AITA for asking my husband to use his blinkers while making a left turn on a left turn only lane?


A Reddit user expresses her frustration with her husband’s driving habits, particularly his refusal to use turn signals while making a left turn in a dedicated lane. She enjoys their daily commute together but feels compelled to remind him about using his blinker to avoid potential issues with law enforcement.

Despite her polite requests, he continues to ignore her, leading her to escalate her tone. In a light-hearted twist, he jokingly invites her to post their dilemma on Reddit. Read on for a glimpse into their driving dynamic and the importance of communication in relationships.


‘ AITA for asking my husband to use his blinkers while making a left turn on a left turn only lane?’

I really enjoy my husband driving me to work and home every day, I love him and I love that extra time I get with him because 12 hour shifts are long and hard.

There is one place on the way home where we make a left turn, at a protected left turn lane with the green arrow. I have to ask him every day to please use his blinker because I don’t want to give the city police any reason to stop him. I ask very nicely everytime and try to provide some rationale.

He claims he doesn’t need to use his blinker as it is a left turn only lane. i finally wasn’t as nice and told him to “tell that to the cops when they tstop him”. This is South Texas.

Again the next day he doesn’t use it and I said “Do I have to put this on Reddit?” And he actually said yes and that he can’t wait to see the responses! I am looking forward to everyone’s responses, thank you in advance !.

Check out how the community responded:

cyrano111 −  When I was learning to drive, I was in a left turn only lane that physically ended going forward and had a barrier to the right, so it was impossible to do anything but turn left. I was waiting at the red light without my signal on and the instructor told me to turn it on.

Me: I don’t need to signal that I’m turning left, it’s impossible to do anything else.
Him: how does the driver behind you know that *you* know that?
He was right, of course, so ever since I’ve signaled even in those situations. . Edited to add: NTA

Askduds −  NTA Indicators are for removing ambiguity, using them is how someone near you knows you know it is a left turn only lane, you are still turning. At least in my jurisdiction, you do not specify yours, it would indeed be a legal requirement to do so.

Ok_You_17 −  NTA: Asking your husband to use his blinkers is a reasonable request for safety and legal reasons, even in a left turn only lane. It’s important to use turn signals to communicate your intentions to other drivers and avoid potential misunderstandings or traffic violations. Your request is valid and it’s understandable that you want to ensure safety and compliance with traffic laws.

Connect_Tackle299 −  Technically NTA because it is a law but truth be told of all things in the world to be annoying about thus ain’t it.
Either drive yourself or keep quiet. No where issues a back seat drivers license

sillygreenfaery −  I feel like the blinker helps oncoming traffic to know when a car is even in a turn lane, they need to know when he’s gonna turn into their path.

Skyefrost −  I remembered “car talk” from NPR talked about this. I’m actually like your husband, why do I need to signal if all I can do is turn left? (Like obviously if I decide otherwise I would signal) 

Q What they said, “It couldn’t hurt, and more information is always better.” And that, was all it took for me to reconsider. So now I signal when I do go but more importantly I don’t really get annoyed when my sister asks me to signal IF out of habit I forget. 

Cartographer0108 −  You’re technically correct but still YTA. The guy chauffeurs your ass to and from work every day, stop nitpicking him. If you have a genuine safety concern then you’d be correct to keep bringing it up but your stated reason is “just cuz”. No cop is going to ticket him for that.

Monkeyfistbump −  NTA.  – it should be an automatic reflex to use your blinker when making a turn in a vehicle.

KaijuNo-8 −  NTA. In the US, you are required to use your blinkers for all turns. He CAN be pulled over. Depending on where you live, that can be an expensive ticket.

Conscious-Salt-4836 −  Signal even when it’s obvious.

Is the Redditor justified in asking her husband to use his turn signal, or is he right that it’s unnecessary in a dedicated left turn lane? How do you think couples should handle driving disagreements while keeping the mood light? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

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