AITA for being livid at my (now) husband?

A newlywed bride shared her frustration after her husband broke the one promise she made him keep on their wedding day: not smashing cake in her face. Despite explicitly telling him how important this was to her, he went ahead during the cake-cutting, messing up her makeup and dress.
The bride confronted him afterward, only to be dismissed as “dramatic.” Now, she’s questioning if her reaction was justified. To find out more about the situation and how others responded, read the full story below…
‘Â AITA for being livid at my (now) husband?’
My (33F) husband (30M) and I got married last week. I had been super chill throughout the whole wedding planning, and during the actual event. Because I know sh\*t happens and if anything goes wrong, or not exactly how we wanted, it’s not that big of a deal and may even make the wedding more memorable for the guests.
The one thing that I told my husband I didn’t want to happen was I didn’t want him smashing cake in my face. I had a suspicion that he would find it funny to do it, so during the planning, I flat out told him not to do it. I don’t think it’s funny, I don’t want to mess up my makeup that took hours to apply,
and I don’t want cake on my expensive wedding dress. I told him I would be livid if he did it. He promised that he wouldn’t. Well, come the cake cutting time, what did he do? Smashed the cake in my face! It got on my dress, and messed up my makeup, just like I knew it would.
I’m pretty sure his friends convinced him to do it, not that that makes it any better. I kept it together, went and cleaned myself up, and put on a smile for the rest of the reception. But afterwards, I let loose on him.
I yelled at him that this was the ONE THING I asked him not to do, and he promised that he wouldn’t. He told me I was being dramatic, that it’s not a big deal, and we should just be enjoying our time as newlyweds. So was I being overly dramatic? AITA?
Here’s how people reacted to the post:
procrastinating_b − NTA. You: don’t do this ONE thing. Him: does it. You: are livid. Him: surprised pikachu face
[Reddit User] − Why do I get the feeling you should already be talking to a divorce lawyer…
bonniebluest − NTA. You asked for one thing and he didnt listen… What he did was so disrespectful and sets the tone for the rest of your marriage. And he doubled down by saying you’re being dramatic instead of apologizing. I’d be livid too!
CakeEatingRabbit − You should’ve made a scene honestly.. NTA. And instead of apologising telling you, that he stands behind that action is honestly even worse. He does not reget it. He lied to you and did something he know would hurt your feelings and now tells you he still doesn’t care.
I honestly don’t now where I would go from here. Therapy maybe?
RxTechRachel − What worries me isn’t that he did the cake smashing itself.. It is his response back to you. He should have apologized and listened to you, and really realized his mistake. Instead, he diminished your very valid feelings and reasons. Has he apologized yet? For calling you over dramatic?. NTA.
billlevansatmariposa − This is a variant on the classic “It was just a joke” when the b**t of the joke is far from amused. Please consider an anullment. This j**kass doesn’t have enough empathy to realize the implications of the concept that you, too, are a human being.. NTA.
stainglassaura − Welcome to your future Ma’am.. Nta.
bizianka − Is it not too late for annulment? NTA.
Capital_Ad3482 − NTA. You married a child
Kitsune_Scribe − NTA, but I have a feeling divorce is in the future. It’s not a guarantee, but it always seems to correlate. Smash wedding cake w/o consent = Divorce