AITA for buying my own condiment bottles after what my brother did?

A Reddit user (24M) recently bought separate condiment bottles for himself after witnessing his younger brother (20M) lick a peanut butter knife and then use it in the jelly jar, potentially transferring germs, including herpes, to shared condiments. The Redditor is now questioning whether buying his own mayo and mustard bottles was too extreme, even though he finds his brother’s hygiene practices concerning. Was he being overprotective and unreasonable, or justified in taking this step for his health?
‘Â AITA for buying my own condiment bottles after what my brother did?’
I (24M) and my brother (20M) live together in the same home. I’ll save you the long backstory and just say that we live in our childhood home as roommates (we pay rent). Recently, an event occurred which sparked this whole issue. My brother was making a sandwich in the kitchen and I was passing by when I saw him. He finished spreading peanut butter, then stuck the knife into his mouth to lick it clean, before immediately putting it into the jelly. (No, it was not fully clean, there was still peanut butter on it.)
Now I don’t know about you but I personally was grossed out. The main issue I took most firmly is one that he’s mentioned before: that he has herpes. I don’t know the specifics and I never asked, but frankly as far as I remember he has mentioned in the past having it around his mouth and it only can be contracted via his mouth.
When I saw him do the knife-licking I immediately called it out, saying like “dude, you just licked the knife and stuck it in the jelly” with a sort’ve “oh come on” demeanor. His response was to say “What, it’s not like you’re gonna get sick” in his own joking “don’t be a baby it’s no big deal” way. (For context, even if we buy our own groceries, there has never been this idea that we can’t share stuff like condiments and sandwich stuff.) Regardless, I sort’ve backed off from it since it was too late at that point.
Fast forward a few weeks. I bought a mini fridge. I basically thought “oh hell yea, I could have snacks and sandwiches of my own in the middle of the night without ever having to leave my bed.” Then comes an idea. A day after the PB&J incident, I noticed that the mayo jar clearly had mustard inside, like the knife that scooped it out was never cleaned off. As such, I thought to buy my own squirt bottles of mayo and mustard. I basically thought this could avoid contracting anything from him since, in my eyes, he doesn’t seem to care.
The other night I was cooking up hot dogs for myself with him in the kitchen, then took them back to my room, used my condiments, and came back. My brother reasonably asked “where did you get mayo and mustard from?!” I basically told him “Remember the other night with the peanut butter? I bought my own stuff so you can keep those ones in the fridge and there won’t be any problems.” He argued again to say “dude, you’re not gonna get sick from me!” and I reminded him of what I saw him do, doing a little motion and exaggerating my voice.
He seemed offended by that, quieting down and only saying stuff like “whatever” and “it doesn’t matter”. Looking back I wonder if maybe I was being a j**k. I’m starting to wonder if my brother thinks I’m treating him like he’s a biohazard or something, and honestly I can’t really figure out how to resolve this matter. He doesn’t seem bothered by the whole matter as of now, but I do wonder if I’m being selfish / childish for how I’m going about this.
So Reddit, what’s the verdict? Am I the a**hole?
Check out how the community responded:
HMS_Slartibartfast − NTA. Myth busters did a test on double dipping. REALLY N**TY. Ask him “Is it OK if I spit on your food?” as that is effectively what he’s doing. To make the point, next time he makes a sandwich just go over and drool on it. When he gets upset, look him in the eye and say “What? Its not like your going to get sick? Come oooonnn, its just like you licking a knife and using it on something else.. EXACTLY like it even!”
Aussiealterego − NTA , SO not the a**hole. Mediums like mayonnaise are perfect little Petri dish environments for bacteria to thrive. I’d be thoroughly grossed out at the cross-contamination between different condiments too.
Husband used to leave traces of Vegemite in the honey, and if you’ve ever bitten into a slice of toast expecting buttery sweetness and got salt and malt instead…. Ugh.
peggingpinhead − NTA. Double dipping is icky. Totally fine to keep your stuff separate. If you’re worried about making him feel insecure over the herpes thing then just explain that you don’t like double-dipping. It gives you the ick the same way some people can’t stand the word “moist.”
BeMandalorTomad − NTA. It’s icky when anyone gets their saliva on communal food items, but throw in oral herpes and it’s just flat out disgusting. Disclaimer: I do not know how easily herpes spreads, but as a pregnant woman knowing that someone with herpes can kill a newborn with nothing more than a kiss to the baby’s head, I would take no chances.
-chelle- − NTA – I’m sorry, even if your brother didn’t have herpes, that’s n**ty. If he doesn’t seem bothered by it now, just keep doing what you’re doing. If he brings it up again just remind him of your reasons. You don’t have to do something you’re uncomfortable doing.
Lumpy_Ear2441 − NTA ~ Your brother IS a biohazard! He has Herpes, and even if he didn’t, that’s just n**ty. It disturbs me that he doesn’t care about others’ possibly getting sick. I would have reacted the same as you did! I would go a step further, and put a lock on your fridge. He’s 20 and immature. He might go into your fridge one day, when you’re not there, and contaminate your food. Just because. It doesn’t hurt to be extra careful.
birthdayanon08 − NTA. There was more than enough context. Your brother is n**ty.
Duncan_sucks − NTA. Lick a clean knife and stick it in the jelly in front of him. Mix it a little even. He should be fine with it because he wont get sick from you right? It’s not necessarily the mixing of condiments (though that would be reason enough for me) it’s the spit on the knife. It’s basically sticking your tongue in the mouth of everyone that might eat the jelly. It’s gross and shows your brother has no concern for other people existing in his world.
casandrasarus − NTA. Your brother is just gross and inconsiderate. Take handful of condiment packages from fast food restaurants for ease lol.
ImpossibleHeadstrong − NTA He is a biohazard. And, from a food safety standpoint, if you contaminate anything with mayo, that thing has to be thrown out. So yeah, heath and safety hazard all around. Now, if you purchased a biohazard suit and started wearing it around the house, then you might be taking it too far. Or not. It’s up to you.