AITA for demanding a refund at an electronics store after the staff accused me of trying to scam them?

A customer experiences a frustrating situation at an electronics store when the staff accuses them of trying to scam the store after a mistake in the product they purchased. The customer demands a refund and argues with the staff, but the manager’s accusation of dishonesty leaves them humiliated. Was raising their voice justified, or did they overreact? Read the original story below…
‘ AITA for demanding a refund at an electronics store after the staff accused me of trying to scam them?’
I went to an electronics store to buy a TV for my new apartment. I picked out a model, paid for it, and was told to wait while they got it from the stockroom. After waiting for about 30 minutes, the staff came back and told me they couldn’t find the exact model I paid for. They offered to give me a different model, but it was a cheaper one with fewer features.
I told them I wasn’t okay with that and asked for a refund instead. That’s when things took a turn. The manager came out and insinuated that I was trying to pull some kind of scam, claiming I paid for the cheaper TV and was now demanding an upgrade for free. I was shocked because I had my receipt clearly showing the more expensive model I paid for.
I argued with the manager, showing them the receipt again and again, but they refused to acknowledge their mistake. At one point, I got frustrated and raised my voice, which led to a security guard coming over. I felt humiliated, but I stood my ground and demanded my money back.
After a long back-and-forth, they finally refunded me, but not before the manager loudly said something like, “We don’t need customers like you.” Now I’m wondering if I went too far by raising my voice, even though I felt cornered. Am I the a*****e?
See what others had to share with OP:
Briiiiiiyonce − NTA. They were legitimately trying to steal your money. They don’t need customers like you? That’s rich. The world doesn’t need crooks as managers. I’d write a n**ty ass review about them. They probably do this to many people. Edit: I said right inside of write like a lil g**fball
Natural-Evidence1957 − NTA. Stores need to take accountability for their inventory issues. You had every right to ask for a refund, and their treatment of you was completely uncalled for.
No_Diver4265 − Sounds like the store needs a lovely online review. They tried to scam you.
SageXX54 − I didn’t insult anyone or yell —I was just firm and louder than usual because they weren’t listening. I also wasn’t trying to get anything for free—I just wanted the TV I paid for or my money back. The manager’s attitude made it feel like I was being treated like a criminal for no reason.
Purlz1st − Looks like it’s time to hit Nextdoor, Yelp, Google reviews, and name and shame.
DLo28035 − Bait and switch scam, with a dash of g**lighting
TheFinalPhilter − we don’t need customers like you. NTA You should have loudly responded people don’t need stores like yours that try and steal money from others.
Specialist-Leek-6927 − Something similar happened to me once, i simply pulled my phone and called the police, they changed their tune instantly.
katladiabla − NTA . Could you please tell us the stores name ? I’m just curious. It’s definitely not because I want to leave a bunch of s**tty reviews. I would never do such a thing
Msredratforgot − Nta you get a hold of the company and the district manager and let them know what happened there are cameras you have a receipt and you were treated shamefully when you did nothing wrong you made sure they get theirs
When your integrity is questioned, is it okay to stand your ground—even if it means raising your voice? Share your thoughts below!