AITA for cancelling streaming services?

A Reddit user shares her story about deciding to cancel unused streaming services with her boyfriend to cut costs. However, this decision upset his family, who used the subscriptions without contributing.
When the boyfriend’s aunt insisted he keep paying for Netflix, the user suggested the family take over the payment instead. This led to accusations that she was selfish and financially controlling, causing family tensions. Read the full story below to learn more.
‘Â AITA for cancelling streaming services?’
Hi everyone! My Bf (26M) and I (25F) live together and used to pay for various streaming services (HBO max, Disney plus, Netflix, Amazon prime, and an anime one he uses) and he lets his parents and sisters use it. Couple of months ago we decided to stop paying for Disney plus cause we weren’t watching anything on it.
His mom always talks about shows she wants to watch on disney and that we should start paying it again. This weekend we decided to cancel our netflix too cause again, we weren’t using it and we decided if there is ever something we want to watch on there, then we will get it again.
So his aunt calls and starts lecturing him about his finances and that he shouldn’t spend so much money that he doesn’t have enough left to pay for the netflix, that she is using it and needs him to pay.
I am there so I say “tell her she can pay it, that you can change the card information and that she can pay if she wants to use it”. Now the aunt talked to his mom and they are saying am an a**hole because I am ‘forcing’ my bf to spend all his money on me so he cant pay for the things they need. So, AITA?
These are the responses from Reddit users:
Unlucky-Gift-9360 − NTA. If you want to be petty, you could tell them that they shouldn’t be so financially careless that they can’t afford to pay for their own streaming services. His family sounds like an absolute nightmare. I hope you don’t have to be in contact with them often.
CandylandCanada − Today he’s telling you that it’s because his sister is too young. Next week it will be because his mother is too old.
I’m going to give you an iron-clad guarantee: these moochers will always mooch, and he will always have a ready excuse to mollify you.
Does he tell them how to run their finances? That they should be responsible if they have WANTS, not needs? He shouldn’t care what \*anyone\* thinks about his spending, except you. The fact that he does is a major red flag. NTA, but this is the preview of your life. Fix it or exit.
DueIsland2983 − NTA. This is the most funniest part: So his aunt calls and starts lecturing him about his finances and that he shouldn’t spend so much money that he doesn’t have enough left to pay for the netflix. Do you know a good way to be responsible about your finances? Don’t pay for streaming services you aren’t using.
Jocelyn-1973 − You have a weird family. Since when do the kids under 30 have to cater to the entire family financially? It makes more sense that the people with the grown-up salaries and the paid-off or cheap houses pay for these kinds of things.
bellus_incendia − NTA. Streaming services aren’t a basic necessity that you owe to anyone, and it’s completely reasonable to cancel subscriptions that you aren’t using. If his family members are so keen on keeping those shows rolling, they can definitely foot the bill themselves.
It’s quite the leap to accuse you of forcing him to spend his money on you just because you two are making financially responsible choices together. Sounds like his family might need a subscription to a reality check.
SomeoneYouDontKnow70 − NTA. Your BF’s family sounds delusional and entitled.
They’re the ones who shouldn’t have blown through all their money in their youth so that they would have enough money to pay for their own entertainment when they got older instead of forcing a young man who is just starting out to shoulder an additional burden that isn’t his to bear.
You’re not “forcing” your BF to do anything. If he wants to dedicate his life to supporting his mom and aunt, he’s free to GTFO. I’m guessing that he doesn’t want to do that, though.
Current_Two_7395 − Nta. When i got married and changed my name, i also had to change my payment cards. My little brother, who i didn’t even know used my netflix account, texted me a pic of the invalid payment notice with a text that said something like “gravy train ended.”
My brother and i get along really well so i told him I’d get him the new account info in a second, and he laughed it off and said he’d already signed up for his own account in the time it took me to text back. He thanked me for giving him the free ride for a few years. That’s how family should behave in this situation
Nenoshka − Aren’t a lot of the streaming services cracking down on password sharing now?
mizfit416 − That’s hilarious.. NTA
_mmiggs_ − NTA. Your bf is not (should not be) the TV provider for his extended family. You and he are exactly choosing not to pay for things that you don’t need.
You have a sensible idea of priorities (which does not include streaming services you don’t use.) If his mom and aunt want to watch streaming TV, they can budget for a subscription.
Was it fair for the couple to prioritize their finances over the family’s use of their streaming accounts? Should the family be responsible for services they use? Share your thoughts below!