AITA for blowing up on my family after they came 30 min late to my birthday dinner ?

A Reddit user shares their heartbreak over a birthday dinner gone wrong when their family arrived 30 minutes late, despite making special plans at a restaurant they were excited to try. After waiting alone and crying in their car, the family suggested finding a new restaurant, but tensions escalated, leading to an emotional confrontation. Was the Redditor justified in their frustration, or did they overreact to the situation? Read the full story below and decide for yourself.
‘ AITA for blowing up on my family after they came 30 min late to my birthday dinner’
Take a look at the comments from fellow users:
Was the Redditor right to feel so upset and react strongly, or should they have been more understanding of their family’s situation? How would you handle your emotions if you felt let down on a special day? Share your thoughts and advice in the comments below!
I’d say YTA but I reserve that for actual adults! What are you…5 or 25?! Grow up, honey, life is going to be a whole lot harder and it sounds like you can’t handle it.
YTA, it was mid week, people work. You only arranged it the night before. And you only arranged it because you knew they were going to the BBQ and you wanted it all to be about you, you could have had all the attention at your party on Saturday. sorry but to me you come over like a spoilt brat.
The family was wrong, but so was the birthday girl. The family agreed that 7:30 worked for everyone. When people are late, it means they are saying, “I am more important than you.” They were rude to the daughter and rude to the restaurant. The posters reaction was very childish. She had a right to be irritated, but could have either cancelled, or asked to have the reservation changed.
YTA. You made everyone not go to a pre-planned event because you’d not get all the attention, like a real princess. Then a gigantic multi-stage temper tantrum when they are a bit late. 30 mins on a weekday is nothing, I’m sure the restaurant would have held, but you only cared about maximum drama. My 10 year old niece would have handled this in a more adult way. You were ridiculous and childish, and you don’t get it.
Late notice dinner reservation . If people told me they would be late, i would go inside and order a cocktail. Also, Try to push the reservation back if they couldn’t hold my table, which I bet they would if i was seated, ordering a drink and an appetizer. If something like this bothers you that much, you have a difficult life ahead. Things don’t always go your way. Make the best of it or you will be miserable.
YTA. Your family changed their plans last minute to be with you on your birthday because at 25 years old you haven’t learned that the world doesn’t revolve around you – even on your birthday, they gave you the courtesy of letting you know they would be late, and they DID show up. You chose to not handle the situation like an adult. You could have spoken to the restaurant about holding your reservation and been understanding even if that was not a possibility because sh*t happens. The most important thing should have been being able to spend your birthday with your family – no matter where or at what time. Your parents will not live forever. Stop being childish and look at the bigger picture next time.
NTA- It was your Birthday and your Mom didn’t even call you to wish you a happy birthday. It doesn’t sound like you knew about the BBQ at your cousin’s until your Dad called. If they already had plans to go to the BBQ they should have said something when you invited them to dinner the night before. Was the BBQ a last minute thing that they were invited to the day of? Who has a BBQ on a Wednesday? You had a plan, an agreed upon time and they failed to be there on time. I can fully understand how hurt you must have felt. You tried to plan a special night out with just your immediate family and they all acted as if they had better things to do or places to be.
Seem’s they only care about themselves. Next time just exclude them no problems then.
I think people forget, the one thing you want on your birthday is spending time with your family and when you have it all planned out and it failed it like they don’t love you. Even if you 25 years old it doesn’t matter all you need is your faimily support on your birthday. I am 25 and I love being around my family, but I cried a lot because I have a disability.
Psychologist here. A couple of things. That was hurtful and rude. It’s my opinion they should have checked with you first, since it was your actual birthday, to see if you wanted to have a family only dinner, despite the weekend party, before agreeing to the cousin’s bbq. They also agreed to dinner at 7:30 with you, so they should have been showered and ready to get there as close to on time as traffic/work/etc. allowed. On the flip side, you can control only you at all times. It’s okay to be angry but that anger sits on the fear of loss of control. There were a handful of ways it could have been handled but you might have had a turn around in feelings of hurt had you checked to see if the restaurant would allow a late arrival and if not, gone to another good place. Crying is okay! Worrying about makeup may be a bit displaced and over reactive. You may need time to heal and that’s okay. Cutting them off is extreme. Just my thoughts.