AITA for asking my husband to stop peeing in the shower unless he is going to be the one to clean it?
A Reddit user reached out to ask if she was wrong for requesting that her husband stop peeing in their shower unless he’s willing to clean it himself. She’s noticed an increase in bacteria buildup, particularly pink scum, and feels that his habit might be contributing to it. After asking politely a few times, he’s gotten defensive, leaving her unsure if she’s overstepping. Read her story below.
‘ AITA for asking my husband to stop peeing in the shower unless he is going to be the one to clean it?’
Pretty straightforward. I’ve never had a problem keeping my shower clean in my life until I began living with my husband. I always cleaned the shower regularly (1x week) and almost never had to go out of my way to clean the decorative shower curtain other than spring cleaning time.
Now that pink bacteria scum loves to live on the base of the shower and even our decorative (outer) shower curtain. I am the one who does all of the laundry and 90% of the household cleaning and I have asked my husband to stop peeing in the shower because I think it is part of what causes the build up.
We also have a stall shower with a curtain, so I know it’s likely spraying outside of the shower. I don’t think I’d care as much if it was in our shower/tub combo. To be clear, I do not think anything is inherently wrong with peeing in the shower. I’ve just asked my husband politely several times now not to do it unless he wants to be the one to clean up all the pink scum.
He gets really defensive every time. I just thought it was a really simple request that would make a difference to me, so why is it such a big deal? So that’s it. AITA for gatekeeping the shower peeing experience from my husband in our stall shower?.
Check out how the community responded:
Miserable_Dentist_70 − The pink mold in your shower is caused by minerals in the water, and feeds off of your soap and hygiene products. It’s not caused by urine. Eliminate it with baking soda and vinegar.. Facts are important. NAH
BluePopple − NAH- most people pee in the shower. Not a big deal. The mold isn’t necessarily caused by the pee. You do the majority of the cleaning and the least he could do is make you happy by doing this one thing. If the mold persists, you know it’s not the pee and he can return to peeing in the shower.
However, I would be prepared for him to pee in the sink. For some reason that seems to be a common alternative here on Reddit. Also, I really hope he pitches in his fair share in other ways since you’re doing all the cleaning.
OsoRetro − There’s three kinds of people in this world. Those who pee in the shower, liars, and weirdos. Urine isn’t making the pink stains. “Likely spraying outside of the shower”… Is your husband a large farm animal? YTA. Give him a break and get a better shower cleaning product
RudeWish11 − Wait. Why do you do 90% of the cleaning? Is he a quadriplegic? He should be able to clean the shower even if he pees or doesn’t pee in it.. You are not the maid
RichInternational838 − It’s not the pee causing the pink slime. It’s mildew from bacteria and mold. Urine is mostly sterile and does not contain bacteria or mold, unless you have a raging urinary tract infection. There’s nothing wrong with peeing in the shower, it’s conserving water, it goes to the same f**king place.
It’s highly unlikely he’s peeing on the shower curtain and causing this, he’s likely peeing straight down. Edit: from a 40F daily shower pee-er. It’s also likely that it’s because the shower never gets a chance to dry out with multiple people using it rather than just yourself
LibelleFairy − NTA. the peeing in the shower isn’t the issue here (and it won’t be the cause of the grime in the shower). the issue is the fact that you are doing almost all of the cleaning and that he is getting defensive about a simple request to do a minimal amount of cleaning up after himself
ReviewOk929 − NTA.
1. Not an unreasonable request….
2. But that’s not what’s causing the pink stains. It’s bacteria called Serratia Marcescens that thrives in moist environments like bathrooms.
3. Still he absolutely should be cleaning up after himself regardless of the source of the stainage
Just1MoreOpinion − The pink mold has no relation to him peeing. 😂😂😂 Serratia marcescens: The best way to address pink shower mold is through regular cleaning with a disinfectant. Here are some effective methods:
1. **Bleach Solution**: Mix 1 part bleach with 10 parts water, and scrub the affected area.
2. **Vinegar**: Spray white vinegar directly on the mold and let it sit for about an hour before scrubbing and rinsing. Buy the strong stuff at Home Depot.
3. **Baking Soda Paste**: Mix baking soda with a little water to form a paste, apply it to the moldy area, scrub, and rinse thoroughly. Regular cleaning and ensuring the bathroom stays dry can help prevent mold growth.
Used_Mark_7911 − NAH. Your husband’s urine is not causing the pink buildup in your shower. Regardless, he should split the cleaning duties with you including cleaning the bathroom.
Moemito − NTA. Since you’re the person performing the majority of the household labor you should be able to set reasonable boundaries about what you consider acceptable use of the areas you clean.
Do you think she’s justified in asking her husband to be more considerate about his habit, or is this too small an issue to cause tension? How would you handle this kind of household disagreement? Share your thoughts!