AITA For Cutting my hair against my stepmom’s wishes?

A Reddit user shared their experience of cutting their hair short despite objections from their stepmom, who has always fixated on the user’s long locks. The change has sparked ongoing comments and tension, with the stepmom questioning the decision. Read the story below to see how this personal choice has stirred up family dynamics.
‘ AITA For Cutting my hair against my stepmom’s wishes?’
My stepmom (40F) married my dad (50M) when I (18) was 7, For most of my childhood, I had long hair down to my back, and it was very thick. I always got compliments on it, and I generally enjoyed maintaining it. A couple of years ago, when I was fourteen, I cut about a foot of it and donated it to charity.
Since then, I’ve not kept it very long; I’ve shaved the sides, and my hair is still very full. It took a lot of work, about an hour just to wash it all, even longer for it to air dry, I had to brush it constantly, so I’m happy keeping it short.
My stepmom is always obsessed with my hair and makes comments about how I shouldn’t shave even part of it, I need to grow it longer, etc. She thinks it’s weird to have short hair because my masc-presenting partner has longer hair than I do, even though she’s kept her hair above the shoulders since I’ve cut mine, so AITA?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
dryadduinath − NTA, congrats on the hair hope you love it. (It’s your hair. She doesn’t get a vote. Commenting on it repeatedly is rude.)
AnitaTacoTwo − NTA. It’s YOUR hair. You have to live with, deal with the time it takes to wash and dry. Only you should have any say over how you wear it. Also, you are an adult. You get to choose what to do with your body. If you want to keep your hair short, you should do that. I wish you luck, and your definitely NTA.
Snurgisdr − I stopped reading at 18. You’re an adult. Cut your hair any way you please.. NTA.
HazelTheRah − NTA. No one accused Demi Moore of not being feminine enough in Ghost. It’s your body.
Raynesong92 − Be really petty and shave it all off, put it in a bag and give it to her saying ‘ you love it so much here I got some for you’ with the biggest grin ever.
UnfairEntrance159 − NTA. Your hair is no one’s business but yours. Especially since you’re 18.
hopingtothrive − You are 18, right? No one gets a vote about how you wear your hair.
hadMcDofordinner − NTA Cut YOUR hair. Your stepmom gets to cut HER hair.
ExtremelyFastSloth − Is your mother perhaps named Gothel?
luvlyygirl − NTA, its your personal choice. no one can interfere
Do you think the Redditor’s stepmom is overstepping boundaries regarding their personal appearance, or does she have a point about her concerns? How would you navigate family criticism over such a personal decision? Share your thoughts below!