AITA for asking the people next to me on the plane not to eat their food?


A Reddit user shares their intense experience of being publicly called out during a flight after asking someone not to eat peanuts due to their life-threatening allergy. Despite a flight attendant stepping in and issuing a warning, fellow passengers made their displeasure known. Were they wrong to advocate for their safety? Read the story below to decide.


‘ AITA for asking the people next to me on the plane not to eat their food?’

I was flying cross-country last week and, like, i have this serious peanut allergy. not like, “oh no, i’ll get hives,” but like “ill die if i eat a speck of peanut.” so anyway, i tell the flight attendant before we take off, and they make this announcement like, “hey everyone, no peanuts on this flight, please and ty” cool, right? nope.

This dude behind me, like halfway through the flight, decides he’s gonna be that guy. He pulls out a bag of peanuts, starts chomping LOUD, and is like, “some people can’t tell the rest of us how to live our lives.” Like… ok???


The flight attendant comes over and is like, “sir is it ok if you don’t eat that here? the person in front of you has a severe peanut allergie,” and he’s all, “it’s my right to eat peanuts.” People around us are like nodding and whispering about me being entitled or whatever. So I turn around and go, “cool, u wanna land the plane early so i can go to the ER?”

The flightattendent then walks back to like the gallery, but then comes back and is like, “put the snacks away or we’re diverting this flight.” Then everyone starts looking at me like I’m some villain for not wanting to die mid-air. when we land, people are straight-up glaring and someone even booed me. So, AITA for just trying to live?


Here’s the input from the Reddit crowd:

shanghai-blonde −  Some people booed you? Is this real? This must be in America from the context so Americans could you actually see this happening??

ClearlyBulky −  Why didn’t you have a reaction when he started eating the peanuts?


No-Firefighter3283 −  I had bought a big bag of salted almonds to eat on my long haul flight. I had never taken nuts as a snack before, but I’d also never been on a flight in 35yrs, that announced no nuts…allergic traveler. Go figure the one time I bring nuts, I’m asked not to eat them. It was only a slight inconvenience, nothing compared with watching another passenger wheeled out with anaphylactic shock! Some folk are just so incredibly ignorant and selfish.

OkGrapefruit7174 −  NTA – also that’s one amazing flight attendent, actually caring! I’m sure everyone can survive without some peanuts for a few hours..


Obvious_Huckleberry −  in my experience.. flight attendants are like.. put that away OR ELSE…. they’re not like oh sweetie here let me coddle you.. because your rights within the skies goes out the window..

memphys91 −  This sounds made up for me. The last times I was traveling with my partner, who was severe allergic to peanuts, we always contacted the airlines prior to flights, so there wouldn’t be any peanuts at the flight AND all passengers would be informed to jot bringing any peanuts to said flights.


The airlines can also ban passengers, if the not follow those instructions/order, because of T.O.C. I NEVER EVER heard of a situation, nor experienced it myself, that ANY person would react this way to a potential deadly allergy.. If it ls true, NTA.

SchmoopsAhoy −  I thought if someone had this type if severe allergies, it has to be announced to the airline at time of booking so they can properly clean the seat and area around it before boarding in case previous seat holder was eating nuts/peanuts. So for the fact he only mentioned it at boarding and was not too concerned if his seat had peanut particles, his allergy is not that severe that someone can’t eat it vicinity or it didn’t actually happen.


SuperSilver889 −  Things that didn’t happen.

Minimalist12345678 −  Your post history is visible. You need a psychiatrist bro. Legit. Also, stop posting fiction.


nycgarbagewhore −  INFO: since you’re only 15, we’re your parents not there with you? How did some random person know you had the allergy? Seems weird for adults to look at a teenager that way.

Was the Redditor right to prioritize their safety, or should they have handled the situation differently? How do you think airlines should manage severe allergies in confined spaces like planes? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


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