AITA for ending unsupervised visits after in-laws broke our safety boundary?


Protecting our children is a primal instinct, and setting boundaries is a crucial part of that protection. But what happens when those boundaries are blatantly disregarded by the very people who should be supporting you? This is the dilemma facing our protagonist, whose in-laws have jeopardized their children’s safety by violating a crucial family rule.


‘ AITA for ending unsupervised visits after in-laws broke our safety boundary?’





When safety concerns are involved, especially those related to children, boundaries become non-negotiable. Ignoring these boundaries can have serious consequences and erode trust within a family.

Our protagonist and her husband have one fundamental rule with their in-laws: their children are not to be around the sister-in-law’s family without parental supervision. This boundary is based on documented safety concerns, including dangerous childcare practices, inappropriate medication use, and violent behavior from family members. Despite this clear boundary, the in-laws deliberately invited the sister-in-law’s family over while the children were in their care, demonstrating a shocking disregard for their grandchildren’s well-being.


As renowned family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” In this case, the in-laws’ actions speak volumes. Their decision to disregard the safety boundary, their defensiveness when confronted, and their anger at having to ask the sister-in-law to leave all suggest a lack of respect for the parents’ concerns and a prioritization of their own desires over the children’s safety.

The in-laws’ claim that they “forgot” the boundary is simply not credible. This is not a minor rule about taking off shoes in the house; it’s a significant safety concern that has been discussed and reinforced repeatedly. Their attempt to minimize the situation and portray the parents as “helicopter parents” is a classic manipulation tactic designed to deflect blame and avoid accountability.


One potential solution is to enforce the consequences consistently and without apology. The parents are entirely within their rights to refuse unsupervised visits with the in-laws. They may also need to consider limiting or even ceasing contact with the sister-in-law’s family altogether. It’s crucial for the parents to present a united front and communicate clearly and firmly that their children’s safety is their top priority. They should not engage in arguments or justifications, but simply state their boundaries and stick to them.

These are the responses from Reddit users:

Here are some hot takes from the Reddit community—candid, blunt, and supportive of the decision to enforce boundaries:





Some commenters advised simply to stop all unsupervised visits and leave the in-laws to their own devices, while others stressed that our children’s safety should always come first. Many agreed that calling out dangerous practices is not being “helicopter” but rather being a responsible parent. The overall consensus is that if your family repeatedly ignores a clearly stated safety rule, enforcing consequences is entirely justified.


At the end of the day, our children’s safety is non-negotiable. While it’s painful to enforce such strict boundaries with loved ones, the well-being of our kids must come first. Have you ever faced a situation where family dynamics forced you to set hard limits for the sake of safety? How did you handle the backlash from relatives? Share your thoughts and experiences below—let’s discuss how we can all stand firm in protecting our little ones, no matter what challenges arise.

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