AITA for calling CPS on my parents for not enrolling my sibling in school?

A person is grappling with whether to call CPS on their parents, who have stopped enrolling their 9-year-old sibling in school due to extreme religious beliefs and conspiracy theories, such as the earth being flat and schools teaching “the devil’s teachings.”
The sibling cannot read and is isolated from peers, and family interventions have failed to persuade the parents. The OP fears for their sister’s future and plans to involve CPS, despite the parents dismissing the threats. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for calling CPS on my parents for not enrolling my sibling in school? ‘
My parents found Christ during covid and completely turned a 180, and not for the better. They have gone down the rabbit holes and conspiracies that the earth is flat, covid was fake, space isn’t real, etc. For reference, my sister was 6-7 when they’d left the province we are from and took her out of school.
They came back to our hometown last year, and they never enrolled her in school because they now believe that the school system is too corrupt and full of the devils teachings. My sister is now 9 and cannot read and is also in the beliefs that I shared.
Myself and others in our family have come to my parents with our concerns, and they dismiss us and tell us school is “evil” and full of the earth being round.I am scared for my sister and her future.
Also, I have not yet called, but do plan to call CPS because even with threats from our family getting CPS involved, they don’t seem to care or take it seriously..
TLDR: My parents are having a religious psychosis issue and are preventing my 9 year old sister from learning (going to public school) and developing relationships to help her grow.. Should I get CPS involved? Posted in another group because I didn’t realize there were so many, lol.
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
idowithkozlowski − NTA- I’m not against homeschooling, as long as there’s actually school happening, and it doesn’t sound like there is in this case. This sounds like “unschooling”, which imo is neglectful, However keep in mind, depending where your parents are located,
they very well could be within legal rights to “unschool”. I know lot of states have little to no restrictions on what needs to be taught. Is there anything else that could warrant a CPS call just incase they are within legal rights?
EsmeWeatherwax7a − Space isn’t real? Wow . NTA. Call, and thanks for looking out for your sister. Both of you deserve better than this.
Illustrious-Duck1681 − Never believe/trust in newborn christians, NEVER!!!!!! They have a chronic deficiency of sanity and intelligence.
Recent_Limit_6798 − You need to report them. Your sister should not be collateral damage for their unhinged beliefs.
RDeniseM − Pretty sure this is illegal. Call CPS for your sister’s sake. NTA
HighwayManBS − NTA – the Bible tells us to love each other and to cherish children. Jesus and the prophets are all about people learning and growing as people. There is nothing in Holy Scripture about the earth being flat, or space not being real.
No serious person believes these things, we love the science that is a gift from God. Stunting a child’s learning deliberately is a sin, as is allowing them not to be able to read and learn the scriptures for themselves.
It is not a position of love. You alerted authorities to serious n**lect on your parent’s part, which was an act of love to your sibling.
CrimsonKnight_004 − NTA – This is educational n**lect. This isn’t homeschooling because they aren’t educating her, they’re depriving her of an education. You wouldn’t be an AH for looking out for your little sister. She deserves an education.
Pristine-Plum-1045 − NTA. I used to work for the department of child services and educational n**lect is a legit problem. We had a kid who was 11 and never went to school because his dad was a c**spiracy theorist. He couldn’t read or write and had to start kindergarten at 11.
ethereal_galaxias − NTA. I really feel for you. This happened to quite a few people during COVID sadly and that’s their life choice, but when it’s affecting a child, and likely will for the rest of her life without intervention, the needs of the child must come first. You are very strong and I commend you. I would do it.
ilovechairs − Not only are they breaking a law they’re socially and emotionally stunting your sister by not allowing her to interact with people her own age.
You always knew the homeschool kids.
Even when you had to act surprised because it was the polite thing to do. There’s so much interaction that’s nuanced and age-coded, she’ll have trouble relating to others when she’s older.. NTA
Should the OP report their parents to ensure their sibling receives proper education and socialization, or is it wrong to escalate the situation? What’s the best course of action here? Share your thoughts below!