AITA for being openly hostile towards my sister and telling on her thus potentially making her husband loose custody of his children?
A person called out their sister for being a cruel stepmother and shared her behavior with the children’s biological mother, who is now planning to take legal action. The family is outraged, claiming they betrayed their sister, but the person feels they acted in the children’s best interest. Read the full story below…
‘ AITA for being openly hostile towards my sister and telling on her thus potentially making her husband loose custody of his children?’
I’m not gonna be shy about this. My sister sucks. She is a horrible self slcentered person who thinks she is the main character. She is not only a horrible person, she is a step monster. She married this guy… Who is a freaking push over… 3 years ago. He has two children. 10 and 6. My sister constantly complains about them.
Saying things like the 6 year old is gross because he sips too loud or has stained clothing. For the love of god…. He is 6. That’s what a child is supposed to do. And she is so mean to the 10 year old girl. She acts straight out jealous of her. I’ve caught her taunting her, that daddy loves my sister more than her. She is horrible.
I have straight up called her out (after trying to talk to her like a million times) . At Christmas she was saying, that I’d be nice to have the kids there and I said “why… You hate them?”. This was when everything was almost over and she had been bragging to her friends that her husband had spend more on her than on daughter. A fight ensued.
My parents reprimanded me but my cousins took my side and called her out, noting every moment that they had witnessed her being horrible. Her husband obviously took her side and said, that she was a wonderful step mother and that the kids love her.
To which I said that was a lie, as I had consoled them countless times after they were taunted by my sister. They left and we haven’t talked since.
One day I was running errands and run into my step nephews who were with their mother. I had never met her… And honestly she is wonderful. We decided to have some coffee.
While the kids were playing, she asked me how her children behaved etc. I said they were wonderful and then I just spilled the beans on my sister. How awful she was. What I’ve heard her say to the kids, the inaction of her ex husband. By the end she was horrified. She said the kids didn’t like her.
But she always chucked it up to my sister being the new woman In their fathers life. She said the kids never really said anything even when she asked. I then told her iw as very concerned for the children as my sister had straight up told the 10 year old, that it would be better, if she disappeared from her father’s life.
Their mother saw red and asked me if I’d be willing to “testify”. She said that this was unacceptable and she would be taking their father to court again. I said I would recount the events that I witnessed and could ask my cousins who witnessed a lot too. She was very grateful.
I asked my cousins who were all willing to recount the events. Word got arround to my parents and by extention my sister. And they have been calling me the biggest a**hole on the planet who would betray family on a whim. Am I the a**hole?
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
TheDreadPirateJeff − NTA – those kids are clearly being abused by your sister, and clearly their wellbeing is being neglected by their father. I’m normally not a fan of people injecting themselves into someone else’s relationship, but you’re looking out for these children and there’s nothing at all wrong with that.
AppalachianEnvy − NTA. How awful for those poor children. You are absolutely doing the right thing in protecting them from your sister. You should be prepared for your family to take her side, though. IMO, if your family is willing to side with her, good riddance. Hopefully, you can still have a relationship with the kids and their mother, though! Good job.
dev-lite − You’re NTA. I don’t like when people throw around the word narcissist around here, but your sister sounds like a narcissist. To be able to criticize children, and be jealous of their relationship with their father, to tell them he loves her more than them?
My mother is a narcissist. One of my earliest memories is her telling my sister and me, after our father had tucked us in and told us he loved us more than anything, that he didn’t mean more than her, that he would always love her more. I’ll never forget that confusing moment in my young life.
That woman did damage to all of her children, that she’ll never take responsibility for and that we’ll be healing from for the rest of our lives. You offered these kids’ mother assistance to stop that from happening to her babies any longer. You did a hard thing, you will probably catch s**t from family – but I think you did the right thing.
littleponi − NTA These are children that need to be protected. This is a terrible environment for them. Telling the truth is not a betrayal. Biggest a**hole on the planet would go to your sister for what she says and does to children. Second is her husband for failing to defend and protect his children.
unknown_928121 − The fact that the majority of her bio family is willing to testify AGAINST her speaks volumes NTA
urban_accountant − NTA you’re those kids superhero tbh.
Yrxora − I’m just imagining the judge when the mother shows up “yes I’m here to sue for full custody and i have my ex’s new family-in-law here to testify on MY behalf”. NTA OP, way to show up for those kids.
mybadreputation1970 − NTA. You do what’s best for those two kids. F@ck your sister. F@ck her spineless husband. And f@ck your parents if they think her behavior is acceptable.
Lurker_the_Pip − You are a hero! Those kids were terrified to speak up.. NTA
KimmyStand − You are a fabulous person who put the needs of 2 children before a vile person, well done. NTA
Was the Redditor right to prioritize the children’s well-being over family loyalty, or should they have handled this differently? Let us know what you think in the comments below!