AITA for blaming my sister when I got nothing for my birthday?’

A 17-year-old girl had a breakdown on her birthday after her parents gave her nothing as punishment for minor infractions. They have been extremely strict with her, largely due to her older sister Gillianโ€™s rebellious past.

Already grounded until Christmas for being 20 minutes late (due to circumstances beyond her control), she lost the birthday gift they had originally promised because she forgot to rinse out a tin can. Frustrated, she lashed out at Gillian, blaming her for their parentsโ€™ excessive rules and punishments.

Now, her sister is upset, and her parents have extended her grounding until Easter, with her father refusing to speak to her until she “gets her act together.”

‘ย AITA for blaming my sister when I got nothing for my birthday?’

I’m 17f. My sister, Gillian, is 34f. She was rather rebellious as a teenager and essentially pissed her life down the drain so as a result, my parents are extra strict with me, despite the fact I’ve never even given them a reason to be. I’m grounded until Christmas with a review at Halloween because I was 20 minutes late home last month.

The reason I was late home was because my friends mom was driving me and stopped to run into a shop, then refused to explain to my parents why I was late home ams accused me of being dramatic. Anyways, yesterday was my birthday.

My parents asked two weeks beforehand what I wanted, and told me a week beforehand that they had gotten it for me. On Wednesday, I had forgotten to wash out a tin of heinz I had made myself before throwing it in the bin so clearly I’m the devil child.

This led to my parents discarding the item they had bought me for my birthday and using that as punishment thecnect day by surprising me with nothing in front of Gillian.
This was my breaking point and I lashed out, shouting at gillian because it realistically is her fault I can’t do anything or go anywhere.

She’s why I’m always grounded and if she could have kept a fuckijg note out of her nose at 16 then I wouldn’t in this position. I told my parents they’re awful people who couldn’t raise their first child right so now they’re taking it out on me.

Long story short, Gillian left crying and I’m now grounded until Easter. My parents are mad, and my dad is refusing to speak to or eat with me until I get my act sorted out, I made the situation worse by telling him he’s a p**ck. AITA?

See what others had to share with OP:

mrspascalย โˆ’ย  8+ months of grounding for being 20 minutes late and being o**rwhelmed and upset due to circumstances outside your control that suffocate youโ€ฆNTA. From a former child in a home similar to yours, I highly suggest you look into emancipation.

StonewallBrigade21ย โˆ’ย  This led to my parents discarding the item they had bought me for my birthday and using that as punishment. I’m now grounded until Easter.
my dad is refusing to speak to or eat with me

*” I told my parents they’re awful people who couldn’t raise their first child right so now they’re taking it out on me.”** Whether or not they’ve always been awful parents, they’re being awful to *you*. I’d be more mad at your *parents*. For how they treat you, and if your sister’s poor behavior is due to how they treated her in the past. **NTA**.

You being almost 18, I hope you’re able to move out and away from their a**sive treatment. It is NOT normal.

Girlw_thebookย โˆ’ย  Your parents are TA. Your sister is twice your age, Iโ€™m kind of thinking she acted out because your parents are so up tight and it gave her no room to figure out what kind of person she was going to be.

Sounds like you handle the parental stress better or put up with it more than she could. Extra strict parents donโ€™t raise well rounded humans.

[Reddit User]ย โˆ’ย  Listen, you’re in a terrible situation. But it is ABSOLUTELY NOT Gillian’s fault that your parents are a**sive. And make no mistake: they are abusing you. I hope you have an adult you trust (a guidance counselor, a teacher, someone) that you can talk with.

Bloody_sock_puppetย โˆ’ย  NTA. I’d be going absolutely nuclear. I’d certainly not apologise, I’d double down on him being a p**ck, then I’d start just leaving the house and doing whatever you like. You’re going to get in trouble unfairly anyway, so you might as well just go enjoy yourself.

By my reckoning you’ve at least a year of stolen teenage freedom to enjoy guilt-free. F**k your parents entirely for that year and if they withhold privacy, food, or clothing, or even think of restraining you then report them for child abuse. Teacher first, the police every time after if that doesn’t work.

Getting in trouble is meaningless long term, especially when you are in the right. They can’t legally hold you, and trying will only create a paper-trail that works in your favour. Tell them you’ll start behaving normally after a sincere apology for being s**t parents. You can leave soon. You shouldn’t feel obliged to do anything other than survive until you can.

-usual-suspect-ย โˆ’ย  Sounds a**sive to me. I hope you can get out asap.. NTA

JackedLilJillย โˆ’ย  NTA. But why are you blaming Gillian? It isnโ€™t her fault your parents are like that! They should have had more control over her and less of you. They are going to opposite extremes. Tel your dad you will be 18 soon and when you go NC not to wonder why.

MixConscious6299ย โˆ’ย  Well I hate to ask this, but are they really your parents? Stupid Reddit has me coming up with crazy stories nowโ€ฆ Iโ€™m wondering if your sister is your mom but couldnโ€™t raise you so the parents did but resent you both for it because their punishments are NOT normal.

Honestly, be thankful your dad doesnโ€™t want to talk with you and act like a child. Enjoy the quiet and then once youโ€™re 18 change your number and get the heck out of there. They are not parents, they are the wardens and youโ€™re the prisoner. Iโ€™m so sorry.

DiosaMioย โˆ’ย  NTA. Emancipation is a thing, and you’re going to be a legal adult soon. Make sure you have all your records and paperwork in a safe place, save any little piece of money you get, and at midnight on your 18th walk right TF put the door and don’t come back.

Athena2560ย โˆ’ย  NTA. If the situation is what you say, then you have been treated poorly and this was the last straw for you. Do you have a trusted adult? The fact that your parentsโ€™ friend canโ€™t believe they are that controlling speaks volumes.

Was it unfair for her to lash out at Gillian, or is her frustration with her parents’ harsh punishments understandable? What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments!


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