AITA for asking my neighbor to stop making noise late at night?

A Reddit user shared their frustration with a neighbor who frequently makes loud noises late at night, disrupting their sleep and affecting their studies. After weeks of tolerating the disturbance, the user politely asked their neighbor to be more considerate, only to be met with a rude response.
Now, they’re wondering if they’re overreacting by considering involving the building manager. To read the full story and see how others are weighing in, check out the post below…
‘Â AITA for asking my neighbor to stop making noise late at night?’
I’m a student and I live in a shared apartment in a multi-story building. My neighbor next door has been making very loud noises almost every night, especially after 11 p.m. Sometimes it’s loud music, other times it sounds like he’s moving furniture or walking around carelessly.
I’ve also heard arguments and shouting. At first, I tried to be patient, thinking it was just occasional, but this has been going on for several months and it’s affecting my rest. Since I have classes in the morning and a lot of exams, I need to sleep well to focus.
On several occasions, I’ve been woken up multiple times during the night, and it’s taking a toll on my mental health and my studies. After weeks of tolerating the noise, I decided to talk to him.
I was polite and asked him to please lower the volume and be more mindful of the noise at night, explaining that my studies are being affected. His response was rude, and he seemed upset.
He told me “I’m not the owner of the building” and that “everyone has the right to make noise” and that I should “learn to tolerate it.” I was left speechless, as I had only asked for a little consideration.
Now I’m considering talking to the building manager, but I don’t want the situation to become awkward or create unnecessary conflict with my neighbor since we live in the same building, which could make things complicated.
I feel like it’s a basic right to be able to rest at night, but I don’t want to be seen as someone who’s overreacting. My situation is becoming unsustainable, but I don’t know if I’m overstepping by wanting my neighbor to respect a reasonable quiet time. AITA for asking my neighbor to be more considerate of others and not make noise late at night?
Here’s what Redditors had to say:
babyluxe123 − You’re definitely not the AITA here. Everyone deserves a peaceful environment, especially when studying. It’s reasonable to ask for consideration during late hours.
Your neighbor’s response was uncalled for; it’s not just about their rights but also about respecting others in a shared space. If talking to him didn’t work, involving the building manager sounds like a fair next step. You have every right to prioritize your sleep and studies!
Firetrya1 − There’s no how you can be the a**hole. You deserve peace of mind in your home, especially late at night. Noisy neighbors can be very annoying.
Perhaps you need to report that neighbor to the right authorities to handle the situation. Your mental health need to be protected at all cost.
BelleOfTheCurls − You’re not overreacting. It’s fair to ask for some peace, especially if it’s affecting your sleep and studies. You’ve been patient, and it sounds like your neighbor just needs to be more considerate.
WavyAndWonderful − You’re definitely not the a**hole. You asked politely and explained your situation. Everyone deserves a peaceful place to live, especially when you need sleep for school.
Academic_Studio_6743 − You are right about the music but you can’t ask someone not to walk whatever time it is. Some people are awake at night, and day people just expect everyone to be the same as them when they can’t be
KazulsPrincess − NTA. You know, a lot of apartment buildings have quiet hours. Go ahead and ask the building manager about that, and make a noise complaint about your inconsiderate neighbor while you’re at it.