AITA for beating my gfs brother at a game when I would normally let him win, to prove a point?

A Reddit user shares a story about overhearing their girlfriend’s 12-year-old brother mocking them for being “bad at games” while they had always let him win out of kindness. To prove a point, the user decided to play without holding back, which led to the brother storming off in tears. Their girlfriend accused them of deliberately making her brother cry. Read the full story below!
‘Â AITA for beating my gfs brother at a game when I would normally let him win, to prove a point?’
When I would visit my gfs house I would sometimes play games with her little brother who is 12, when I would play competitive games against him I would normally let him win. Call of Duty etc.
I was visiting again a few days ago and her little brother had 2 of his friends over and I overheard him talking about me. He was telling them how bad I was at games and it must make me mentally disabled to be so bad(he used more offensive language). He said my gf must be stupid to be dating me too. I could hear his friends laughing about it. It was quite hurtful as I had tried to be friendly with him.
A bit later I said to him want to play some games buddy and he acted polite but I could see his friends laughing to themselves. I played call of duty against him and did not go easy. His friends were now laughing at him and he was on the verge of tears before he stormed off to his room.
My gf wasn’t happy, later in the car she accused me of deliberately making her brother cry. I told her I wasn’t trying to do that, I just didn’t like how he was talking about me or her. Aita? She said he is just a kid and I should have just left it.
Here’s the feedback from the Reddit community:
PhilosophicalWarPig − NTA. Your gf’s brother trash talking you behind your back wasn’t cool. Calling you mentally disabled wasn’t cool. I know he’s just a kid, but he’s a j**k. He needed to be humbled. Good job OP. Keep smashing the little s**t lol.
alien_overlord_1001 − NTA. Children being mollycoddled is the problem here – they shouldn’t be shielded from things like not winning – they need to learn how to deal with those emotions – a 12 year old storming off to his room is a bit sad – a 25 year old doing it is just bad. He got a bit full of himself – and he was brought down a peg or two. He will get over it, and hopefully he will learn something from it.
Miss_Judge_and_Jury − NTA. It’s a harsh world. He shouldn’t be taking about anyone like that. Hope he learned a life lesson and a good reality lesson!
Gileswasright − NTA – this is why you don’t let your kids or any kids win just because they’re little. They’ll learn.
Fungiblefaith − My oldest daughter (8) likes to play a specific racing game. I dust her as hard as I can. No quarter, no mercy, no going easy. She would get sideways now and then but get excited about second. She started getting a lot better recently after figuring out a couple techniques by watching.
She beat me yesterday. Straight up. I have never been so proud of loosing and I told her how awesome she was and how far she has come. She was on cloud 9 all day because she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she bested me. I even got a little smack talk…which made me giggle. On that note I need to go practice she is just going to keep getting better and I have to at least make it a challenge. My reign is coming to an end.
shontsu − I mean, she’s either ok with her brother calling you mentally disabled and herself stupid, or she’s not.. Ask her which.
bamf1701 − NTA. It is one thing if yo has let him win and he did so gracefully. It became something else when he not just trash-talked about you, but even made personal comments about you and your personal life (like why your GF was dating you). Like you said, you had tried to be friendly to him, but he betrayed that for no other reason than to puff himself up in front of his friends.
Your GF was wrong – you should not have just left it. Her brother learned a valuable lesson about treating people with respect and dignity. After all, if he had not been so rude, not only would you have not beaten him so badly that day, but you would have allowed him to keep the illusion that he was better than you Call of Duty, and he could have saved face in front of his friends.
Frosty-Succotash-931 − NTA. Kid learned or should’ve learned a valuable lesson today.
WizBiz92 − I would have maybe driven the point home by opening with “hey, I heard you talking about me and it really hurt my feelings. Lemme show you something.”. Either way, NTA
Zonie1069 − NTA but in future you should actually be honest and let a child know WHY something is happening it’s a much better learning opportunity for them. Beat his ass at COD but then go talk to him and say that you heard him talking s**t about you to his friends and that it wasn’t a nice thing to do and is actually a d**k move especially as you have been being nice and letting him win,
which you were doing out of kindness but he no longer deserves the kindness. He is a 12 year old boy not a 3 years old, he is old enough to understand and learn consequences.
Was the user wrong for playing at their full skill level after overhearing hurtful comments? Should they have continued letting the brother win, or was this an important lesson in humility for the 12-year-old? How would you handle a situation like this? Share your thoughts below!
YTA – For not doing it sooner. You should have crushed the lil bastard the first time and just been done with it.. Just saying good job.