AITA for Canceling Christmas Because I’m Tired of Eating Sad Salad Every Year?

A vegetarian Reddit user shared their frustration with family holiday dinners, where their dietary needs are consistently overlooked. Despite being a vegetarian for five years, their family still offers meat-based dishes, and last Christmas, they were served a salad with chicken croutons.
This year, they offered to host Christmas with both vegetarian and traditional options, but their mom resisted, accusing them of forcing everyone to eat “rabbit food.” After weeks of guilt trips, they canceled Christmas, leaving their mom furious and calling them a “Grinch.” Read the full story below.
‘ AITA for Canceling Christmas Because I’m Tired of Eating Sad Salad Every Year?’
So, I’m a vegetarian. My family’s known this for five years, but every Christmas, it’s like they collectively forget. Last year, my mom promised to make me “something vegetarian.” Her solution? Salad with chicken croutons. When I pointed this out, she said, “Just pick them off!” Oh, thanks, love a side of *effort*.
This year, I offered to host Christmas to ensure there’d be *actual* vegetarian options. I even said I’d make a turkey for everyone else! My siblings were fine with it, but my mom lost her mind, claiming I was “ruining Christmas” and forcing everyone to eat “rabbit food.”
After weeks of her guilt trips, I snapped and canceled Christmas altogether. Now she’s calling me a Grinch and saying I ruined the holiday for the kids. Meanwhile, I’m at home eating vegetarian lasagna and wondering if I’m the bad guy here.
So, Reddit, AITA for canceling Christmas, or do I deserve more than chicken croutons and broccoli this holiday season?
Here’s the comments of Reddit users:
corgihuntress − Sounds like your mother just wants you to be unhappy and has a serious problem with what you eat. Like being vegetarian is a personal insult to her. You didn’t ruin anything. You invited people to your house and she berated you to get you to do what she wanted.
When you decided that her abuse wasn’t going to be acceptable (yay you!) you freed her to do what she wanted wherever she wanted, but not at your place and not with you. Unfortunately this meant you couldn’t be a part of the larger family’s Christmas, but at least you didn’t have to be targeted by her and abused by her. I would definitely have done the same. NTA
PS. If you ever do show up to her Christmas again, bring your own food. Don’t tell her you’re going to, just show up with it and don’t let her near it. Or eat heart before and sit and eat snacks that you bring at the table while everybody else eats.
Quelala − Your mom sounds pretty inconsiderate, but since you were willing to go so far as host could you not just bring a dish for yourself (and to share) that you could eat?
peakpenguins − What in the world are chicken croutons? Croutons are toasted bread, you can have a salad with chicken and croutons but I have never heard of a chicken crouton, I must know what this is. lol
I don’t think you’re the a**hole though. You offered a solution, and a fair one at that, and your mom didn’t like it. You were going to make turkey, they could have brought whatever else they wanted while you also get to eat food you enjoy… Surely she could have hosted at her house instead if she was that against your “rabbit food (plus turkey)”
pixie-ann − Why can’t you take your own food to the Christmas meal?
Evening_Lock6267 − Are you unable to prepare vegetarian meals to bring with you? My sister has all kinds of gluten allergies so she will prep and bring her own food, this way the host doesn’t need to cater to dozens of different allergens and preferences.
MiamiLolphins − I went to my uncles for Christmas this year. He was cooking for over 30 people and I was the only vegetarian there. He not only gave me my own main but he made sure every single side dish that could be vegetarian was, and there were extra sides that were vegetarian for everyone to enjoy too.. Your mother is a massive a**hole.
Bimbo-Bell − Why you don’t bring your own meal/dish at your moms?
fiestafan73 − So you offered to host and to make a turkey and some vegetarian options, and that is ruining Christmas. But then cancelling said offer is also ruining Christmas. Your mother is a self-centered b who obviously likes the drama. NTA
BrilliantEmphasis862 − EAH – why can’t you make your dish(s) and bring them to the family gathering? They don’t cook this way and it is nice they offered but they don’t want to do it. So be mad or make your own 😀
wlfwrtr − Your mom can’t even be bothered to make one vegetarian option for Christmas. Are you sure you’re even wanted there?
Should family traditions adapt to accommodate everyone’s dietary preferences, or is canceling Christmas a step too far? Was this user’s reaction justified, or could they have handled things differently? Share your thoughts below!