AITA for asking my husband to disinfect the bathroom?

A woman asked her husband to disinfect the bathroom after their daughter had been sick all night. While the husband took care of their daughter overnight, he slept until 1 p.m. and planned to meet a friend later. The woman, working from home, requested he clean the bathroom with bleach to prevent the spread of illness.
The husband got upset and stormed off, leaving her feeling guilty. She wonders if she was wrong for making the request, especially since her husband works only part-time and has fewer responsibilities. read the original story below…
‘ AITA for asking my husband to disinfect the bathroom?’
Our daughter was up all night vomiting and pooping. My husband got up with her and took care of her throughout the night. I work from home. He then slept in until 1pm and comes to my office to check in. Our daughter has been sleeping as well. My husband says he’s gonna meet up with a buddy this afternoon.
I said, i hate to ask, but please disinfect the bathroom with bleach. He says, you don’t hate to ask. I said, I do, because I know you won’t want to, but it needs done, so the sickness or virus or whatever doesn’t spread more. He storms off, making feel pretty terrible.
But I’m working, well, I should be, but now here I am posting to reddit. AITA .My husband has a part time job and works maybe 10 hours a week. We have two kids.
Here’s what the community had to contribute:
Ok-Educator850 − YTA Why did you wait till 1pm to disinfect the bathroom? You should have done that as soon as you woke up while your sick child and husband who cared for her all night was sleeping.
Repulsive-Plane9429 − YTA he was up all night with a sick kid. You go clean the bathroom, you are on Reddit right now. You have time
Discount_Mithral − YTA. He was up with her all night while she was sick so you could be ready for work in the morning. You had the time to post to reddit – you had the time to clean the bathroom.
Miserable_Dentist_70 − Maybe next time you will consider getting up an hour earlier than usual and helping with the fallout from a sick child. You’re a parent too, after all.. YTA
1962Michael − YTA. I know you’re working now (actually on Reddit) but you had time before work to disinfect the bathroom if it was important to you.
Your husband was taking care of your daughter all night, so it’s safe to assume he’s been exposed to whatever she has.
And if you haven’t had to use that bathroom yet today, you must have another one. So why does this disinfection have to be done NOW? Your daughter is still sick and will likely “contaminate” the bathroom again. You’re asking him to do it NOW because right NOW you have the excuse that you’re “working.”
PrincessReptile − He was up all night with a sick child. He was tired enough to sleep util 1pm. And when he finally wakes, you tell him to disinfect the bathroom. Why could you not have done it when you got up?. YTA
Plumbus-aficianado − YTA when you could have just disinfected the bathroom when you got up since he was sleeping after being up all night caring for your child.
Also, why start your statement with a lie? You wouldn’t have asked if you hated asking – what you hated is disinfecting the bathroom, because you could have done that instead of asking.
owls_and_cardinals − INFO: Is it fair to understand you’ve been monitoring / caring for your sick daughter throughout the day whilst working? I’m trying to figure out why you wouldn’t have already cleaned the bathroom.
Better_Sun8722 − NTA Seems like everyone is forgetting he slept until 1 pm, wants to leave the house to hang with a buddy while she is working and they still have a potentially sick child, and he barely works. No way OP also wasn’t up during the night even if she wasn’t directly caring for the child.
Her getting up early to clean the bathroom and then working all day is ridiculous. He can clean it up now and stay home in case the kid needs him while OP is providing for their family. Those are his contributions to the family.
fourandthree − ESH. You could’ve wiped it down earlier, but he probably should take a rain check on drinks if your kid is sick and you’re working.
Is it reasonable to expect the husband to help with cleaning after caring for their daughter, or should the woman have handled it herself given his overnight efforts? What do you think? Share your thoughts below!