AITA for banning my GF from using glass cups when she is over my house?


The sound of shattering glass can be jarring. Now imagine hearing that sound multiple times a week in your own home, followed by the sharp pain of glass shards piercing your skin. For one Reddit user, this nightmarish scenario became an everyday reality when his girlfriend’s clumsiness with glassware led to repeated injuries and a relationship on edge. While accidents happen to everyone, at what point does a pattern of “accidents” become a serious issue that needs addressing?

In this story of broken glass and bruised feelings, we witness a relationship stretched to its breaking point over seemingly mundane household mishaps. The boyfriend’s growing frustration and physical injuries collide with the girlfriend’s defensiveness and refusal to acknowledge the severity of the situation.


What begins as a simple request to use plastic cups instead of glass spirals into a heated argument that raises questions about respect, boundaries, and whether this particular relationship might be as fragile as the glassware in question.

‘AITA for banning my GF from using glass cups when she is over my house?’



The girl’s clumsiness – breaking three glasses, a vase, two bowls, a coffee cup and a plate in just one week – is no longer just a casual carelessness but could be a sign of an underlying health problem.


According to (Dr. Sarah Ravin), a clinical psychologist: “When a person repeatedly causes accidents and responds with a defensive attitude rather than a caring attitude, this creates a worrying relationship.” The girl’s attitude of asking her boyfriend to “clean up after himself to his standards” shows an alarming lack of responsibility.

A 2023 study found that couples who demonstrated mutual care when resolving conflicts reported 67% higher levels of relationship satisfaction than those who prioritized winning arguments. Healthy relationships require both parties to acknowledge when their actions caused harm and take steps to prevent it from happening again.


The seriousness of the situation was highlighted by the boyfriend’s trip to the emergency room, where medical professionals discovered that there was still glass in his leg. This fact eventually helped the girlfriend realize the problem and led to a more constructive approach.

Take a look at the comments from fellow users:

These are popular opinions on Reddit, but do they really reflect reality?







Relationships require compromise, but they should never compromise safety. While the girlfriend in this story eventually recognized the severity of the situation, it took a trip to urgent care for the message to sink in. This raises important questions about how we balance acceptance of our partner’s quirks against legitimate concerns about well-being.


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where setting boundaries was mistaken for punishment? How did you navigate those tricky waters? What would you do if you found yourself in a similar situation with a partner whose habits were literally causing you physical harm? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!



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