead of a partner?


Editing in case it makes a difference in the judgment: the whole festival, including the drawing I won, was free. It was something for Kraft foods and some local businesses to promote themselves.

Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

UusiSisu −  NTA you were asked to enter a drawing for a prize. You won. Your friend is simply jealous. It sounds like you had your perfect “date night”!


Nimindir −  I literally laughed out loud at the irony, but, f**k it. You won it, it’s yours, use it however you wish. I love that you’re spending it on your kids. I hate that people are objecting to you spending it on your kids. Who needs it more; a happy couple, or the kids of an unhappy couple?. EDIT: NTA

owls_and_cardinals −  NTA. Heavy eye roll on this. Your friend should stay out of it. No one is e**itled to tell you how to use a prize you won, and the fact that it was packaged up as a ‘date night’ sure as hell doesn’t mean that’s the only allowable use.


It sounds like you’ll put the whole thing to good use which is awesome but even if you did nothing with it, it’s not anyone else’s business. It does not go against the spirit of the drawing and I have no idea why your friend wants to punish you for being single.

extinct_diplodocus −  NTA. The prize was billed as a “perfect date night” and not a “perfect romantic date night”. This does give you and your kids a perfect date night. Congratulations! Your friend should be happy for you, but she seems to be motivated by envy.


The contest runners didn’t check that you met particular requirements and don’t seem unhappy at the results. Your idea of a perfect date differs from hers, but she doesn’t get to gatekeep how you choose to date. Ignore the envy and enjoy.All that aside, the fest was aimed at families with kids, so you certainly were the target demographic.

rubikscanopener −  How is a fire pit a “date night” prize? “Hey, sweetie. For our next date, maybe we can do some quick landscaping in my backyard. I’ve been thinking about putting in a fire pit!”


SarkyMs −  Did you enter a picture (drawing) or a prize draw (UK name) where they pull your name out of a hat?

Mamacat192188 −  lol your friend is just bitter and wants you to give her the gift. Enjoy the treats with your kids and get yourself some pretty flowers with that last prize. Miley would approve. NTA


Dry-Wheel-6324 −  Nta. I won a hotel stay, tickets to a show and a very fancy dinner. My husband was on call for work so I brought my tween. Would have loved to share with him, but we had a great girls night.

essres −  Is your friend normally this dense?


Upbeat-Opposite-7129 −  Take yourself out…. 50 bucks is only one meal anyway

Do you think it’s wrong for the user to keep and repurpose the prize for her family, or should she have left it for an actual couple? How would you handle winning a prize with an unintended purpose? Share your thoughts below!


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  1. Yvonne McDonald 2 months ago

    Slightly confused Brit here. Took me a minute to realise that this was for what we would call a prize draw or possibly a raffle! Thought you had possibly done a quick sketch or something! 😂 Anyhow, congrats on the prize – your friend can go suck a lemon!

  2. Bbabes 2 months ago

    Nta your friends a single jealous twat she can f off it was spent well with you and your kids I remember specifically going got a baby shower my bfs bro won the prize it was a kitchen set for a couple nobody batted an eye even the couples he gave me something for me and my bf his bro and he kept the rest I didn’t care so wow how sad.