AITA for calling out the mom of my kid’s b**ly during a PTA meeting?


A Reddit user shares a heart-wrenching story of confronting the mother of her child’s bully during a PTA meeting. Her daughter suffers from a medical condition that causes an odor she can’t control, and the user is struggling financially to provide the care her child needs.

Frustrated after a phone call where the bully’s mom dismissed her concerns, the user called her out publicly. Was it justified? Read the full story below.


‘ AITA for calling out the mom of my kid’s b**ly during a PTA meeting? ‘

My kid is being bullied for her smell and that’s something she can’t control. My kid has TMAU so she sometimes has a fish-like smell. She has to be on a very specific diet and some medicine to at least stop the symptoms since there is no cure for it yet.


Unfortunately, I was in between job for months and just recently started with a new one. We heavily rely on food banks since I’m just starting so I cannot provide the diet that my kid needs that I could before nor could afford anti biotics or activated charcoal since I could barely afford to keep our lights on.

I feel like I am to be blamed for all of this since I cannot provide the care that she deserves. She’s the sweetest kid and doesn’t deserve the cruelty that she’s experiencing.


I know kids in her school are just kids and would probably wont understand but I tried calling the mom of the kid that my daughter pointed out a week ago but I was blamed for “being a horrible mom” for allowing my kid to smell like that even after I explained the situation.

So part of the PTA meeting was talk about b**lying and when the homeroom teacher asked a question she answered. My ear just rung and told everyone how much of a h**ocrite she was and told everyone about our phone call. I was so upset and just asked to be excused after I said it.


I am working my ass off and trying my hardest to provide but sometimes it feels that it just isn’t enough. I’m not trying to complain but everyday I walk to work which is over 40 mns just to save money.

And I can’t afford it even afford to ride the bus and there are times where I just feel like giving up but I know that my kids are relying on me and I have to be strong. I want to stay strong in front of my kids, but seeing my kid cry just breaks me.


We rely on food banks so even if I want to provide the diet that my kid needs, I cannot. Im behind a lot of bills so Im not sure when I’ll be able to actually buy groceries and I feel like a failure not being able to help my kid.

Here’s the comments of Reddit users:

twelvedayslate −  NTA. I’m sorry you and your daughter are going through this. I can see where the b**ly gets it… b**ly behaves this way because her mom does. How sad.


ComprehensiveSet927 −  NTA. Maybe there is a foundation that can help.

ElderBerryMogul −  NTA. You’re not an AH, just a mother trying her best. The b**ly’s mom on the other hand…well the apple didn’t fall far


midcen-mod1018 −  NTA. Have you considered asking the school social worker for any resources? I know that may be intimidating but maybe they could be helpful in getting the right food for your daughter.

JohnLakeman01 −  NTA. Please talk to the person who is in charge of the food bank and explain your daughter’s health situation. If there’s anything they can do to help they’re going to do it. Also consider reaching out to your local churches even if you’re not members because they love to help their local community however they can!


LonelyOwl68 −  NTA. You are doing your best, and that’s all any of us can do. Please do not feel guilty because you haven’t been able to provide certain things for your daughter, it’s not your fault and you are trying very hard. I’m sorry you are having to go through this period in your life and I hope that things improve for you very soon.

The AH here is the mother of the classroom b**ly, who obviously taught her kid that kind of behavior in the first place. It’s very unfortunate that this woman feels entitled to blame others for her kid’s bad behavior, because it’s her child and her parenting that is at fault.


Ok-CANACHK −  NTA & you are doing the best you can with what you have. I have heard of a similar case where Lume body deodorant ( the OG if you will) helped with the fishy smell. good luck to Y’all

Miserable_Fennel_492 −  Good choice of topic. Reddit supposedly hates bullies, but these subs are almost entirely full of them.
There are scientifically proven ways of helping to mitigate/mostly eliminate the effects of TMAU, the vast majority of which are dietary to exclude fish and other seafood from one’s diet.


Unless the food banks in your area ONLY provide fish and other assorted seafood, I don’t understand how it is so difficult to keep those items restricted. Regardless, of course you’re NTA for calling out someone whose offspring didn’t fall far from the tree

Lvl99_EmoElder −  DEFINITELY NTA. And you’re being too hard on yourself. You obviously love your kids and try to do your best for them. Keep loving them like you do.


Electrical-Bat-7311 −  Info: what did the other mother actually say and what did you say? You’re in a very sad situation and I feel for you. I also have no idea what anyone did at this meeting.

Was the user right to stand up for her child by publicly calling out the other parent, or did it escalate the situation unnecessarily? How would you address bullying when it’s tied to unavoidable medical challenges? Share your perspective below!


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