AITA for demanding the same Christmas present my stepbrother got?

A Redditor, 17, is upset after discovering that his dad and stepmom bought a used car for his stepbrother for Christmas, while he received a $600 Best Buy gift card. Feeling deeply hurt and treated unfairly, he moved to his mom’s house full time and has been ignoring his dad’s attempts to apologize.
His stepbrother tried to calm him down, offering to let him use the car but suggesting he stop complaining. The Redditor is now questioning whether he’s overreacting. Read the original story below…
‘ AITA for demanding the same Christmas present my stepbrother got?’
I sound like a real a**hole but I’ve completely lost my mind over this. I’m 17 and my stepbrother is 17. We both have our driving license. I just found out 5 days ago that my dad and stepmom bought a used car for my stepbrother. They got me a 600 dollar gift card to best buy.
I know $600 is a lot of money but what the f**k? Am I crazy or is it super unfair? It’s literally the straw that broke the g**damn camel’s back. I’m actually so pissed off that I’ve moved to my mom’s house full time. My dad seems to be genuinely sorry and told me he’s looking for a car now but that it’ll take a while.
I messaged him back saying that I’ll decide if I want to see him after he decides to be fair for once. I’ve ignored all other calls and messages from him since. My stepbrother messaged me saying that I need to chill out and that he’ll let me use his car. He also said that I need to stop bitching and ruining everyone’s Christmas. I told him to get in his civic and f**k off.. AITA?
Here’s what people had to say to OP:
lyraterra − NTA. It takes a serious miscalculation by both adults to think that kind of uneven gift giving is okay. I think after you cool off you should sit down with your dad and explain how hurt you were by the disparity.
Peachykeennn − I don’t even have a judgement but “get in his civic and f**k off” made me laugh out loud
JackNotName − NTA. That was a b**lshit move by your dad and step-mom. Unless all the money for the car came from step-mom (or step-mom and step-bro’s dad), that is just way out of line.
You are right to put your foot down on this. Your dad treated you like a second class child. Good on your for standing up for yourself. As for ruining everyone’s Christmas… Why is it expected for you to be quiet while your Christmas is ruined?
[Reddit User] − INFO: have you asked why? And what is the value of the car? Seems like there are a lot of missing pieces in this situation and possibly some jumping to conclusions.
[Reddit User] − NTA there’s obliviously some favouritism here
CNDRock16 − NTA, your dad and stepmom seriously fucked up and you have every right to be hurt. However you are TA if you take it out on your stepbrother, try and tread lightly there. It’s not his fault!
Terror_Beer − INFO: did they both pitch in 50/50 or was it mostly from stepmom (and maybe her ex?) ?. Same for the 600.
[Reddit User] − NTA. My brother got his college paid for and I got… socks and $30k in debt.. It was a tough year.
sinkydoodles − NTA. My dad had a rule – if you can’t get something for all 4 kids, you don’t get it at all. Obvs this wasn’t for littler things like kid 1 outgrew their trainers or kid 3 had a growth spurt and needed new clothes….it was for s**t like this. Can’t afford a car for all 4 kids? Shame, they can pay for their own cars then.
[Reddit User] − Without any further context such as whether your stepbrother did something more to earn the car, or you did something to not deserve it, I’d have to go with NTA here. Reading through this forum you see how often siblings are treated differently, and I was treated rather poorly growing up as well.
It’s a shame, but some parents truly don’t understand, or care, how they come across to their children. If your father and stepmother are going to favor your stepbrother, I think you made the right call by moving out.
I noticed you wrote that this is “the straw that broke the g**damn camel’s back,” so I’m guessing this isn’t a fluke, but instead something that has occurred often. Go where you’re treated like a valued member of the family.
Was the Redditor’s reaction justified, or did he go too far in demanding the same gift as his stepbrother? How would you handle a situation where you felt treated unfairly in a blended family? Share your thoughts below.