AITA for cancelling mother’s day celebration that I arranged for my wife after hearing what she told my son?

A Reddit user planned a Mother’s Day celebration for his wife but overheard her and her daughter making hurtful comments to his introverted son. His wife criticized the son’s quiet demeanor, claiming it would make her family uncomfortable.
And said she didn’t understand why he cared about celebrating Mother’s Day with her since she’s “not his mom.” Heartbroken, the user canceled the event, leading to a major fallout. His wife and stepdaughter have since left to stay with her family.
‘ AITA for cancelling mother’s day celebration that I arranged for my wife after hearing what she told my son?’
I (M/37) have a 13 y.o son. I was a widower when I met my now wife. She has a 16 y.o daughter from another relationship. The family is often on pretty good terms. My son is the quiet one in the house, he keeps to himself a lot but not to the point of being concerning.
My wife and stepdaughter are the complete opposit. They both encourage him to be outgoing and share activities and join gatherings with extended family. My son complained about having to be forced out of his comfort zone and having his need for space invalidated.
I spoke to both my wife and stepdaughter and asked them to give him space and freedom to spend his time however he wanted. they apologized and promised to let him be. As mother’s day was approaching I wanted to throw my wife a surprise mother’s day celebration.
It was no longer a surprise because my stepdaughter gave her the heads so she could prepare. Yesterday I got off work earlier than usual to get final arrangements done (we planned to celebrate at the restaurant and invited her family there)
I had the key and while I was entering the house through the front door I overheard my wife and stepdaughter talking to my son. My wife was asking my son if he could convince me to let him stay home and not go with them to the restaurant to celebrate.
I paused and decided to keep listening. My son said why and she told him that his introverted and socially inept “attitude” will make her family uncomfortable and will ruin the mood. He promised her that he’d be well behaved and would try to interact and socialize with everyone but she said that she wasn’t buying it.
He kept reassuring her but she snapped and told him that technically, she’s not his mom so she didn’t get why he wanted to celebrate mother’s day with her so badly. My stepdaughter threw some (I don’t remember) backhanded comment and then both of them were shocked to see me standing there.
Both were staring without saying anything. I told my son and his stepsister to go to their rooms then told my wife that the celebration was off, cancelled. she tried to argue asking why repeatedly and I told her why.
She tried to explain that she didn’t mean it like that and that I only heard part of the conversation but not all of it. I told her I was done arguing and the decision was already made.
She yelled asking what she was going to tell her family and said that I was making tremendous mistake towards her. I ignored her while she kept throwing tantrum after a tantrum. Early this morning she took my stepdaughter and went to stay with her folks.
not a single call or text from her so far. Situation is full of tension. I’m upset still but more hurt to be honest. I mean yes I did say I was going to havw this celebration but I thought that what she said to my son was too harsh to ignore.
Check out how the community responded:
No-Royal6008 − NTA. Guarantee they have done this before. Circle the wagons, protect your son. Such disgusting abuse from your wife upon your son. To make it even worse, she is raising her daughter to be cruel and exclusionary. Your son deserves so much better.
Izzy4162305 − NTA. Oh my God. OP, it’s highly unlikely this is the first time either of them has been n**ty to him. You are ALL HE HAS in this world. Please hire a really good shark of a divorce lawyer and divorce this woman ASAP. You need to protect your son and yourself.
Edit: Changed this edit. Get a lawyer NOW and ask them about having your wife removed from the house. Also, I have had two stepmothers in my lifetime, and neither of them ever said anything remotely that s**tty. Anyone with remotely decent parental instincts would not say that to a child, even if they themselves were not a parent.
[Reddit User] − NTA
Your poor son. Please tell me you went to talk to him after this. Your wife wants your son left out. I’d be having a serious conversation about that. If she doesn’t drop it, if she doesn’t start treating your son as a part of the family, I hate to say this, but divorce her, because no woman is worth losing your child over.
You’re a dual package. Her excuse about him being an introvert was shite. No way in hell he’d ruin a dinner by being polite and keeping to himself. She just wanted him out of there. Please be there for your son. She poked a bad wound with her comments. Being reminded you don’t have a mother to celebrate on this day is… terrible.
JudgyUnicorn − Cancel a party?! Hell I would leave her for talking to my child that way. What is wrong with that woman?
Respoken_text − NTA. But have you talked with your son? This can’t be the first time they’ve ganged up on him. I would be concerned that he’s being bullied by them when you’re not around
ComprehensiveSir3892 − NTA. She showed you who she was. Let her STAY gone.
Sofsta − NTA. Your wife and step daughter on the other hand…
F0zzysW0rld − NTA – just think of all of the things she has said to your son over the years that you werent lucky enough to have overheard??!!
SalaciousSapphic − NTA. This is irreparable damage, in my opinion. I wouldn’t want that woman around my son anymore. (I’m a bonus mom and if I spoke to my bonus son that way I would *expect* my husband to divorce me.)
Talathia − NTA.. D I V O R C E. Comes to minds.. Evil step mom also comes to mind. What else has she been doing behind your back that you don’t know about.
Was canceling the celebration a fair reaction to the wife’s comments, or should the user have addressed the issue differently? How would you navigate this kind of conflict to balance respect and boundaries within a blended family? Share your thoughts below!