AITA for destroying my gf at fifa?


A guy played FIFA with his girlfriend, teaching her the game at first and letting her win a few matches. She started bragging about beating him, so he decided to play seriously, winning 10-0 in a flashy style.

After jokingly telling her not to trash-talk her “teacher,” she got upset, left, and is now ignoring him. He wonders if he went too far. read the original story below…


‘ AITA for destroying my gf at fifa?’

So i(20M) was playing fifa at home yesterday, not to brag but im decent at the game, for those who play im in elite division and usually get rank 2 or 1 in champs.


Anyway my girlfriend (19F) came over while i was playing and she sees me playing all the time so she naturally got interested and wanted to play too, so she asked if she can play, i said alright and i gave her my spare controller and went into a regular kickoff match.

We start playing and obviously i lower my skill level since im playing someone who just started playing, so i teach her the mechanics and how to play, and after a few games she seems to get used to it and manages to score some goals and after maybe our 5th match she beats me 3-1 and


starts s**t talking me and claiming that shes some kind of prodigy and that i must be really trash to be playing for so long since i cant even beat someone who just started playing.

So i laugh and decide to teach her a lesson, so we play another match and i purposely go out of my way to humiliate her, using skill moves and dribbling through her team completely, sombrero flicks over her players, outside the box green timed volleys etc, bicycle kicks, finesse shots, flair shots, basically every r** move in the book.


The game ends 10-0 (i couldve gotten more but i felt bad so i cooled it down a bit), anyway i can tell shes pissed off so i laugh and say “thats why you shouldn’t talk s**t to people when they try to teach you young padawan” in a joking manner obviously.

She gets mad and starts cussing me out, saying how i was unfair and how she was just joking and how i was an a**hole for doing that to her. I was low key shocked because i thought she’d just laugh at the whole thing because shes usually that kind of person. Anyway she got mad and went home, and she doesnt want to talk to me and now im wondering if i went too far, AITA


Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:

100KUSHUPS −  People seem very hung on the part about “humiliating her”. You beat her in a game you’re playing regularly, in the confinement of your home. You didn’t really “humiliate” her. You just beat her, and chose a poor word for it. When I met my girlfriend, she was so sure she could beat me in fighting games.

She absolutely whooped my ass in Dragonball, in front of my cousin, and talked s**t. That was not humiliating, I just lost a game. Then we swapped to Tekken, and she went on a 28 game losing streak (if I remember correctly), one of them where I left the room so I couldn’t see the screen, one where I looked her in the eyes, and repeatedly pressed one button until KO, also in front of my cousin.


That was not humiliating for her, because she’s not a bad l**er, and she KNEW what would happen. NTA, but maybe think a bit about your wording, also in relation to your partner, as, obviously, something you said upset her.

Johnmario2 −  NTA. Skill Diff: The Post. in the words of Justin Wong: “WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD”


[Reddit User] −  NTA, lmao. She was talking smack and you put her in Place. This is almost as unserious as when I destroy my little brother in basketball after he got one easy layup cause I let him and then s**t talked me.

Suspicious-Local-280 −  NTA. I don’t understand the T A. She can trash talk but you have to take care of her feefees? Not really how the world works.


GundyGalois −  ESH Both of you need to grow up. Who the hell writes the phrase “out of my way to humiliate” and thinks they are innocent?

zmun_495 −  NTA its a game lmao she shouldve been humble


riontach −  YTA but mostly to yourself. You had a fun, flirty situation where you could have had some amiable s**t talking and then beat her in a fun match. Instead you “went out of your way to humiliate her” and were surprised pikachu when she felt humiliated.. Real smart move there.

CarrieDurst −  and after maybe our 5th match she beats me 3-1 and starts s**t talking me and claiming that shes some kind of prodigy and that i must be really trash to be playing for so long since i cant even beat someone who just started playing.. NTA


St-thaks −  NTA. Playing to your level in a video game is not b**lying. She should have known better than to s**t-talk, and if she was only joking, she should have taken the joke on her as well. Am sure it was embarrassing as hell, so she needed to get away and cool down. But I don’t think there’s anything for you to apologise for …

SomethingSuss −  NTA. I mean maybe you didn’t have to go so hard but you played easy mode and let her score a few times, just seems like banter to me.


Was he justified in playing competitively, or should he have handled things differently? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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One Comment

  1. Chris 2 months ago

    I mean, maybe after the first 3-4 goals where you took her entire team to school (or at the latest, halftime), you might have considered looking at her and asking her with a grin if she wanted to walk back that sh*t-talk of hers, and then you end the game and forget about it if she’s cool, and teach her a couple of the nice moves if she’s interested. But since you really piled it on, you were obviously more interested in showing off and “paying her back”. Okay, you did that. And now she’s not likely to play with you again. Was it worth it?