AITA for cutting my sister out of my wedding after she tried to sabotage my engagement?

A Redditor shared their decision to cut their sister out of their wedding after discovering a series of actions aimed at undermining their engagement. From suddenly dating the best man to stirring doubts about the relationship.
The sister’s behavior crossed boundaries, leaving the bride-to-be torn between standing firm and facing family backlash. Read the full story below to decide who’s in the wrong.
‘ AITA for cutting my sister out of my wedding after she tried to sabotage my engagement? ?’
My fiancé (Chris) proposed last July, and we were thrilled. My sister (Dianne, 28) has always been competitive with me, but I thought she’d be happy for me. I was wrong. A week after our engagement, Dianne started dating my fiancé’s best man (Ted).
This wouldn’t be weird except they’ve NEVER shown interest in each other before. It felt like she was trying to insert herself into my wedding circle. When I talked to her about it, she claimed it was “just a coincidence.” Then things got worse.
She started “casually” mentioning how Ted was having second thoughts about being Chris’ best man. She’d make comments like, “He seems stressed about the wedding” or “Ted doesn’t really want to do all this wedding stuff.” I could see she was trying to create drama.
The final straw came when I discovered she’d been texting Chris’ mom, suggesting that maybe our relationship “wasn’t stable” and that we might be rushing things. When I confronted her, she laughed and said I was being “dramatic.” I’ve now told her she’s not welcome at the wedding.
My parents are furious, saying I’m being too harsh and that “family is family.” But I feel like she’s been actively trying to sabotage my relationship. Chris supports my decision, but my entire extended family is now taking sides.
Some cousins think I’m overreacting, while others think Dianne has always been toxic. AITA for cutting my sister out of my wedding?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
CPTSD_throw92 − NTA. Funny how “family is family” somehow doesn’t apply to your sister actively trying to sabotage your relationship. Family doesn’t (shouldn’t) do that, so where’s the pushback from your parents on that? I’d put some healthy distance between myself and anyone who tried to excuse away what your sister did, if it were me.
TCMenace − This is just the same fake wedding drama reddit post remixed again for Karma.
epiphanomaly − Tell your parents (and other relatives) they can either drop it or get dropped from the wedding invite list, too. I \*hate\* the phrase “it’s your day!” because a lot of couples seem to use that as an excuse to treat their loved ones like set dressing instead of, you know, loved ones, but that obviously isn’t the case here.
You deserve to have people who want the best for you at your wedding. Your sister obviously doesn’t and your parents aren’t demonstrating that they do based on their actions.. NTA.
BlueGreen_1956 − NTA. Let her come to the wedding. Then, “accidentally” throw a large glass of wine on her dress and stick a big wad of gum in her hair.
she_who_knits − YTA for posting yet another fake wedding drama.
Sweet_Buy_4908 − YTA for another same old same old karma farming story.
CatMaster2103 − You’re the AH for putting up these AI posts. This is fake. Every single one of these stories is the same and every single one says “family is family” and “it’s just a joke”. No these AI ragebait posts are the joke.. and those who post them.
DawnShakhar − NTA. Interesting: “Some cousins think I’m overreacting, while others think Dianne has always been toxic.”. I’m willing to bet that the ones who think you are overreacting are the ones who don’t know her very well, while the others, sadly, had ample opportunity of seeing her true character.
DownShatCreek − You couldn’t keep quiet so Ted could hit it a few more times?
radicalcoach − It’s absolutely OK if anyone who doesn’t agree with your choice, decides not to attend your wedding. The people that show up will be the people that care. You don’t have to justify any choices. You have plenty of evidence. Why it’s not a good idea to have her there. Family is family is never a good excuse for poor behavior
Do you think the Reddit user was justified in excluding her sister, given the apparent sabotage attempts, or should family bonds take priority? How would you handle a family member interfering in such a significant life event? Share your opinions in the comments below!