AITA for cutting off my sister and telling her she’s no longer welcome in my house after threatening to sue me. UPDATE ?


OP (26F) provided an update after the family wedding. While the event itself was drama-free, things escalated afterward. OP’s aunt Renee invited her to a Christmas celebration, claiming OP split the house with her younger sister but refused to give Jane her share.

Shocked, OP clarified that Jane had spread lies, claiming OP’s dad gave her nothing. In reality, OP received the house, her younger sister got the family business, and Jane received a lump sum to start a bakery.


Aunt Renee and OP’s dad were upset at Jane for her deception but urged OP to forgive and move on. OP remains firm, unwilling to endure further stress. read the original story below…

For those who want to read the first part :


‘ AITA for cutting off my sister and telling her she’s no longer welcome in my house after threatening to sue me. UPDATE ?’

The family wedding was over the weekend and everything there was great! No drama I kept my distance from Jane. The bride was not out staged at all! Well not by me and the drama atleast.


However Sunday after the wedding my aunt Renee called me to ask if I would be coming to dinner to celebrate Christmas early since Jane was in town and would not be coming for the actual holiday. I politely declined, said I would send the children’s gift with my dad but there was no need to go and pretend that I was over Jane’s behavior.

My aunt then said : “I would be upset too if you refused to give me my share but gave little sis her share, that really shows a divide” ,I asked her to said that again because I think I hallucinated. Jane really has been out here saying I split the house with my little sister when I did not.


I explained to my aunt what actually happened and then my dad confirmed the information I gave. My aunt was shocked. Not only had Jane lied to her and the whole family she also lied and said my dad never gave her anything.

He gave me the house, my little sister his business and Jane a lump sum of money to start her bakery since she had no interest in running the family business.Jane is currently staying with aunt Renee, but Renee is now upset and feels duped into this whole mess.


Renee and my dad are both upset with Jane but still believe that I should forgive and forget and move forward. Renee is going to talk to Jane tomorrow before she leaves to go back to Idaho but I’m not sure it will do anything. Not a great/entertaining update but I guess I felt compelled to finish the story. At this point though I don’t care if I’m the AH

Here’s how people reacted to the post:

Helln_Damnation −  I’m always amused by people who say forgive and forget. I can guarantee that noone EVER forgets!. You’re NTA


VinylHighway −  You should not forgive someone who hasn’t shown remorse, or asked for forgiveness.

Crafty_Special_7052 −  They still want you to forgive and forget after finding out she’s lying to your extended family? Hell no that just confirms she should not be forgiven.


iknowsomethings2 −  NTA. She acts like she’s family when it benefits her, but then calls out you aren’t her bio family when she wants.. She can’t have it both ways. She’s not owed the house. Or anything for that matter. You all got financial shell from your dad in some way. She’s a m**ipulative b**ch.

I would tell her since you didn’t think my mum was your real mum, I’m not your real sister. This is my house. You are no longer welcome in my house.
She’s not your family and she’s not your friend. She’s a user and m**ipulative. She didn’t give a s**t if selling the house would make your dad homeless.


RepresentativeGur250 −  OP does your Dad know she wanted to sell the house now? The house he gave to you under strict (and legal if I remember rightly) conditions that he would be able to continue living in until he dies? That she wanted the money split 3 ways, you, her and your little sister.

Leaving your Dad without a home or any money to secure anywhere else to live? Please point this out to him if not. She basically wanted to make your Dad homeless…


Resident_Warthog4711 −  The one upside to getting old is that most of my family is dead. It’s just not worth dealing with people.

Apprehensive_War9612 −  NTA Let’s be clear Jane parents died. presumably she would’ve inherited anything that they had. Your mother died. Your father was already gracious enough to help Jane out. She’s not entitled to inherit from your parents.


If Jane was your biological sister, she’s still not entitled to inherit from your parents. That is entirely your parents decision on who their money and assets go to.Your father already decided what to do with his home. It is now your home. Jane is entitled and greedy.

ElehcarTheFirst −  Isn’t it amazing how the person who’s lying isn’t expected to make amends but the person who’s being lied about is? In my family, I’m always expected to be the bigger person and put family first and not let grudges get to me.


But no one ever told my siblings that it would be nice for them to maybe stop being such f**king assholes to me and about me. So when I cut them all off … I’m the one who was the bad guy. Even though one of them went after me on Facebook while I was high on medication after knee surgery.

And told me I’m a professional victim who has to make everything about me. I had no recollection of this conversation until my cousin brought it up to me like 2 weeks later. And that was when I decided to cut everyone off.


They don’t get to be a part of my life. They only want to see the worst in me no matter how much I have done to assist them or help them or how much I continued to only see the best in them.. You deserve better.

grayblue_grrl −  NTA.. Never forgive or forget. The evil, mean and greedy count on that.. Jane is on her own. Wishing Renee the best of luck. lol


WinkAtMeBaby −  Jane lied and caused drama. She even threatened to sue you? Why is forgive and forget always the solution you have to offer? Nah, boundaries are healthy

Do you think OP should forgive Jane and move forward, or are her boundaries justified given the lies and manipulation? Share your thoughts below!


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