AITA for continuing to change in front of my window even after my neighbor complained?

‘ AITA for continuing to change in front of my window even after my neighbor complained?’

I (early 30s F) bought a house last year with my fiancé, but we only just moved in a few months ago because it needed some work. Our neighbors are a woman, her husband, and their college-aged son. Everything was fine until a few weeks ago when the neighbor woman came over, visibly upset, and told me she saw me changing through my window and would appreciate if I didn’t do that there.

I was surprised because the angle of the window makes it so that someone would really have to go out of their way to see anything. I checked it out myself, and unless you’re standing in a very specific spot in their yard, you can’t see much at all.

To be clear, no one in her family (husband or son) has ever mentioned seeing me; she was just “worried” that they might. I didn’t feel like I should have to change my habits for her, especially since they’d have to be actively trying to look in. So I kept changing there, as I had been.

Well, she came over again last week, this time freaking out at my fiancé, calling me a “whore” and accusing me of being disrespectful. I honestly think it’s ridiculous because I’m in my own home and I’m not flaunting myself.

Her husband came over and apologized and said he asked her specifically not to do that, and clarified he hadn’t ever mentioned seeing me nor had his son. My fiancé told me to just get new blinds or try to change in a different area but I think that’s b**lshit and have been doing as I have since I moved in… AITA?

Here’s what people had to say to OP:

relatxtbn −  NTA, but it sounds like you don’t have blinds/curtains and are changing in front of a window. Why?

PhoenixRisingToday −  NTA but why not move a couple of feet? Going out into the yard and analyzing how easy it would be to see you – that’s something you’re willing to do. But moving 2 feet is so easy. Sounds like you’d like to be seen.

Which is fine, but don’t make the excuse that you are going to do what you’ve always done. That’s just silly. Sounds like your fiancé would prefer to avoid problems with the neighbor – and why not, when avoiding ongoing issues is so easy?

Upstairs-Blood4545 −  NTA but it is weird that you refuse to take a few steps to keep your neighbors from seeing you naked.

Wise-Pirate-4468 −  In the United States – “Nudity is generally illegal on a person’s own property if the nude person is visible to the public, such as through an open window or sunbathing naked in the yard.“
Just to be safe, you might want to check your state and local laws and make sure you’re in the clear.

OkCantaloupe6112 −  YTA. Your neighbor has let you know that you can be seen naked changing and you’re giving her s**t for it? Get blinds. 

MolassesInevitable53 −  I checked it out myself, and unless you’re standing in a very specific spot in their yard, you can’t see much at all. Are you seriously telling us that you went into the neighbour’s yard and stood in every part of it checking your window?

Did she invite you in, did you trespass, or are you lying to us?. You can’t see much at all. So you can see in. Did you have your partner stand where you usually stand to get changed while you were in the neighbour’s garden checking the view (if you actually did that)?

If not, you can’t tell how much of a body could be seen. YTA. Either because this is at least partially made up, or because you are trying to upset people. Or you are an exhibitionist.. Grow up.

Physical_Ad5135 −  Ugh. Why don’t you just not change clothes in front of a window. I had a naked neighbor with no blinds that would sit naked on her couch. When told of the issue, the husband of the woman told people just not to look. It was just so weird that she knew but still sat naked on the couch.

So you know that someone saw you change in front of your non curtained window and yet you defiantly still change in front of this window? You are the weird naked neighbor? Yta.

MerelyWhelmed1 −  ESH. She sounds awful, but changing in front of a windows is pretty disrespectful, too. Are you an exhibitionist?

unownpisstaker −  If she can see you from her own yard and you know it then yes you are flaunting it. YTA.

Brainjacker −  lol I wish I had as much free time as this neighbor of yours. As long as you don’t mind being seen, NTA, and if she comes over again tell her she’s being recorded and you’re concerned about her peeping and harassment. 

Do you think the Redditor is in the right for continuing to change in front of her window, or should she have respected her neighbor’s feelings? How would you handle a situation where a neighbor is upset about your actions in your own home? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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