AITA? For blowing up at my husband for lying to me about my sister and her baby leaving when he actually kicked her out?

A Reddit user (28F) is upset with her husband (30s) for lying about kicking her sister (20) and her baby out of their home. The user had agreed to let her sister stay with them after a difficult breakup, but her husband complained about the baby crying and eventually took matters into his own hands, forcing her sister to leave without telling the user the truth.
The user discovered that her sister was left homeless and called her husband out on his actions, leading to a confrontation where her husband justified his actions. Now, the user is considering taking her sister in again but faces tension with her husband. To find out how others view the situation, read the full story below…
‘ AITA? For blowing up at my husband for lying to me about my sister and her baby leaving when he actually kicked her out?’
My sister (20) got out of a terrible relationship and moved in with me and my husband and brought her 5 months old son, she’s dealing with a handful of issues from ppd to depression. I asked my husband if he’d be okay with her moving in and he said absolutely, not just this but he was the one who picked her/brought her home.
She stayed for 2 weeks and helped around the house, My husband started complaining about the baby crying but a newborn is expected to cry especially at night. He said it causes him stress although I suggested he put on earbuds. He suddenly told me to forget it and so I did.
Last week, I had to go out of town to attend a friend’s funeral without my husband, He said he wanted to stay with my sister to make sure she’s okay. I returned home the next day and didn’t find her or her baby home. My husband said she contacted a friend in another town and wanted to move with them and left that morning,
he handed me a letter he claimed was from her. This felt so odd…especially after reading the letter, I called her phone many many times but turned out my husband found it and said she must’ve left it behind. I was worried I had no means of contacting her to make sure she was okay, I contacted relatives but they knew nothing.
Yesterday, I got a call from an unknown number and it was her, we talked and she told me that she didn’t leave on her own but my husband kicked her out after telling her that she was no longer welcome, and she needed to take responsibility for her decisions.
I was in shock as she explained that she’s not with a friend but at a shelter and she has no money. I waited til he got home and I blew up at him, he admitted he faked the letter an hid her phone then argued that it’s his house to and he has a say, but he shouldn’t have lied to me about my sister and causing her to be homeless.
I he said I was being unfair and wrong to lash out at him for wanting peace in his home. I went upstairs and refused to argue anymore. I told him I’m going to pick her up tomorrow and he said he’d change the locks while I’m gone and I won’t be allowed to bring her home.
I’m thinking of going to a hotel but he kept saying that I’m letting my sister affect our lives by prioritizing her but there’s a baby involved, my nephew and I can’t leave him homeless. I get that it’s house too but I don’t see why he’s so against her staying.
Check out how the community responded:
[Reddit User] − NTA. He waited until you were out of town so that you couldn’t object. So that you couldn’t protect her as he- not only kicked her out- but took her f**king phone so she couldn’t contact you. He is a dangerous man. He threw a woman and her newborn onto the street without a care in the f**king world.
Now, he’s threatening to lock you out of your own house. You need to divorce him. Immediately.
Patient_Trouble80 − DIVORCE THIS MAN OMG. He went BEHIND YOUR BACK to do this to your loved one. He FAKED A LETTER. He HID HER PHONE FROM YOU. This is completely out of proportion to anything that happened. This was unwarranted cruelty and a breach of trust. Gtfo of that relationship. He will absolutely repeat that behavior. NTA.
Alyssa_Hargreaves − NTA. Also legally he can’t change the locks since YOU are a tenant (you established residency so even if you aren’t on the deed/mortgage/lease whatever you still have a right to the home) and he could get into some pretty hefty legal trouble for trying to bar you from your residence.
You need a lawyer just saying. He’s NOT a safe person if he’s willing to try to break the law to keep you from coming back if you get your sister back to safety.
Contact a lawyer ASAP. Please. This is a MAJOR red flag.
Instead of communicating with you, he forced a woman who just escaped an abusive relationship with a baby out of the home AND stole her phone which would’ve notified you sooner. He’s a walking red flag. Please seek legal counseling.
WhereasResponsible31 − Nta. And I’m incredibly disturbed he stole her phone. Because that’s what he did by “hiding it”.
ProperRoom5814 − It’s illegal to change the locks on marital property.
BurntEggTart − NTA. He made your sister homeless and then **lied to you**. ***Lied to you***. One more time, *lied to you*. This is beyond Reddit’s paygrade. If he was willing to act this underhanded about your sister, what else is he hiding from you?
Swimming_Airline_766 − NTA However you should watch your back he seems like a complete AH he is the one who agreed then turned on his word and proceeded to everything he could to cover his lie and then think he has a valid excuse to defend himself after everything he has done
and also kick a child to the curb without remorse and not to mention forge a letter and steal your sisters phone which thankfully wasn’t needed for an emergency but you never know when an emergency will happen and that phone is her only life line
and all this happened because a grown ass man couldn’t put in earplugs you have every right to rip him a new one and what’s going to happen if you two ever have kids? Kick you to the curb too? Honestly you could do better than him because he has no word, patience, or empathy for others he is a complete AH
thisunithasnosoul − It’s his house too and he has a say? That only works if you also get a say – otherwise it’s a totally illogical argument. He made your family and a baby homeless without a second thought, and hid it from you, and is now threatening to blow up your marriage (for which I’m assuming he made some vows about for better or worse) because of a baby crying?
NTA under any circumstances, but I think everyone has already told you what you should be doing next – and it’s NOT questioning if YOU are the AH. I hope you’re okay, and I hope you can see how deeply fucked up his behaviour is.
[Reddit User] − NTA Get you & your sister somewhere safe. That includes away from your husband. Your husband put a 20 year old dealing with mental issues & an infant on the street. AND SPECIFICALLY STOLE HER PHONE SO SHE COULD NOT CALL FOR HELP.
That’s a huge mark of an abuser – taking someone’s phone so they are isolated & unable to reach out for help. He then faked a letter from her to “explain” her leaving without even saying good bye to you.
This was absolutely planned by your husband the moment he knew you were leaving town for a couple days. Honestly, I am shocked she & the baby are alive. This is the start of a true crime podcast story. That is serial k**ler behavior.